Dreaming Alone: Chapter Six

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Sorry sis but I have to check on something. It was some last minute thing that mom made me look at. I sent my driver though. I'll see you tomorrow at the wedding.

I stared at my brother's text as I scratched my forehead. Great, this is great. Now I'll be stuck in an awkward situation for two hours. But wait, I don't really have to as long as I have my headphones with me.

I threw myself on the bed and crawled 'til I reached my bedside drawer and took my headphones out of it. I smiled and straightened out the bed sheet again before placing it inside the small backpack I'm going to carry with me aside from the small red suitcase I got.

I locked the bedroom door behind me and smiled at Wil who was standing by the door.

Wil wore a plaid shirt with a white t-shirt underneath, jeans and white sneakers. His headphones hung around his neck which gave me the impression that he's ready to ignore an awkward situation he'll be in later on.

"You look good" was his greeting and I looked down at what I'm wearing.

Black high-waist skinny jeans, black crop top, a red cardigan and red boots. My hair's tied on a bun and I don't have even a hint of make up on. I smirked at him and pulled my suitcase behind me. I wore this because I know that the moment my mother sees me tomorrow, I'll be forced to face a world of dresses again. She has a belief that women shouldn't wear pants or shorts.

The very first time I was grounded was when she saw me wearing sweats at home. Sounds crazy, right? I couldn't agree more but I couldn't argue about it either. When my mother found out that they were having a baby girl, she made sure that I would always be that pretty little lady in the family. There're only about four girls in our family before I was conceived that's why my mom was so relieved when she learned that they're going to have a girl too. My mother was the only daughter of my grandparents on her side, and on my father's side, all of them are male—except my grandmother of course.

Wil stepped inside and took my suitcase while I locked the door. I watched him as he handed it to the driver.

It looks like Luke's not—

"Red really looks good on you" his voice cut my thoughts off before it even let me rejoice.

I turned to him and said nothing.

He smirked and wore his blue jacket and his black shirt that oh so hungrily clung to his torso, showed a bit of his skin when it was lifted up as he raised his arms to wear his jacket. I involuntarily swallowed and looked away. I didn't have to look to know that he's eyes are twinkling with amusement. Curse that damn jacket!

I hurried to where Wil is standing and he opened the door for me as the driver made last minute checks.

I was about to settle in from where I was about to sit when the door on my left opened and Luke stepped in. I moved a bit to my right where Wil is and he looked at me before looking at Luke.

"Got everything you need?" Luke asked and Wil gave me a soft nudge.

I moved a little to my left and settled in between the two of them.

"I do" I answered.

"Just need to make sure because you usually forget things whenever you leave."

I took a sideways glance at Wil who's busy tapping on his phone.

"I got three years older Luke. I'm no longer like that."

"You should tell your mother that we're leaving" Wil's voice was suddenly heard after a few minutes of silence. "My dad texted me that she was asking because you're not answering her calls."

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