Dreaming Alone: Chapter Nineteen

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"Where's Wil?" asked my brother as I sat down beside him and watched him play the piano.

"He said he's going to get something" I answered as I listened.

He nodded as he continued to play. I watched as his long intricate fingers pressed the keys. Alexander's more musically inclined than I am. It was because of music that he became friends with Wil. I think they wanted to form some sort of band back in high school but never got to actually doing it.

"Hmm... so tell me" he stopped playing and faced me.
"Why are you smiling like a silly little fangirl?"

"What?" I furrowed my brows and looked at him.

"There!" he laughed and pointed to my face. "You're blushing!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I chuckled.

"You..." Alexander tapped his finger against his lips.

I scratched my left ear as I looked at his gazing eyes and wondered why he suddenly fetched his phone and started tapping on it after a few swipes.

"What are you doing?"

"Posting of Facebook" he answered with a grin on his face.


"Yeah" he gave a short nod. "That you're finally in a relationship again."

"What? How did you—I didn't even say anything."

He placed his phone down on the piano and rolled his eyes at me.

"We're twins Alexandra. We basically shared a womb. I know everything there is about you and the way your facial expressions work just like you know mine. I'm actually kind of hurt that you didn't tell me immediately."

"I wanted to tell you as soon as I sat here but I was distracted. You know how badly I wanted to play the piano yet I ended up with the guitar."

"Nah, you're just overwhelmed that you're finally embracing your emotions and that you're finally being honest with yourself that you do have feelings for Wil."

I raised my shoulders and sighed. "I guess you're right."

"Of course I am" he said as he stood up. "I'm always right" he winked and I linked my arm with him as we walked out of the house.

We found our grandmother by our grandfather's grave and we joined her there for a while before she excused herself and walked back to the house. Xander and I stayed there for a few minutes more while we talked about and laughed at some of our memories running around here as kids. We kept on talking and laughing about random things as if there aren't any responsibilities waiting for us outside our grandparents' fortress.

"Hey" I scratched my brother's scalp to call his attention.

"Yeah?" he squinted and looked up at me since he's using my lap as his pillow again.

"What if I accompany you at work when you go back?"

He sat up and smiled. "You sure?"

"Yeah" I nodded. "I can work on my laptop while hanging in your office."

"You don't have to hang out with me as an excuse so you can visit your boyfriend every day at work."

"No, I—"I pouted a bit and wondered if my brother really feels that way.

"Hey" he poked my nose and smiled. "I don't feel like you're using me as an alibi so you can see him all the time. I'm just teasing."

"I know though you can't blame me for worrying."

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