Chapter 8*Annabeth

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"No either Perseus stays there or someone trades places with him," Chaos growled.

"Yes Lord Chaos," Jason bowed.

Chaos dissapeared in a flash and we looked towards the Gods.

"I believe this decision is up to the campers, not us," Poseidon told us.

"We shouldn't risk the lives of others," Ares said," just leave the punk down there."

Most of the council glared at Ares before Apollo started laughing.

"Just 'cause the kid beat you once doesn't mean he's a punk," Apollo said," how's that foot anyways, still giving you problems?"

Ares turned fifty shades of red and I saw Apollo and Hermes high five.

"I belive we should have a meeting," I said trying to hold back my laughter back.

"We'll teleport you there," Hestia smiled at me.


They teleported ys in front of Chiron who looked at us confused.

"Well the plan worked, Chaos released his oath," Jason said," but I think we need to have a meeting."

Chiron blew the horn around his belt twice signalling a cabin leaders meeting.

Jason and I raced to the meeting room and sat in our respected chairs.

"What's this meeting about?" Clarrise asked.

"We found a way to save Percy," I told them," but it requires a sacrifice."

"What do you mean sacrifice?" Will asked.

"Either Percy stays in Tartarus or someone trades places with him," Jason said.

"But we have to save Percy!" Piper exclaimed.

"But we can't risk a life," Katie said.

"I'll do it," a voice from the back said.

I looked to see Grace standing there.

"Grace?" I asked," what are you doing here?"

"Rachel said I should be here so I snuck in and I'll trade plkaces with Percy. He rescued me and I feel I have to repay the debt," she explained.

"Are you sure Grace?" I asked her.

"Positive," Grace smiled at me." I've survived down there before."

I nodded and waited for anybody else to say something.

"Okay, so I guess we'd need a quest to go rescue him," I said.

"We can ask Rachel later for a prophecy," Travis suggested.

"This shouldn't be a normal quest either, we should have more than three people," Connor said.

I stared them shocked, wondering how they thought of that so quick.

"Stop staring at us like that. We can be smart sometimes," Travis and Connor protested at the same time.

"Well you're absolutley right, we should have more demigods than usual to ensure our survival," I told them.

"Our?" Pollux asked me.

"Well as long as there are no objections I'm going," I said.

Nobody objected and just looked around befor nodding their heads.

"Who else is going?" Will asked.

"I was hoping Thalia, Jason, Nico and obviously Grace would go, but only if they want to. It is Tartarus after all," I told them.

"Well I'll go," Jason said," this is my cousin after all."

"And obviously I'm going," Grace smiled.

"I'll ask Thalia when the hunters arrive today and Nico..." I trailed off.

"I'll go," a voice from the shadows said. Nico stepped out and I smiled at him.

"Thank you Nico."

"Grace, you and I know the landscape and can lead Jason and possibly Thalia through it," Nico said.

I nodded," the only problem is locating Percy."

"Try to get the Hypnos cabin to contact him," Katie gestured to the sleeping Clovis. She smacked Clovis across the head and he sat upright.

"Owww," he complained," I'm going back to sleep."

"No Clovis, wake up!" I shouted at him," we need a favor."

"What do you need?" he yawned.

"I need tou to contact Percy, tell him to stay around Hermes' shrine," I instructed.

He nodded and his head dropped back to his pillow.

"Well with that," I said," meeting dissmissed."


I walked into the dining pavilion talking to Malcolm.

"It's dangerous down there Annabeth," Malcolm complained," you could be killed."

"Percy could be killed down there," I told him," and I've been down tgere before. Are you saying I can't do it?"

Malcolm's eyes widened and hestarted to shake his head furiously." No that's not what I mean Annabeth, I just get...worried."

I smiled at how good of a brother he was and started laughing.

"Relax Malcolm," I said," thank you for caring."

He smiled as we took our seats in the dining pavillion.

I ate my cheeseburger and listened to my siblings gossip about normal camp things, they could be as bad as the Aphrodite cabin sometimes.

"I heard Laura Ray is dating Fletcher from the Apollo cabin," my sibling Sarah said.

"Oh my gods, Laura is such a slut," my other subling Nicole said.

"Nicole!" I gasped.

"What?" she asked me," it's true, she's almost as bad as her mother."

"And you're almost as bad as the Aphrodite cabin, always gossiping like them," I pointed out.

"Annabeth!" they gasped and held a hand to their hearts," we're wounded."

I rolled my eyes and got up to scrape the rest of my food in the fire since I had forgotten to before.

"Sorry mom," I whispered," please let Percy be safe and help us as we go to rescue him."

I turned to walk from the fire when something caught my eye. I reached into the back of the fire and grabbed a napkin there. It wasn't burned from the fire, only wrinkled.

I opened the napkin to inspect why it was so special and almost dropped it in shock.

Percy's messy handwriting was scribbled all over the napkin and I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

Dear Wise Girl,

I watned to say I loved you. We're like forever apart and you've ktpe me going through this whole, um, experience. My body is broken, bruised and manlged from TatAruus, but I just keep thkniing of you.

I just met Bob and had a dream about you, Jason and Chaos. I'm around Hermes's shirne and am hopign you dont do sometinhg bad. I'm fine down her Annabthe, and can surviev.

Love you
Seaweed Brain.

I smiled at all Percy's spelling and grammatical mistakes and was just happy to hear he was alive.

I love you Percy and I'll save you no matter what.

1037 words
So this was kind of a filler and yes Percy's spelling mistakes were intentional.

Thumbs up for two chapters in one week, am I right?

Peace out ✌

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