Chapter 11*Thalia

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Annabeth lead us out if Olympus and we stood on the sidewalk for a while until we decided what to do.

"We could go to the Underworld," Nico suggested.

"What's the Underworld going to do?" Jason asked him.

"The Underworld has a pit that leads down to Tartarus, I remember something in my readings about a stairway to Hell. I always thought it meant to the Underworld, but it really means to Tartarus," Annabeth explained.

"Wow, so we just walk to Hollywood?" Jason asked.

"No doofus," I smacked the back of his head," we catch a train. Afterall Nico is the son of the God of riches."

"So we train jump until we get to Hollywood?" Grace asked.

"It would be faster to fly, but with Nico..." Annabeth trailed off.

"Let's take a train," I smiled, teying to persuade their decision.

Jason cracked a smile. "I forgot you were afraid of heights."

"I'm not afraid of them, I just don't like my feet leaving the ground for long periods of time," I crossed my arms.

"Can we go already?" Grace asked, a grin visible on her face.

We all loaded into two seperate taxies and headed to the nearest train station. The station was packed and we had trouble getting to the ticket booth.

"Five for the Iowa train," Nico said at the counter.

"Where are your parents?" the lady asked.

"My parents died in a plane crash and my cousins and I have to go visit our grandparents," Nico told the lady.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry for your loss," the lady said handing him the tickets and taking his black visa card.

"Thank you ma'am," Nico said getting his visa card back.

Nico handed everyone their tickets and sat down on a bench. We all sat in silence and waited for the train to arrive.

Everyone kept,giving us strange looks and were muttering stuff to other people. Jason and Annabeth were about eighteen while Nico and I were sixteen and Grace was twenty. All of us couldn't sit still and were fidgeting in our seats.

Our train was called and we all got up to biard the train. The conductor got our tickets, peeled off the stub and let us through onto the train.

It was a long ride and I was really suprised when no monsters attacked us. Annabeth kept glancing around confused like there should have been a monster.

"It just doesn't make sense," Annabeth muttered.

"This is going to destroy my nerves," Nico groaned.

"Well try to get some sleep, we'll need it for where we're going," Grace said.

Everyone nodded and layed back trying to sleep, but I didn't. Something fell off about this train and I didn't want to leave everyone with no defensess while they slept.

I glanced around the train before seeing a woman stare at us. She smiled at me and turned back to her coffee.


We finally got off the train and Nico went to go pay for our next train ticket.

"I'm going to go insane with nothing happening," I groaned.

"It doesn't make sense though," Annabeth said." we've traveled half the country with nothing yet."

"Maybe, sometjings happening in Tartarus," Jason suggested.

"Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said.

"Let's just get to California, then we can worry about this," Grace suggested.


Nico lead the way when we got to California. He had been here the most, except for Annabeth but that's San Francisco not Hollywood.

Nico led us to the Hokkywood sign and did some kind of a knock.

"A secret knock?" I asked him," really?"

"Dad thought it was cool," he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes abd we entered the 'H' of the Hollywood sign.

"Dad added that entrance a few months ago, never knew why," Nico said.

We followed Nico inside and walked past Cerberus.

Annabeth smiled and grabbed a red rubber ball from her backpack.

"I bought it at a vendor," she told us.

We watched as she walked up to Cerberus and threw him the red rubber ball, which his heads started fighting over.

"C'mon, guys it's over here," Nico said leading us to a pit.

I looked over the edge and felt myself getting sucked in. I felt someone grabbing my leg to keep me from going over the edge.

"Watch out Thalia, that pit will suck you in," Grace warned.

"Then that pit," I stopped mid-sentance.

"That pit is Tartarus Thals," Annabeth said.

"There they are, get them!" someone behind us shouted.

"Who is that Annabeth?" Jason asked.

"I don't know, but they don't sound friendly," Annabeth said.

"What do we do then?" Grace asked.

"We jump."

Grace turned to Nico like he was crazy.

"Are you insane?" Grace asked him," one does not simply jump into Tartarus."

"Grace, do you want to face whatever that is?" Jason asked asked her.

"Then let's go."

And we jumped.

820 words
Short, short, shortity, short

Peace Out ✌

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