
I woke up the next morning feeling very hot pain on my back and I quickly pushed myself off the bed, and regretting it. Then I remembered last night and what happened. I started balling my eyes out. It hurt to cry but I did anyways. It shook my chest and back so it was harder to but easier to have a reason why. It went like this for about 15 minutes.

I finally stopped crying and grabbed some clothes for today at school. I grabbed the blackest shirt in my closet so if my wounds bled through the bandages would be hard to see. I grabbed my black skinny jeans with holes up a little higher then mid-thigh. Then I grabbed my black bra with skulls on it and neon yellow straps with matching undies and my white socks. I went in the bathroom, took off the bandages from last night, which had a lot of blood on them from my wounds, and took a shower. It felt nice but painful at the same time because my wounds started bleeding again and they stung when the water hit it. But it felt nice having my hair clean. When I shampooed it, my wounds hurt a lot worse but I ignored it the best I could. Then I conditioned it, rinsed it out and got out of the shower. I put on my clothes and looked at the damage of my cheeks from when my dad slapped me a few times. I had a bruise on each side so I had to use some make-up to cover it up, and some eye liner for my eye that looked a little bad. It’s worse then you might think. They’re black and purple so it’s going to be harder to cover this up. I finished with my make-up and it looks like nothing happened to me except my arms but they were covered up by my sleeves of my shirt.

I put a new bandage on before I put my shirt and bra on. I blow dried my hair while brushing it, and was careful to not mess up my make-up. I went out of the bathroom cautiously and made my way to the basement to let my dog and cat out. Dots (my Dalmatian dog) was glad to see me while the cat, Shane, ran up the stairs like usual. I went in the basement and fed the animals and went back upstairs with my dog following me. I let her outside to use the bathroom while I stayed inside and got some breakfast. I was glad there was pop-tarts, my favorite kind. Blueberry, I grabbed a package and went to the front door to let my dog back in. I quickly ate my breakfast and ran to my room and I remembered the glass that broke on my back and could be on my floor. I looked for glass on the ground and of course some had fallen on the carpet. I picked up all that I could find. I realized it was almost time for me to leave for school so I stood up, got my backpack, my phone, some bandages, my keys and got in my car and left.

If your wondering, what about my parents, well, my dad is sometimes already at work before I even wake up but there are few times he stays longer then usual. Beth, she leaves without saying good-bye or even talking to me and doesn’t worry about me. So I take care of myself pretty much. I hear my phone going off in my backpack. Since my car is a Cadillac it will be like a phone and ring instead of looking for it while driving. It doesn’t say a name so I pick it up anyways and push the button thing saying “pick up.”

“Hello?” I say.

“Hey its me.” Thresh said on the other line.

“Oh, hey what’s up?” I said since he doesn’t wake up early wondering why he decided to call me, but when I heard his voice, the stress of last night loosened and my lips slightly turned up.

“Nothing, just wanted to call my girl up to see how she’s doin‘.” I could tell he smiled while saying it.

“I’m fine.” I lied but I didn’t want him to worry.

Then I could tell he frowned against the phone. “Morgan, I can tell you just lied with two words. Tell me.” he said with concern in his voice.

Damn. I knew he could tell when I was lying even through the phone, well, I’ll tell him, just not now.

Wolfen RavenWhere stories live. Discover now