Chapter 2*Percy

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I don't know how much longer I could take it.

My nails were still regrowing from the last time he tore them off and there was no skin on my body that wasn't cut, bruised, or burned.

I had lost all hope of ever being rescued over the last three hundred years.

I was chained to the wall in a white cell, well now red, but it had no door. Tartarus would always move the wall when ever he came in. I was never given food or water and Tartarus was keeping me alive.

"Hello Perseus," he said,"you ready to have some more fun."

I didn't say anything as usaual and he smirked. He grabbed a knife from the table beside me and started ny drawing lines up and down my arms. He frowned and plunged the knife into my stomach where I could feel the tip of it come through to my back.

"This isn't any fun," Tartarus said grabbing the knife and ripping it out of my stomach. He picked up a match and watched as he burned my body from the feet up.

Cross my heart
Hope to die
Burn my lungs
And curse my eyes

I bit my lip trying not to scream and could feel the trickle of blood from how hard I bit my lip. The fire got up to my knees before I couldn't take it anymore and started screaming.

Tartarus smirked and listened to my screams before turning off the lighter. He had a smile on gis face that seemed to go from ear to ear.

I shrunk as much as I could against the wall further injuring myself, but trying to get away from him. He picked up a chain from the wall and tied it around my neck. He unlocked the chains hanging me to the walls and I fell to my knees painfully. I fell face first on the floor and layed there since I couldn't move.

"Get up boy, you have a visitor," Tartarus said. I shakily climbed to my feet and stood there with my knees trembling violently.

He pulled me through the moved wall and down a corrider to a large room. Standing there was Polybotes, grinning when he saw me.

"Perseus Jackson, how I've always wanted to see you."

I growled at Polybotes and he slapped me. I spit in his face and he kicked me in the balls making me fall to my knees.

"Let's go boy," he grabbed the chain around my neck. He led me to a corrider that I didn't even know was there. He opened a cell door and threw me in. I landed on my newly scarred side with a thud.

I nearly screamed before Polybotes silenced me with a glare.

"Never ever scream, or else it would be worse, don' t talk either."

I nodded and watched as he closed the door to my cell.


"Eat up boy, you're lucky I'm giving you food," Polybotes said handing me a plate with bread on it. I attempted to eat the food, but found it hard with no water for so long.

Polybotes grinned when he saw me struggling and entered the cage.

"My touch poisons water, let's see what it does to your blood." Polybotes walked over to me with a sadistic smile on his face and placed a finger on my forehead. I gasped and started convulsing as the poison seeped through my veins and blood poured out my mouth.

I was like that for a few minute, screaming, convulsing and clawing at my skin as if trying to get rid of the poison. Polybotes touched my forehead again and left me laying on the floor without any strength.

"My my Perseus," he said dragging a finger across my chin," I would sure hate to ruin that pretty face of yours."

He dragged me over to a tank of water and dunked my head in,  but I couldn't breathe. Once the water touched my skin it started to boil and burn away the skin. I screamed in pain, but that only worsened it and I could feel the acid burning my mouth.

Polybotes pulled me up again so I could breathe and dunked my head back under the water. He repeated this several times before tossing me across the cell.

"You're so pitiful," he said." No wonder Annabeth doesn't even like you. She 's not looking for you down here, did you know that? Your girlfriends given up on you already."

"You thought you were special, you thought you were a hero. You're just like everyone else Perseus, you're not special, there is nothing unique to you. Your girlfriends already found someone else, so you can't be hard to replace."

"Does ot hurt knowing they don't care, that they are going to let you rot down here forever? Even your dad does not want you and thinks you are a disgrace."

I knew his words were true and each one sent a painful feeling to my heart. I knew they weren't looking for me and even if they were they couldn't get me out.

"Sweet dreams Perseus."


Annabeth sat in a pastor picking daisies and giggling to herself. She wore a white dress with her signiture golden curls and a flower crown.

She smiled when she looked in my direction and ran past me to another guy who picked her up and twirled her. Thr guy was wearing a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, but where his face should have been was a question mark.

They kissed, don't ask how, and my heart shattered when I saw Annabeth kiss someone else.

"I love you so much," Annabeth said," I hope Percy rots in Hell."

The scene shimmered and I was met with the sight of the Olympian Throne room. The twelve gods sat at their thrones and from what I could tell were celebrating.

"It's been three years without Perseus Jackson, we'll never have to deal with him again!" Zeus shouted across the room. Cheers rose up from everyone.

"Let's celebrate!"


I sat up gasping and sat hudled in the corner realizing no one needed me. I was never liked anywhere and the gods were partying about my leave. What troubled me was that this was two hundred and ninety seven years ago.

At least they were happy.

1063 words
I'm so sorry that this took me so long. Is it sad tgat tgese kind of chapters are my favorite?

QOTC: What animaldid Percy turn into?

Peace out ✌

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