Chapter 31: Please Don't Go

Start from the beginning

"Woah, Myra, slow down," Lucio calmly said, litterally throwing his plate to the ground.

"There's no time to fucking slow down, Lucio!" the brunette yelled back. "We have to go, NOW, and get him back!" her heart hammering against her chest, she ran her eyes from face to face again, searching for help this time. 

"We can't just go there un-prepared, ok?" Lucio continued, stepping closer to the girl. "Listen, we'll rally as many pirates as we can, this may take time but-"

"But we don't have time!" the girl insisted between clenched teeth. Her hands bald up into fist and she screamed between her closed teeth. 

"Just one hour, and we'll be down there getting him back, ok?" the pirate friend persisted. Myra nodded, feeling like she would explode sooner or later. 

The hour was the longest hour Myra had ever lived in her entire life. Lucio and her sent trucks down to the nearest camps and the one with Vaas' best fighters, to rally some troops and get them back to camp as soon as possible. Meanwhile, she helped Lucio unload the guns, grenades, knifes, rifles, assault rifles. What helped her pass time was to name everything she handeled, well, at least what she could name. Some weapons she had no idea what they were named, so she called them either "Banana" or "Nugget", whatever she felt like naming them. 

When the first truck came back, followed by five others, Myra felt like she could jump up and hug the sky. Lucio and Myra figured out Citra would of brought their pirate lord to her temple, because she reserved a special death for him. So, to the temple it was, and the brunette crossed her fingers that that was where Vaas was being kept. If it weren't, then they were fucked big time. The island was too huge to find just one man. It was literally a needle in a hay stack. They were operating on pure luck. 

The first five trucks empitied heavy duty armored pirates, huge guns to go with them and a handful of red tank tops. Already, they were a little army. Soon after, another five trucks arrived carrying pirates and more weapons. Biting her lip, Myra watched from her perched on Timo's roof. Her hands were shaking with anticipation, but she had to wait for another convoy to arrive before they could get in the trucks and drive to Citra's temple. Just another little fifteen minutes of waiting, and they would be off. Just fifteen minutes.

Myra jumped and groaned out in impatience. They had Vaas, they had him and they were doing whatever the fuck they wanted to do to him. Pacing on the roof of Timo's kitchen like an angry lion, the brunette brought her thumb to her mouth and chewed on the nail angrily. Her frantic eyes darted from truck to truck, man to man, to all the shit going on on the ground below her. Despite her being the one to have dispatched to all pirates to come to camp, she wasn't even the one organizing and planning the attack, Lucio was with the aid of Timo. Myra couldn't put herself in that mess below, she would explode and start yelling. All she wanted to do was get in that truck and drive to the temple. "Myra!" it was Lucio, screaming from below. Myra's crazy gaze met his in a sharp blink and the two stared at each other for a short while. "Get down, we're leaving!" 

The brunette didn't waste any time jumping from the roof of the cook's kitchen. Her boots landed with an audible thump and all the pirates gathered in camp turned to her. She nodded at each and every one of them, thanking them silently for helping her get their pirate lord back, and her man. The young woman was already geared up, had been for an hour already. Three knives were holstered at her thigh, her 9mm at her waist and a black assault rifle strapped around her shoulder. Ammo was strapped across her chest, waist and dove down her back like the braid she tied her hair in. She was fucking ready to mow those motherfuckers to the ground. 

Myra got in the first truck with Lucio and Victor, sitting in the front. More pirates filed in, sitting on the sides with grim looks. Despite the lack of seats, pirates continued to jump into the truck, sitting in the middle with their AKs facing the roof. After an agonizing five minutes, Myra heard a honk, and their truck was off. The bodies gathered in the truck jolted backwards as the driver steered the vehicle out of camp and onto the dirt path. Myra would of loved to have a window to look out, to see if they were headed in the right way. She held the map up in front of her face and leaned forward. Lucio glued his eyes to the map and sighed. "Don't worry, we're headed the right way," he tried to soothe, but obviously it didn't work. 

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