Chapter 18*Percy

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Everything hurt.

My side, my ribs, my stomach, my head, my legs. Just everything.

My mom had left for the day, but I still couldn't show pain. I was a leader in camp and I couldn't show weakness.

My ADHD was killing me cooped up inside the infirmary with absolutley nothing to do. Everyone visited me once in a while, but I longed to practice sword play.

I hated not being able to speak. I tried sometimes, just a simple hello, but it something rubbed my throat raw and tears sprung to my eyes whenever I tried.

My mom had went home two nights ago, after telling me the big news. I told her I would never miss her wedding, but she just gave me a sad smile.

The food I had ate earlier that day made my stomach turn and I felt as if a giant was shaking my insides.

"Hey Percy," Will said walking up to me. "The Avengers are here to see how you're doing."

I rolled my eyes at him and he sighed.

"I know, I know, you are perfectly fine and there's no reason for them to check up on you," Will sighed," but they care about you Perce."

I frowned, but gestured towards the door for Will to let all of them into the room.

Will opened the door and the first one to my bed was Steve. He claimed the seat beside my bes and I could see Tony pouting behind him.

"I wanted that chair," he pouted.

"Too bad Stark, pull up another one," Steve smiled at him.

"Can we please not fight boys," Natasha pleaded.

"As long as grandpa can keep his mouth shut," Tony said.

Bruce frowned at something as he reviewed the notes beside my bed. He scowled at the notes.

"How come you're treating a broken wrist as a sptain?" he asked Will.

"The Ambrosia heals faster than mortal medicines so it doesn't need to be healed as severely." Will responded.

Bruce nodded and kept his nose to the clipboard.

Climt was playing with the string on his arrow and was examining his arrows.

"How much longer do you have to lay in this bed Perce?" he asked me.

I held up three fingers.

"Three days!" Tony exclaimed.

I shook my head and pointed my thumb up towards the ceiling.

"Three weeks?" Clint asked.

I nodded and then glanced at Will to make sure that was true.

"I everything goes well it could be two, but three weeks is more likely," Will said.

"This is Perseus Jackson," Steve winked at me.

I smiled at him as best as I could.

Where's THOR? Percy signed, spelling out Thor.

"On Asgard," Steve commented. "When'd you learn to sign?"

"Piper taught him a few words and the alphabet since she knows how to sign." Will explaned for me.

They're going to die a voice said in my mind and I paled when I heard it.

You can't protect anyone son of Poseidon.

Your fatal flaw will be the death of you.

And everyone I love.

I stared at the wall in front of me as images of Tartarus flashed through my head. I heard someone say something, but I didn't register who or what.

I could see as Kronos approached me as I was hung onthe wall. I could see him grabbing the knife from the table by the door. I could see him grinning at me as he ran the knife down my arm.

"Hey Percy, Percy!" someone yelled at me.

I blinked and suddenly I was back in the infirmary surounded by the Avengers and Will.

"Hey are you okay Perce, what's wrong?" Steve asked me.

I looked at him and signed out four letters. PTSD.

Steve gaspe, but nodded like he expected it.

"What you went through Perce it's not-" his voice cracked and he looked down at the floor.

"Aww Caps getting emotional," Tony said.

"Shut up Tony, can you ever be serious. All you do is joke and make fun of people and I'm sick of it," Steve said.

"What are you going to do Cap," Tony taunted.

"Clearly someone needs to knock you and your ego down a few notches," Steve glared at him.

"Guys," Natasha said calmly," not right now, okay?"

Stwve nodded and Tony grumbled.

"We've got to get back to the tower soon," Clint said," Fury will be looking for us."

Everyone nodded and said their goodbyes to me.

Once they were gone Will smiled at me.

"Thank you for being kind Percy and not acting alldepressed around them. They just need to think you're doing fine," he told me.

Well I'm not I scratched onto a piece of paper beside my bed.

"I know Percy, trust me. I know," Will said.

802 words
Sorry it's short and I haven't updated in like a month.

Peace out ✌

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