Ch7: Splash parks & gaining trust

Start from the beginning

"Yes! Thank you!" Before I can even say 'no problem' she was already back into the water.

I laugh. She is adorable. I look to my left and see Harry sitting on another bench with Matthew. He probably got hurt too. When Matthew goes back into the water with a bandage on his foot I decide to sit besides Harry.

"Hey." I say when I sit down on the bench. He doesn't respond. I look around and see Elizabeth sitting on a chair besides the small pool. "I'm sorry that I upset you yesterday." I say sincerely while looking down. In the corner of my eye I see Harry looking at me so I look up. He gives me a nod to say it's okay.

I look at the kids while thinking on what to say. I know Harry is going to go back into the water soon so I should say something now. But like what? I remember my mum telling me that the way to gain someone's trust is to tell something personal about yourself, okay now something personal.

"I never knew what it's like to have a dad around." I look at Harry. He gives me a look that reads 'oh really?'. I look ahead of me to continue. "My dad got my mum pregnant twice then left us. He was never there for my mum and for me and my brother.  Never. He knocked my mum up and then left. Then he did it again then officially left to live with another woman. He is now living with his wife and kids. My mum had to raise us by herself. I really don't know how she did it but she is my hero because of that. I really hope I never see him again in my life." I take a deep breathe. I have never said that to anyone before except Lily. Not even Charlotte knows. I don't want to tell her because she has a perfect life with a lot of money, a dad, a perfect family and I don't want to look 'poor' compared to her. My family is not poor, but we are kind of living on the edge right now.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Harry's raspy voice says. I look at him with shocked that he is actually speaking to me but he is looking ahead. "My dad is not living with me too." His eyes widens, probably because he told someone he doesn't know something personal. I decide not to ask him for more details about what he just said. I know what it's like to be asked about something you don't want to talk about.

"But to be honest, I am glad that he is not living with me. I hate him with all my guts and if I do see him I probably would do something that wouldn't be pretty." I laugh to myself but I hear Harry quietly chuckling too. I smile that I actually let him open up to me. He talked again and he laughed.

Harry's POV

When she told about her dad I was shocked. That is horrible that that happened to her. What kind of heartless jerk would do that to women. I felt like it was necessary to tell her that I was sorry. But then the next sentence just slipped out of my mouth. I immediately regret telling her that because I don't know her, she is a stranger to me but I am glad she didn't ask why and other questions after that. 

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask her while looking into her deep blue eyes. Like why would she tell personal information to someone she doesn't really know.

"I guess I just want you to know that I not like those other girls at school." I slightly nod my head.

She is different. All those other girls at school would always make rumors about me and look at me weirdly or with fright. But with Skylar she wouldn't look like that at me when we were at school. She only looked frightened on her first day of work and when I yelled at her, which I feel bad for. Like she even had the guts to take pictures of me and to smile, wave and greet me good morning. She doesn't dress slutty, she actually respects herself not like the other girls at school. Plus she tries to understand me which no one else does at that school.

Skylar gets up and goes to where her bag is. When she comes back I see that she is carrying her camera with her. She turns it on and looks through the pictures. They are of the kids playing in the water and I even saw some of me. Then the next one I see is of me looking into the camera. The day when I went to the park.

"I'm sorry that I took this picture of you that day in the park." She says quietly.

"Why did you take a picture of me?" I say not in a rude way, but in a rather curious way. No one dares to take pictures of me but she did.

"U-uh. Errm. I actually don't know to be honest. I just zoomed in to see who it was on the other side of the small field and it was you and I just clicked it. I'm sorry. I can delete it if you want." She starts clicking some buttons on her camera.

"No, it's okay. I was just curious because no one ever takes pictures of me." I look at her. She stops what she is doing then puts the camera to her face. Then she turns towards me.

"So I can take a picture of you then?" She slightly lowers the camera to look at me. I don't say anything because I am a bit shocked that we are talking like we are friends. I then hear a click and look at her with wide eyes.

"What if I say no?" I small smirk pulls my lips.

Why am I all of a sudden opening up to her? I don't know why but I just feel like I can trust her. I don't trust her fully yet, maybe only 30% but slowly I will trust her 100%. This just feels right.

 "Then too bad." She sticks her tongue at me then quickly but carefully put her camera back into it's case and runs to her bag. She puts it in her bag then runs off to the water. I run after her.

"Come back here! You can't run away from me, Skylar!" I catch up to her in the little pool and I wrap my arms around her. I turn her around as she struggles making her somehow sit down. I put my hands at her sides and tickle her. She continues to squirm around while trying to pry my hands away.

"St-op Harry! Please! Oh my go-od!" I pull away smirking. "I don't like you." She playfully glares at me. I laugh.

I look around and see all the kids laughing at us. I hold my hand out for her and she takes it. I pull her up and we play with the kids. I actually am kind of glad that I opened myself up for her. I feel like she is trustworthy. I just hope I won't regret this in the long run.


Awwwww!! How cute are they! Harry is finally opening up to Skylar.

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