Dreaming Alone: Chapter Twenty-two

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He's busy. His job requires a lot of time working. You've researched about it; now go do your job the client's waiting.

I sighed at my laptop and reviewed my work all over again, trying not to think about Wil for a minute or so. He didn't get to text me last night and this morning which made me worry how he is or if he's okay. I tried so much not to call him but failed to do so when something awful came to mind.

His phone was off which of course tortured me a bit but I thought positively and settled for 'Maybe his phone died.'

I hit sent and sat back.

Maybe I should get him a power bank—I thought.

I stood up and paced around the room-my room. I went home yesterday which made Xander sad because I chose to go back here than stay at my house. He understood it though when I explained that I wouldn't be able to stop having the urge to visit Wil all the time if I'm just a few minutes away.

I was about to go the bathroom when someone knocked. I got elated to be honest, hoping it was Wil at the door.

A bouquet of pink roses greeted me when I opened the door and I couldn't help but smile but when it was lowered, it made my smile fade.

What is he doing here?

"Delivery from Wil" Luke beamed.

"Why are you the one delivering it?" I asked as I took it from him.

"He asked me to" he answered. "There's a card if you don't believe me" he added.

I took the pink scented card and believed Luke when I saw Wil's handwriting.

I'm sorry that I'm too busy. I hope this makes it up for now. I miss you!

- Your Wil

I blushed at the note and smiled.

"He had to go meet a lot of people today and yesterday. He was charging his phone before I left. I'm sure he'll call you later."

"It's a really nice gesture for you to bring this to me" I said and he smiled. "Do you want to come in?" I asked and he obliged.

He sat at the couch and busied himself with his phone while I placed the roses in a vase. I couldn't help but wonder why he did it in the first place though. It's nice and all and maybe he's doing it since they'll soon be brothers but something's tugging in my gut that there's some sort of ulterior motive somewhere.

Or maybe I'm just imagining it. But why would I imagine such thing?

"Do you want to eat anything or drink anything?" I asked and he looked up from his phone.

He's probably texting Kate. I pressed my lips together at the thought.

"No, I'm good" he shook his head.

I placed the vase on the counter before walking back towards the door.

"Do you wanna catch up outside?" I asked him as I opened it.

He nodded and smiled at the offer. He probably wanted to catch up since it's been years since we last talked peacefully. I once thought that we'd catch up someday but I didn't really expect it to happen until today. I don't really want to talk to him yet but I feel like I need to.

I guess I just have a lot of arguments going on inside me when it comes to talking to Luke and being nice to him again.

But then again, I said we can still be friends—or best friends.

Guess I just need to adjust and think of how we were before.

"So how've you been since..." he took a deep breath in before continuing "I left?"

I suddenly had the urge to rant about it all but I bit my lip to mute the thoughts out. I sat down on the porch swing and he followed suit.

"Well... I moved out of the apartment and looked for a house while I was at Xander's. After a few weeks of looking, I found this place and bought it. I didn't really feel like going out too much but I wanted to work so Faith suggested maybe I could freelance instead—so here I am."

"Cool" he nodded. "And Wil?" he asked.

"Oh...that" I mumbled and looked briefly at his eyes before looking away. "That didn't happen until recently. Faith pretty much pulled me out of the house every now and then. Wil would sometimes drop by and most of the time, the three of us go out. I guess he just grew on me."

"He's a nice guy" he said and I nodded.

"How about you?" I asked.

"Me?" he chuckled. "Loads of boring shits—excuse my language."

"Language excused" I smirked at my old line whenever he excuses his language.

It seemed to make him smile nostalgically which somehow made me feel loads better inside since I last saw him.

"A lot of my mom telling me to wear this and that, go to here and there, and meet this person and that person. My uncle took me under his wing for a while and then he and his friend signed over the company to me and here I am."

"That was easy" I widened my eyes and raised my brows and he nodded.
"And Kate?" I involuntarily asked and I wanted so bad to take it back because I don't really want to know.

"I bumped into her, first day that I got back here. We sort of chatted and then she gave me her number and I gave her mine. Nothing serious as of the moment—just some sort of distraction from work. It's not every day that I have free days like this."

She's just a distraction to him...

"Sounds hectic" I muttered.

"I know" he sighed. "Now I wish I have a twin to take over just like you."

"I guess I'm luckier" I smirked.

"Guess you are" he agreed.

The two of us sat in silence while the swing gently rocked us both.

Years ago, we would've silent moments like this which. The soft breeze made me remember the good old days when we would just sit in silence or sometimes just look at each other in silence. We didn't have to talk at all but the silence would comfort me.

Just like it is comforting me right now.

"I missed this" I suddenly blurted out.

"Me too" he said and when I turned my head, I saw him gently looking at me which made me swallow.

"I mean the peaceful silence" I suddenly said and stood up to get more distance from him.

I shouldn't feel this way.

"Right" he cleared his throat. "Of course" he added.

"I better get back in," I said as I started to pace. "I have work to do" I said though I've already sent in my work.

He stood up and straightened his shirt before running his hand through his blond hair.

"I'll leave you to it then" he smiled.

"Thanks for delivering the flowers" I said as I stepped inside the house.

"Anything to see you smile" he said and turned to leave.

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