Chapter 6*Annabeth

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It was hard without him here and I couldn't show weakness either. I was a leader no matter what happened, but everyone breaks.

Do you ever feel like breaking down

I tuned into the song, humming it on the way to breakfest. Malcolm had persuaded me to go and I agreed.

Mostly because I was hungry

Do you lock yourself in your room
With the radio on tuned up so loud
No one heres you screaming

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I thought about Percy. I thought about his black hair, his amazing eyes that always sparkled and his trouble maker grin. I thought of the way he'd put his arm over my shoulder and call me Wise Girl.

The 'sea spawn' as my mom put it, was my obe true love and without him I was crumbling. It was like we were a house and we were each others foundation and we couldn't stand without each other.

While deep inside your bleeding

I felt like someone had plunged a knife in my heart and it was cracking in two. I was losing my other half.

I knew I had the Chaos option, but I knew it didn't come without a price. Percy wouldn't want someone to get hurt trying to free him.

I didn't even realize I had reached the dining hall until I crashed into the Hermes table.

"You okay Annabeth?" Travis asked.

"Just...thinking," I told him.

He nodded and turned back to Connor who had a twisted grin on his face. I left them talking about their next prank, wondering how they could be happy when Percy was gone.

I grabbed the eggs they were serving and sat next to Malcolm at the Athena table. I absentmindedly twirled my fork around my plate and added salt to my eggs.

"Anbabeth, you okay?" Malcolm asked me.

Gods I hated that question.

"Fine, why?" I asked him.

"You just put sugar on your eggs," Malcolm pointed out.

I looked at the container in my hand and scowled when I saw he was right.

"Here I'll go get you another plate," Malcolm said grabbing my plate.

I nodded and he walked back up to Argus who was serving the breakfest. I ould see Argus nodding vigorously and Malcolm smiling. Malcolm came back with a new plate of eggs, sugar free.

"That should taste a little better," he smiled at me.

I nodded and dug into my eggs. I finished half the plate before I noticed Malcolm was watching me eat. I rolled my eyes and finshed my eggs.

"Capture the flag will be held tommorrow night, the usual teams," Chiron announced.

Everyone cheered, but I sunk down into my chair. It wouldn't be the same without Percy.


I sat by the ocean.

I had dug my toes in the sand considering what I wanted to do.

The waves churned calmly and I felt like it was the calm before the storm.

I would have to ask Chiron if I could leave camp, but I wasn't sure if he'd let me.

I heard a rustling behind me and turned to find Jason standing there. He smiled at me and sat down beside me.

"Hey Annabeth," he said.

"Hey Jason," I attempted a smile.

Jasob frowned and I could see how red his eyes were. He had a tear streak running down his cheek.

"What are we going to do?" he asked," this camp is nothing without him. How can peopke even smile with him gone?"

I looked at him sadly before shrugging. "I have an idea, but it will require a sacrifice of some sort," I explained.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked.

"Chaos." I said," he can break the oath and free him."

Jason nodded as if he understood what I meant," Percy wouldn't like a sacrifice for him."


"Can- can I go with you, when you see the gods about this?" Jason asked me.

"Why do you want to go?" I asked harshly.

"He may be tour boyfriend, but he's also my cousin. My brother," Jason said.

I nodded and looked down at the sand, regretting what I said.

"Let's go see Chiron," Jason said," we need to get permission to leave."


Chiron stood in front of us with his arms crossed.

"Chaos?" he asked.

"I believe it's our only option," I told him.

Chiron sighed and I saw tears run down his cheeks.

"Let's hope this works," he muttered.

I smiled at Jason and we left, heading towards the van Argus drove. He seemed to know what we wanted because he clumbed in the car and sped off once we were in.

I watched the scenery pass by. I wished Percy were her to see it too.

It took us an hour to get to The Empire State building. Jason and I wuickly walked inside, glaring at the door man.

"Give us the keys Herondle," I growled at him.

Will looked up startled and nearly spilt his coffee. He glared at me as he past over the key.

Jason and I rode up to Olympus and waited for the doors to open.

I stepped out and heard Hason gasp at the sight of Mount Olympus. I continued walking, heading towards the throne room which was in the center of Olympus.

"You did a great job doing this," Jason said behind you.

"When did I tell you I designed Olympus?" I asked him.

"You didn't," he admitted," but Percy sure did. He just seemed so proud when he told us you designed Olympus."

I smiled at that thought before remembering where Percy was now.


"You want us to call Chaos for a demigod?" Zeus asked us.

"Brother please," Poseidon tried to say.

"No Poseidon, we cannot disturb Chaos. A demigod does not matter," Zeus said.

"Doesn't matter!" Hestia yelled from her spot at the hearth," without him your thrones would be gone, Kronos or Gaia would be ruling and all of human kind would be ruined."

A few Gods started nodding at Hestia's words and Zeus' face was turning red.

"Fine," Zeus said," we'll contact him tommorrow."

Jason and I smiled at each other.

We webt to leave, but were stopped by a man walking up to the throne room.

He had long black hair that went down to his shoulders and his eyes were constantly changing colors.

"Who are you?" Jason asked him.

The man shook his head and walked past us to the throne room. Jason and I followed him and stooped when we saw all the Gods on their knees, bowing.

"And to answer youre question," he said amused. My name is Chaos."

1115 words
So a little bit longer since I've been kind of skipping on this story. Go read my Percy AU if you want it's inspired by another book and I kind of like it, though only three people have read it.

Peace out✌

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