Chapter 14*Steve

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Percy was still comatose even two months after the demigods rescue him. They say he is still in Apollo's temple up on Olympus and every once and a while he'll wake up screaming and thrashing. Annabeth told me it wasn't good for his health and had to put him under a sedative to get him to stop thrashing. The sedative should have only worked for about an hour, but he wouldn't wake up after that.

Annabeth was an absolute mess. She had dark bags under her eyes and the demigods said they could hear her screaming at night. She sat by Percy's bed, which had been moved to Camp Half-Blood, and she didn't go to any activities.

Us, the Avengers, visited weekly and tried to comfort Annabeth while we were there.

"Are you guys ready?" Tony asked swinging his keys around his finger.

"Ready," I replied," just let me grab my jacket."

I grabbed my coat from my room and raced back to where the team was assembled. We all walked out the door and climbed into two different cars since we couldn't all fit.

I ended up with Tony and Bruce who kept singing to eighties music and occasionally Fall Out Boy. I scrunched my nose at the eighties music and thought back to the thirties with Peggy.

I remembered swinging her around to Pennies In Heaven at parties. She would smile up at me with her shining eyes and I would step on her foot since I was bad at dancing. She would always laugh at my mistakes and her laugh was contagious.

"Yo cap!" Tony telled breaking me out of my thoughts," you still alive back there?"

"Just thinking," I told him.

"Well we're here," he said," that means you get out of the car."

"I know what that means," I growled.

We grouped up with the rest of the team and walked down the hill towards the camp. Clint split from the group and ran towards the archery range with all the Apollo kids. He would shoot a few arrows and meet us at the infirmary to say hello to Percy.

Thalia was waiting for us outside the big house and I could see the grim look on her face.

"What took you so long?" she asked us.

"Steve wouldn't get out of the car," Tony said.

I frowned and followed Thalia into the infirmary where Annabeth sat by the bed in the back.

Percy was even paler than Nico was, his skin was almost white. His cheek bones were as prominent as they could be and he had a scar running drom the side of his left eye to the left side of his lip.

Annabeth looked almost as bad as Percy did. She was skinny, but not as skinny as Percy, her hair was matted and her eyes, her eyes were red and had dark circles under them.

"Hey Annabeth," I said sitting down in the chair next to her.

"Apollo doesn't think he'll wake up," Annabeth told us.

"But he has to wake up, he's Percy Jackson," Tony said.

"Every hero has an end Tony," Natasha told him.

Annabeth put her head in her hands and everyone glared at Natasha.

"Annie, he'll wake up, he'll be fine," Thalia went over and hugged Annabeth.

"What will I do if he doesn't make it Thalia?" Annabeth asked," what will I do if he doesn't eake up?"

"What would Percy want you to do?" Thalia asked her.

"He'd want me to move on," Annabeth sniffled.

"This is almost as bad as when you were dead and Percy was, you know, not in a coma," Thalia said," except he was more of a depressed person than you are."

Annabeth didn't have time to react because the door flew open and Mrs. Jackson stood there. She immediatley rushed over to her sons side and I let her have the chair I was sitting in.

"Thank you Steve," she smiled at me.

"No problem ma'am," I told her.

I watched as she turned towards Percy and the smile on her face broke. I noticed the tear that traced it's way down the corner of her eye.

"Oh my baby boy," she muttered.

Sally gripped her sons hands and her eyes squinched together as she tried not to cry.

"It feels like just yesterday you were running arround the park with an eyepatch over your eye pretending to be a pirate," she whispered to him," or the time we walked through an animal shelter and you cried when you saw the puppies were in cages."

I almost laughed at past Percy, but it was mire touching than it was funny.

"He can hear me can't he?" Sally turned to Annabeth.

"That's what they say," Annabeth told her.

Sally nodded. "Remember that time I made you a blue burthday cake in your fifth birthday, but you had stayed up late and face planted into the cake and fell asleep. How about the time when tour goldfish Bill said 'hi' to you and you ran around the house screaming 'he talks, he talks.'"

I wiped my eyes to make sure nobody saw me crying and noticed Tony doing the same thing.

"Annabeth, let's let Mrs. Jackson have some time alone with Percy," I suggested.

Annabeth nodded and followed the Avengers out of the infirmary.

"It'll be okay Annabeth," Bruce tried to comfort her.

"I'm going to go lay down if you guys don't mind," Annabeth said.

"Go for it, you probably don't get much sleep in the infirmary," Clint said.

Annabeth nodded and headed off in the direction of her cabin.

"What was that in there Natasha?" I asked her," we're supposed to be helping her, not telling her Percy's going to die."

"Sorry, but I'm a realist and he's most likely going to die anyways." Natasha said.

"Would you just stop talking Natasha?" Tony asked.

Natasha glared at Tony, but stayed silent.

"Have you seen Connor around?" Travis asked running up to us," we're supposed to be pranking Castor and Pollux, but he's nowhere to be found."

"Sorry Travis, we haven't seen him," I told him.

"What's this prank?" Tony asked.

"Top secret information," Travis smirked. He whispered something in Tony's ear and the two of the took off to find Connor.

"Boys," Natasha rolled her eyes.

I saw Mrs. Jackson walk out of the infirmary.

"My poor baby boy."

1073 words
Sorry for not updating for a while.


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