Chapter 10

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Hyeri's POV~

It was already the midterms and I was studying like nonstop, hoping my grades will be as good as always, although I was quiet distracted because of Jaerim's bullying.

It's been three days since me and Junior became officially dating, but we decided to tell no one but Got7 since rumors would spread.

I was getting ready to go to school, I wore my uniform and brushed my hair, I hope people would realise who am I since I am without my glasses.

I ate my toast and went out since I'm running late. You're asking about the time? It's 7:05am. I'm used to going to school early before anyone else arrive so it's kinda late.

I arrived at school and it was 7:30am, hopefully, no one was here yet, it was completely empty. I went upstairs and went to our class, it was as empty as a desert.

I sighed and sat in my seat and got my books out of my bag, it's midterms era so I have to study hard to reserve my spot in the top two students. I'm always the second and Junior is always the first but this time I think I might be in the top 10 instead.

Junior's POV~

It was 7:45am and I was sure 100% that Hyeri is at class studying for midterms, even though we were not close, I was always admiring her passion towards studying and loving books.

I went to the class and opened the door, just a small space to look if she is there and she was. She was sitting in her seat beside the window, the sun was shining bright making her eyes glitter wonderfully, why is she so beautiful, she was seducing me without even trying.

I opened the door and walked to our seat since we sit beside each other but she seemed not to realise I was there. I slowly went behind her and covered her eyes with my hand which made her gasp and flinch from my touch, I leaned down beside her ears and whispered as sexy as possible, "Who am I?"

Hyeri's POV~

I was quite into studying now since I really like algebra, it's like a part of my soul, when suddenly someone covered my eyes making me flinch and gasp uncontrollably, I felt that person leaning down since I can feel his breaths on the back of my neck.

"Who am I?" he whispered in a husky voice which was damn sexy making my heart beat fast and my cheeks burn bright, but I knew who he was from his voice and the familiar touch.

"J-Junior." I said stuttering, taking his hands in mine and pulling them away from my face turning around to find a smiling Junior facing me just inches away. Out faces were to close which made my blush visual and I was just staring at him as he was looking at me in the eyes.

Kiss him. Kiss him.

A voice said in my mind which I completely tried to ignore. "You're early, w-what's up?" I said turning around and back to my studies trying to forget what just happened and my stupid thoughts.

"I knew you come here first so I wanted to surprise you by coming early." he said taking his seat beside me and leaning his head on the desk and looking at me while answering.

"But you know what? You're the one who surprised me." he said smiling cutely.

"I did? How?" I said looking at him all confused. He smirked at me then sat upright again looking at me or technically staring at me, then he tugged a strand of my hair behind my ear leaning in and kissing me on my lips.

I was taken aback by the action so I didn't kiss back and when I was about to he pulled away and smiled cutely again.

Agh! Why is he doing this to me? Why is he damn adorable?

"You let your hair down, I like it." he said smiling at me and leaning his head on the table to sleep again, I just blinked twice then shrugged and continued working smiling like an idiot.

"Hey, are you new here?"

Turned around to see JB smiling at me his stupid smile and I decided to play along.

"Yeah, I'm new, I don't know if I'm even in the right class, will you help me find it Oppa?" I said standing up and linking my arm with his and the students started staring at us even Junior was confused of what I'm even doing.

"No problem, what is your class?" JB said grinning at me widely since my classmates thought I'm really a new student.

"It says 2-2, is this the right class Oppa?" I asked titling my head.

"Yeah, it is indeed the right class."

"Yah! Who are you? I didn't hear from the teachers that their is going to be a new student." Sumi shouted at me literally annoyed since I'm all clingy with JB.

"Yes, I am, my name is Lee Hyeri, nice to meet you Choi Sumi." I said bowing at her and she was standing there shocked, indeed the whole class was silent from shock.

Do I look that different? They look completely out of it.

JB looked at me and we both started laughing our asses out.
"Wait, are you really Hyeri? The Lee Hyeri we know?" Nina asked with confusion and I just nodded.

"Class to your seats." Mr. Kim said sternly making us go back to our seats. I sat back on my seat and Junior didn't seem so happy, I don't know why but his eyes seemed angry so I decided to talk to him after class.


Warning!!! Cringe warning!!!!

It was lunch time and I can't find Junior anywhere. Weird, he is not with Got7 and he is not in class.

Stupid me, I didn't look at the rooftop.

I went to the rooftop and opened the door and hopefully he was there, he was sitting on the ground crossing his arms leaning his back on the wall behind him with his headphones on.

I took afew steps to words him but he didn't open his eyes, I think he can't feel my presence. I went closer to him till I was in front of him, I stretched my arm to pat his shoulder to catch his attention but before my hand touch him he held it and pulled me down and I was sitting on his lap.

He opened his eyes and removed the headphones, looking at me in the eyes and gave me a What sign.

"I w-wanted to ask you if you're angry at m-me, a-are you?" I asked looking away since I can't face him that close, it was like if I did a wrong move we would end up kissing.

He didn't answer but he put his finger on my chin and made me face him.
"Yes, I'm actually angry at you." he said calmly as his topical self and I was just staring into his eyes.
"I'm kind of jealous because a moment ago you were clingy with JB hyung and you even called him Oppa, you never call me that even though I'm older than you." he said resting his forehead on mine still looking into my eyes.

"I am sorry, Junior Oppa." I said smiling a little which made him smile too.
His hand slowly travelled to the back of my neck and the other was on my waist and our lips met, it was the best moment in my life, it was the moment when I realised that their is someone in this world who is here for me and even if I can't change myself he loves me as I am without trying to change.


Hi Guys~

My lovely readers, did you miss me?
It's been a long time since I updated, right?

I'm really sad to tell you that this was the end of the story, I really enjoyed writing this one and I hope you enjoyed reading it too.

Hope I meet your expectations in my next Fanfic and I hope it will be better than this one and 'Roommates'.

Thanks guys for supporting me.

Bye Bye 👋 see y'all 👋 👋


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