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The cool breeze passed through the open window on my left before completely entering the room where I am. I tucked a stray of hair behind my ear before looking down at my MP4. My Chemical Romance is playing which muted the chatter of every stranger around me.

Thank god for earphones—I thought as I played with the cufflinks of my new uniform.

I wish Xander was here but he was assigned in a different section which we both found unfair since we're twins and should be together. I will only see him tomorrow—which is a Tuesday—PE day. That's the only day when Juniors spend the whole day at school because of MAPEH (Music, Arts, PE and Health) class which will consume half of the day.

I looked at my watch and furrowed my brows because the History teacher's already five minutes late. I don't know if I should thank the stars though, since I hate history.

The door suddenly slammed open which made me yank my earphones off my ears and looked up wondering why the teacher slammed it open. I heard he was a bit scary.

A tall guy with golden locks, athletic built and blue eyes which reflected the bright sky outside smiled at us and said, "Sorry guys—false alarm."

I looked around and everyone who suddenly sat straight rolled their eyes and went back to their groups and resumed their conversations.

Looking back at the door, the blond dude still stood there as he talked to another tall guy with raven black hair and brown eyes. His hair's a bit longer than the rest of the male population of the student body which made me wonder if he's receiving some special treatment because there's certain standard for male students' haircut.

He looked smart though with his uniform neatly hugging him, unlike the blond guy who leaned coolly against the door frame with his unbuttoned uniform revealing a white shirt underneath.

The two of them suddenly looked at something before hurrying inside.

"He's here" the blond one said and I hurriedly placed my MP4 and earphones in my back.

I sat at the fourth row first seat from the left beside the window which I thought was free because no one claimed it when I sat there until the brown eyed companion of the blond person stood in front of me. I looked back at him before looking at the blond fella who's now sitting one seat apart from where I am.

"That's my seat" he said and I found it obvious that he's trying not to sound rude.

"Sorry" I mumbled and stood up and muttered another apology when I bumped into his chest as I moved sideways away from the seat.

"You can sit here" the blond dude pointed to the empty seat between theirs.

I frantically looked around but it seemed like every seat's taken so I had no choice but to sink down in that seat.

A blonde girl suddenly turned around and glared at me with her emerald eyes and I wondered what I did wrong. She then smiled sweetly at the blond guy on my right before facing her back at us once more.

"New girl" brown eyes said as soon as the teacher walked in and placed his copy of the book on the desk. "Welcome to purgatory."

I blinked and wondered why he didn't say hell. "Thank you" I said and looked away.

"Do you have a prom date?" the guy at my right asked and I turned to look at him. He ran his fingers through his hair before smiling at me.

"It's July" I said gritting my teeth inwardly as to why we had to transfer schools after a month since classes begun. "Prom's on February."

"Don't mind him too much" brown eyes said.
"He's like that when he's bored" he added as he balanced his guitar case against the wall.

"Don't be such a killjoy, Wilford" blue eyes said before raising his hand for attendance. "You're Alexandra, right? Heard about you from the morning class—your brother's pretty famous among the girls."

"Alex" I said and noticed him looking at me.

Our eyes met for a second before he smiled and I looked away.

"Button your shirt, Luke! Learn how to look like a man before courting the newcomer young man!" the teacher's voice boomed and everyone laughed.

[Author's Note:]

Hello there. This is a little special chapter while I'm recovering from writer's block. I've been suffering from the disease since last week and I've run out of back up chapters which made me decide to share this untold part of the story with you guys. It's a bit short, I know, but it's related to the 24th chapter which I'm currently writing. Hopefully I'll have plenty of chapters written before the next update.

Hope you liked this one though. This is how Alex met Wil and Luke that one fateful day in the middle of July. In case you're all wondering, classes start every June where I'm from when I was in high school. I think it still is for some schools in here though everyone's slowly moving it to August and adding two more years for high school. When I was in high school, everyone graduated at ages 15-16 and enters college at 16-17. After graduating from 6th grade, we then enter high school and graduates after four years.

Students are divided into sections. At times, morning and afternoon and at some schools they'll divide you into a number of sections. You'll see the same faces at school for the whole school year and it's the teachers who'll walk into different rooms depending on what's on their schedule and what subject they're teaching. I was in the morning section during my freshman and senior year and afternoon during my sophomore and senior years. I went to the same school from 6th grade to second year in high school and then transferred on my third year. After half of my days at school in fourth year though, I decided to home school.

Wow, that's a long author's note! I didn't mean to make it too long though. I just wanted to give you a background and an idea what sort of high school's in my mind in case I decide to feature flashback chapters like this in the future.

'Til next update!

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