Dreaming Alone: Chapter Twelve

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Denim jeans, white long-sleeved shirt with a gray-and-black sweater on top and black boots—looks promising. Now all I have to think about is my hair. Oh what the heck am I gonna do? Why am I even worried how I'd look like?

I grabbed my phone and immediately called Faith.

"Yes?" she answered after one ring.

"Help me" I said.

"What's the sitch?" she asked.

"Hair—I don't know what to do" I sighed. "I don't even know why I'm in such a fuss."

"How many minutes 'til he gets there?"

"I'll meet him there" I answered.

"It's raining dumbass" I could almost see her roll her eyes at me. "You insisted on owning a bicycle rather than a car. What do you plan on doing; ride your bike in the rain?"

The sass on this one! "I'll get a cab."

"Just braid your hair or wear a cute headband. I'll call him."

"No wait—"I was about to stop her from calling him but she already hung up.

Oh crap—I thought while I braid my hair. I took a quick look at myself in the mirror before looking at my phone when it chimed.

He's outside your house. Turns out he's smarter than I am. He knew he should pick you up in case it rains.

He's outside? Why didn't he tell me? I grabbed my purse and hurried outside.

"Hello" he smiled like a carefree kid when I turned around after locking the door.

"Hi" I smiled back at him and for a moment, it didn't seem like it was raining. His hair's tied in a pony and he's all in a simple get up with his varsity jacket, jeans and Chucks.

We were just smiling at each other and I didn't realize that until thunder rolled by to call our attention.

"How long have you been waiting here?" I asked as I went under his umbrella—he brought a huge one this time.

"I'm not sure. About an hour, maybe" he shrugged as he helped me get in.

Guilt rushed through me again as I watched him run to the other side of his car.

"You should've called, texted or went inside the house" I said. "You have the keys to the house."

"Key not keys" he corrected me. "Faith and I have duplicates of the key to your front door—not the entire house."

"Oh don't you go sassing me, Wil" I rolled my eyes at him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to rush you" he beamed at me.

I just parted my lips and sighed instead of saying something back, like he's an idiot or something.

"Already bought the tickets by the way" he smiled without looking at me.

"Someone's excited" I mumbled and looked outside.

"It's our first date, why wouldn't I be?" he grinned.

I tilted my head a bit and looked at him with furrowed brows. He took a sideways look at me before pursing his lips.

"I'm not really labeling it" he said. "I'm just thinking of calling it that since it's just the two of us."

"Just because it's just the two of us doesn't mean it's a date" I folded my arms and looked outside.

He chuckled. "No need to be grumpy grumplestiltskin."

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