"What are we, teenage girls?" I asked, smirking at him and he crossed his arms.

"Okay then I guess the other option is to sit in silence for the whole day, you like that better?" He asked, smirking back.

"No. I mean yeah, we can talk and hang out, but I have a good idea. Let's get our warm clothes on, well, you get on your jacket and shoes, and we are going to go make a snowman." I jumped up, walking to my room, followed by him.

"Really? Snowman?" I turned back to him. 

"Yeah, why not take the snow and make it a positive thing? Haven't you ever built a snowman or had a snowball fight or anything with snow?" I asked and he slowly shook his head.

"You haven't lived then my friend." I shut the door, changing into my snow gear, before walking out to see him back in the outfit he was in before. Yeah, it was a little less than what was usual for snow, but it would due for a while.

"Let's go build a snowman." I said, maybe just a little too chipper.

"Oh God it's Frozen all over again." He sighed, closing the door behind me and following me down the stairs to the ground level. 

"I promise I won't break into song, mostly because I fucking hate that movie." I said, getting frustrated just thinking about the movie in general. Look, I get it, it's Disney, which is great, but do I need that movie shoved down my throat every goddamn second of my life? No, I really did not.

"Thank you for that." 

We finally reached ground level after a few flights of stairs, which I never take, unless the power is out and it reminds me of how out of shape I feel like I am, even though I work out consistently. Opening the door to the outside was like a fantasy world. A wave of cool and fresh, cold air encompassed me entirely, but the beauty of it all made it so worth it.

"So damn cold out here." Danny said, crossing his arms and shivering.

"Oh it's not that bad." I said, poking fun at him as he glared back.

"Says the girl in the marshmallow jacket and snow boots and here I am in club boots and a thin club jacket. Yeah, totally equal and not bad at all." I did feel a little bad, but as I started to form my snowman, I didn't feel so bad anymore.

"Lets get this done then and then we can go back up." I said and he grumbled, before starting to help me. 

We rolled the snowman up with three layers, like the traditional layers.

"Now for the eyes, nose and mouth." I said and we started to look around us, noticing we had nothing to work with, except for more snow.

"I guess we didn't think this through." I said, looking for anything, still, finding nothing.

"So what we really have is three balls stacked on top of each other." I looked over at him as he smirked angrily, if that's even possible.

"Well when you say it like that it makes it look stupid, you have to use your imagination." I waved my hands at it and he still did not look impressed.

"You drag me out here, in the snow while I am freezing my ass off and you are asking me to use my imagination to imagine that three balls stacked on top of each other is a snowman?" I sighed throwing my hands down.

"Fine, I'm sorry. I though it would be funner, but I was wrong. You happy?" I asked, turning to look for anything again to do.

"No." I turned to look at him again when I could feel the cold, hard feeling of snow hitting my face.

"OW!" I screamed, grabbing my face.

"Now I'm happy." 

It stung like a motherfucker, but as I regained my sight, I grabbed a hunk of snow out of our 'snowman' and threw it back at him, completely soaking his 'jacket'. 

"Cheap shot." He said, throwing another at me. 

"Oh whatever, your whole outfit is a cheap shot." I threw back at him as he threw to me, soaking him completely as the snow he threw to me rolled off my jacket and most of my outfit, except for when he was able to hit my head, wetting my hair and making my face sting with every throw.

"Okay truce!" I yelled, dropping my snowball, him doing the same after a moment. 

"You're soaking and my face stings. Let's just go back up now." I made my way back to the door of the apartments and I could hear him laughing.

"Sure, now you want to go back in"

We walked our way back up to my apartment, which again, sucked, since the walk up the stairs is always a million times worst than going down the stairs, killer on the legs and asthma. We finally made it back up, throwing my jacket down to the ground. 

"Okay, you're the soaked and cold one, you can go take a shower first." I said, motioning for the bathroom.

"Wait, the water still works if the power is off, right?" I asked and he turned, chuckling.

"Yes, it isn't really power or electricity. It's water." I nodded slowly, knowing it was a stupid question.

"Just take your damn shower." He walked into the bathroom, closing the door, but reopening it quickly.

"What am I supposed to wear when I'm done?" He asked and I thought for a second.

"I'll find something, promise." He looked confused, but trusted me I guess as he closed the door and I could hear the water start to run. 

I rummaged through my clothes, managing to find some big sweaters and sweatpants, that may fit him. A few minutes later, the water stopped and I was always amazed at how quickly men took showers. 

"Okay, I'm dry. Clothes?" I could hear him ask through the door and I knocked on it, leaving the clothes on the floor and turning away. I could hear the door open and close, so I assumed he had received them.

"Really?!" He yelled and I walked over to the door. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, before the door opened. 

"I don't know, you tell me." He turned so his backside faced me and instantly I could see the PINK on his butt in sequins. I started to laugh, losing my senses and having to grab onto the kitchen bar, he looked so not amused.

"For real? You have nothing with no logo or even the puma for gods sake? You have to have this PINK shit?" He asked and I nodded in-between laughing. 

"I-I'm sorry! It's all I had that I thought would f-fit you." I was still laughing so hard and he just walked back to the bathroom, most likely to look at himself. 

"I really hope my clothes are dry before I leave, because I'm not wearing this home or anywhere." I walked to the bathroom, catching a glance of him looking at his butt in the mirror. 

"What's so bad about a little Victoria's Secret?" I asked, thinking back to when I bought those sweats a few years ago and how great I thought I looked in them, which was a lie, because it takes a special pair of sweatpants to actually make you look good.

"Well, other than the PINK plastered across my butt, it's tacky and they make money off of the same things you can buy anywhere else for cheap." I could sense bitterness of some sort. 

"There is more to that hatred, isn't there?" I asked and he sighed, before leaving the bathroom to sit down. 

"It was Talor's favorite store." 

I 'aahhhed' as I put it together, thinking about how the sweatpants must remind him of her sometimes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I have to ask though, are you still hung up on this?" I asked and he just sighed, taking blanket from the couch.

"No.... Yes... maybe? Some days I think I still lover her, others I hate her with such resentment." I knew that feeling well, of regretting something sometimes that you know was good for you in the long run. 

"Well, if it matters at all, she sounds like a complete bitch to do what she did to you." I said and Danny smiled to me. 

"Well, she was, but one day at a time right?" He asked again and I nodded. 

"It's all we got Danny, one day at a time."  

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