Chapter 2 - Introductions and a Party

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"Oh! Yeah I do. I'm actually a senior there."

I looked at him shocked. "Really? I don't think I have ever seen you there." He chuckled. "Well I'm not really that popular there." I nodded. "Well  neither am I."

"But at least I've seen you around the halls and in the cafeteria." I looked at him shocked. "Really? How come you've seen me, but I've never seen you?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know. Your name is Hannah right?" I nodded slowly. He smiled. "My name's Noah." I smiled. "It's nice to meet you Noah."

"Believe me Hannah, the pleasure is all mine." he said.

I was pretty sure that if he could see me right now, he'd see that I looked very shocked. What does he mean, 'Believe me Hannah, the pleasure is all mine.'?  Does he mean that he's happy that he finally got to talk to me? Hope coursed through my body at the thought and I couldn't help but feel really happy.

I heard him laugh from his spot next to me and that sound brought me out of my thoughts. "Why do you look so shocked?" He asked while still laughing.

Okay, so maybe he did see me.

"Oh, no it's nothing. Nothing at all." I told him. I didn't want him to know what I was thinking! That would be embarrassing! I then remembered that I had my friends inside whom I haven't seen since the party started. My mood instantly dropped when I realized that I had to go inside and make sure that they didn't drink too much.

I sighed. "I think I should go back inside and make sure that my friends didn't drink themselves to their deaths." I stand up. "It was nice seeing you." And as I was walking back inside, I think I heard him say, "It was nice finally talking to you, Hannah."

The minute I got inside, I got tackled by Melissa. I smelled the alcohol right away and I knew that she had a bit too much to drink. The smell was very overwhelming and I had to turn my head away from her so that I wouldn't be able to smell it.

"Hannah!" she slurred. "Look! It's Hannah Banana!" she laughs at her own joke then let out a little hiccup. Then she immediately frowned. "But why aren't you yellow like a banana? Hannah! Turn yellow like a banana! Do it! Please Hannah!" She cried out, letting out another hiccup.

When she saw that I wasn't doing anything, but was just standing there looking at her like she belonged to a mental hospital, she automatically burst into tears. "Why aren't you doing it? She's not turning into a banana!"

I started to panic a bit because I didn't know what to do. I started to look for Jacob and I found him near the dance floor. I took her to him and he started to freak out when he saw her in tears and, he immediately started questioning her. "Oh my gosh Melissa! What happened? Who hurt you? Melissa, did someone try doing something that you didn't want them to do?"

When she finally talked, it wasn't something that he was expecting. "Hannah won't turn yellow like a banana!" she cried. He looked at me confused. I just shrugged. "I guess she wanted me to turn like a banana because people call me Hannah Banana." He nods in understanding.

I left him with Melissa and went back to the keg. After a few more drinks my mind was fuzzy again. I smiled in satisfaction. I didn't want to be completely drunk, but I didn't want to be completely sober either. I turned around and I saw the guy that I was dancing with earlier. By the look on his face, he only wanted one thing, and we both knew exactly what he wanted.

I turned around and started to push through the crowd to get away from him. I spotted Brian heading over to Natalie. I smiled in relief. I opened my mouth to call out his name when a hand snaked around my waist and pulled me back.

I squealed in surprise at the sudden contact. The guy whirled me around, and I was now face to face with the guy whom I was making out with earlier. He tried to smile seductively at me, but in all honesty, he looked like he was constipated.

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