Dreaming Alone: Chapter Nine

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"You know you could just stay here and help me manage if it's too awkward back there."

I rolled my eyes at my brother and he mocked me by doing the same.

"It's not that easy" I said as we both watched everyone walk out of the hotel.

"Why? I'm here and you can knock on my door when you're stressed. We can be stressed together. The fact that you do have a house a few feet beside mine and you're not there makes it hard for me at times."

"I miss you too" I smiled and hugged him as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Managing things is starting to take its toll on me."

"Why did you take it in the first place?" I asked. My brother doesn't like it when responsibilities are handed to him.

"You opt out before mom can say anything about it and I knew that they would bug you, and you don't like that so I stepped up. We promised to have each others' back when we were kids and this is me having your back."

I almost felt like crying because Alexander isn't really the type to spill his heart out but then I guess I have some kind of exemption.

"What did you and France talk about? I didn't get to talk to him that much but I did get to talk to our new cousin-in-law."

"He just apologized for giving Luke my address and that he swore he didn't know we were no longer together until Samantha told him. Then he said that I look like Aunt Olivia because of the dress. Then he explained that he should be the one to give the dress to me but then Luke called to congratulate them and he thought that he'd just give the dress to him so he can give it to me."

"But doesn't France have your number?" he asked and I shrugged.

"You know how our cousin is. He's got like four numbers saved in his contacts. The last time I called him, he asked me who I was and told me that I shouldn't bother calling him anymore because he's not interested and he thought that he's set my expectations well before he 'engaged'."

"Oh my god, that must've been awkward when you told him who it was" he laughed.

"I didn't tell him it was me until he dropped the call and I had to text him to say it was me" I chuckled.

"Oh man" Alexander scratched his nape before shaking his head. "Glad he finally found his match."

"Took her long enough" I nodded. "Lucky him she said yes."

"She did jump in front of a bullet for him—that's saying something."

"Oh right!" my eyes widened as I recalled what happened. "That was crazy though. I thought the Casanovas have been reduced when I got the call."

We both laughed a bit before my brother sighed.

"So you're going back tomorrow?"

"Yep" I smiled weakly. I didn't want to leave my brother yet but I know that he'll be busy the moment I leave his side. "I have clients."

"Right" he said as he fished out his phone from his pocket. "So it's going to be you and Wil tomorrow. Luke will be left here since he works nearby."

"Speaking of Luke" I said as I stood up and he did the same. "Luke offered me to work for him. Told me that Wil's going to work with him starting next week."

"What did you say?"

We both walked inside the hotel at the same time and we stood by the elevators.

"I told him, I don't think that's a good idea."

"But if Wil will work with him, that means Wil will be moving here."

I didn't realize that until he said that. I tried to imagine Wil moving in with Luke while we walked in the room and I didn't know what to think.

"You're confused, aren't you?" he grinned as we walked towards my suite. "I can see it in your eyes and I can feel it—we're twins after all."

"I guess so."

He lied sideways on the bed while I remove my shoes and I faced him.

"He told you he missed you, didn't he?" he asked and I rolled my eyes at the ceiling before lying on my back.

"He did" I said as I turned my head towards him.

"How do you feel when you're around him?"

"I don't know— it's sort of mixed. I'm anxious, angry, irritated, a bit glad..."

"And when you're with Wil?"

I stared at my brother's green orbs that matched mine and tried to grasp for an answer.

"I feel safe" I answered.

He lied on his back and hummed something before turning his head towards me.

"Do you still love Luke?"

"No" I answered. "I admit that he still has a place in here—"I pointed to my heart "—but things are different now."

"How about Wil—do you like him?"

I knew then that he's trying to read through me so I had to look away to avoid his eyes.

"I'm not sure that I like him in the like-like way. I'm trying to avoid it actually."

"Gosh Alex," he tut "you really should give the guy a chance. He's been in love with you since the first time he laid eyes on you. Luke was just fast enough to act on it."

"Luke was my best friend."

"And Wil's sort of like your best friend too" he pointed out and I nodded. "Whenever Luke and you had petty arguments and Faith wasn't there or I was busy with my own set of friends, Wil's always there. Even when he was sick, he made sure he was there for you when Luke left."

"You think I should give it a shot?" I asked because I really don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt him because I know I might, but he told me not to worry about him.

"I'm not the one making the calls here sis, you are—I'm merely suggesting. It's you who should decide. Maybe if you focus on Wil, you won't be affected too much by Luke's presence. You told me that you've already moved on, then go move along with Wil. I can see some potential between the two of you. Maybe you won't have to worry about this one."

"And if it fails?"

"Stop worrying about the past and how it could happen again" he sighed. "The past is not a pattern, it's a lesson. Stop looking back, I got your back. If at times it hurts and I'm sure it might when you have your first LQ, then text me and I'll be there."

I stood up and crawled next to my brother and I hugged him. What would I do without my brother? He's like a fairy god-twin brother. Like a Disney prince or Dumbledore.

"Just stop worrying too much. You'll look older sooner if you OD from stress. We wouldn't want mother to hang us."

I laughed at his notion and he joined me.

"I better go so you can sleep. Just give me a call before you leave so I can send you off" he pressed his lips on my forehead and walked towards the door to leave.

I smiled and waited for him to say something when he stopped halfway through.

"Who knew it would be hard to have a twin who's such a vixen?" he teased and I laughed. "Why don't I have problems like these?" he threw his hands up in the air before winking at me.

"Let me talk to that secretary of yours" I grinned. "Maybe I can set something up for the two of you."

"You're not going to meet her you witch" he shook his head wildly. "I better get my bossy mode on" he chuckled and made sudden movements with his hands before changing his expression to a more serious one—the kind that's a bit smug, handsome, dirty, and rich and I laughed.

"Good night Xander" I blew him a kiss and he went back to his goof face.

"Good night Alex. May the force be with you" he chuckled as he raised his hand and imitated Spock before walking out and closing the door behind him.

That should've been 'Live long and prosper' but my brother's an idiot who likes to make people uncomfortable by messing with the fandoms so what can I do?

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