~ Chapter 8 ~

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I awoke to the feeling of being pushed, like someone was shoving me or poking me.

"mmm." I mumbled, opening my eyes and finding Danny standing over me, pushing on my arm softly.

"W-what do you want?" I asked groggily, a little angered he would wake me.

"Come look at this." He whispered, before walking out of my room and I contemplated just going back to sleep, but he had me curious now. 

I slipped on my robe and slippers and meandered to the living room, where he was standing, looking out the window to a bright and awake Boston.

"Look." He said and I took a place by him, my eyes widening instantly.


Everything covered in snow, just everything. Now, living in Boston and living in New England in general means you will experience a lot of snow in your life, but it was different this time. This was one of the biggest blizzard aftermaths I had ever seen. It seemed to be that there was almost no part of the city that wasn't covered in snow.

"It's so beautiful." I said, my eyes scanning the white snow and the small amounts of people trying to wade through it.

"Right? I've never seen it so covered like this, if that's even possible I guess." 

I finally turned to my tv, grabbing the remote. "I wonder what the news is saying about this." But as I clicked the remote, nothing happened.

"Must be a power outrage. It only makes sense with a blizzard this huge. Must of happened when we were asleep." I nodded, setting the remote down and getting a glass of water from the kitchen, contemplating it all.

"So what do we do then?" I asked, not really ever knowing what to do in a power outrage and when it's all snow outside? Man, what do you do but like nothing?

"Not really sure, but from what I'm seeing on my phone, it says that they are advising everyone stay inside for now, since the roads are all covered and the power is out." He set his phone down before grabbing some water as well.

"So you won't be heading home?" I asked, grabbing my phone.

"I guess not, if that's okay. I mean, if you want me to go I can wade through it fine." I chuckled, opening my phone to see it was only at 20%, man, that wasn't going to last long today.

"No, you should stay here. I would feel horrible knowing you were just out wading in the snow."

It was silent as I grabbed a bar from my cabinet, starting to munch on it and throwing one to him.

"How charged is your phone?" I finally asked, curious.

"34%, yours?" 

"20%, so I guess we are going to have to find other stuff to keep us occupied until we can resume our lives again." 

Which is hard, because I don't really have board games or anything of interest to keep the time going without technology. Man, if technology ever went under, I would really be screwed. 

"Okay, so do you have any games or cards of any kind?" He asked and I shook my head laughing.

"Nothing? How do you have nothing? Like no Monopoly, Clue, anything at all?" He looked in disbelief and I thought for a minute, but I couldn't think of anything I had that we could really do.

"No. Sorry." I shrugged, sitting down at the kitchen bar.

"Well, then I guess we are left with talking and hanging out for the day." He said, taking a seat with me.

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