Chapter 4*Annabeth

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Dedicated to @Dreams0304
Answer to the QOTC was 12

Today was the day we were going to get Percy back. I asked Nico to guide us there and told him the plan that he quickly agreed with.

I met Nico by Thalia's tree and had Argus drive us down to New York. Thalia insisted to tag along and had asked Artemis if she could go with us. Artemis wasn't pleased, but knowing it was Thalia's cousin and the only male she was able to stand, she allowed Thalia to go.

Argus drove us to the airport and we quickly got out of the van and went to book our flight.

"Hi, we need a flight to Hollywood," I told the woman behind the counter.

"A little young aren't you?" she asked.

"We're trying to vist our sick grandparents," Thalia lied," we're cousins,"

"Well in that case good luck kids," she said taking our money.

We walked to the metal detectors and looked at the wearily. I prayed to Zeus to disguise our weapons and wgen I took out my knife it was in the shape of a phone. Thalia and Nico pulled out their weapons and found them as phones too.

We walked through the metal detectors without making it go off and grabbed our stuff. We headed off to our flight which they were calling.

I could see Nico and Thalia visibly shaking and remembered their fears.

"Don't worry guys, planes are completley stable and Zeus won't strike us down with Thalia on board," I whispered to them.

We got to our seats which were luckily three side by side. I put our bagage on the overhead rack and took the seat by the window.

"Please Zeus, please Zeus," Nico was repeating over and over.

The plane took off and I turned to Nico and Thalia.

"Here's the plan, we get to Hollywood and enter the Underworld, we somehow get Lady Styx to talk to us and convince her to release Percy from his oath," I told them.

"What do we do after that?" Nico asked," jump into Tartarus to save him?"

"Maybe," I said.

Nico stared at me like I was crazy, but Thalia just grinned. "You're crazy Annabeth, but I think we'll need more people."

"We can't wait for more people, the three of us are already in the Underworld. It would take too long for other people to group up with us," I complained.

"We'll think on it Annie, but we have to make sure everything goes well with Styx," Thalia said.

"Don't call me Annie."


As soon as the plane landed Thalia and Nico jumped at the oppurtunity to get off the plane. I chuckled following with most of our baggage and met them outside the airport.

"Okay follow me children," Nico said leading us to the Hollywood sign.

"Children? I'm older than you!" Thalia yelled.

"Seventy something, how old are you?" Nico asked.

"You're right," I smirked," sorry old man."

"Yea- hey!" Nico yelled.

We laughed and continued on towards the Hollywood sign. I could tell Nico and Thalia were bickering behind me and I just smiled at how close they were.

I stopped when we reached the base of the hill and we started climbing.

"How come we didn't take the New York entrance?" I complained.

"Oh ya, there's a New York entrance," Nico smiked sheepishly.

"And can't you just shadow travel us Mr. Hades spawn?" Thalia asked.

"I can also shadow travel you to a cliff."

Thalia just smirked, Nico grabbed our arms and we were lost to all darkness.


We reached the top of the hill and I gasped and I gasped as all the light came flooding back. Nico had a creepy grin spread across his face and opened up the entrance to the Underworld.

"Ladies first," he said.

"Creepy dudes first," Thalia gestured.

Nico grumbled something, which was in Italian, and continued into the opening. We followed him and I frowned as I saw Charon glaring at us.

"What are they doing here master?" he spat.

"They're coming with me Charon, now if you have a problem with that I can discuss it with my father," Nico smirked.

A look of fear replaced his look of hatred. "That won't be necessary master, now where to?"

"We need to reach the River Styx."


It took a few moments for everyone to load the boat and even more to get to the place we could stand near the river. The river bank was down the river and Charon seemed to be going as slow as ge could.

We finally pulled up to it and quickly jumped out of the boat. Nico led us to the river and threw in a coin. "Lady Styx, we request an audience with you," he muttered.

The water started pulling towards the bank and was forming the shape of a body. The oman had flowing black hair, green eyes that were murky like the waters and wore clothes out of the trash in the river.

"Hello, I am Lady Styx, what is it you needed?" the lady asked.

I immediatly bowed and explained our situation to her.

"I see, but this kind of power is above even my athourity. I am supposed to bind oaths, not release them," she eplained.

"But if you can't do it who can?" I asked her.

"Think daughter of Athena, you know the answer to your question," with that she turned back to water and returned to her river.

Nico and Thalia glanced at me, but I shoom my head. I couldn't tell them here incase anyone or thing was listening.

"I'll explain later," I told them.

Nico led us out of the Underworld and we exited in the city of New York. We started walking on the street back to Camp Half-Blood.

"So what was Styx talking about?" Nico asked me.

"The person she's talking about, this single request will not be free," I said.

"Who is it Annie?" Thalia asked.

I didn't answer only kept walking. We eventually hailed a taxi and asked it to take us to the Camp Half-Blood location.

Once we crossed the border I turned back to them.

"Chaos," I said," it's Chaos."

1042 words
This chapter was so fun to write because I just love the relationship between Nico and Thalia. I want to clarify that in Percy's chapter it was a fake dream and I didn't mix yp the dates.

QOTC: Where is Kronos' base in The Last Olympian?

Peace out ✌

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