Promise Me You'll Never Feel Afraid.

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Chyanne Alyssabith Tanner- Age: 20

Height: 5’5” 

Body type is petite, not stick skinny, but not big, she’s about average.  

Brown/red hair, bright blue eyes

Personality: very unique. She’s the sweetest person ever until you cross her the wrong way. She’s very protective of her family and friends.

Lucy Clark Jackson- Age: 19

Chyanne’s best freakin’ friend. (:

Height: 5’7 ½”

Body type is about the same as Chyanne’s, but she has super long, toned legs.

She has dark brown hair w/ teal blue streaks in it. Has light brown eyes, and wears glasses sometimes, but mainly when she’s reading.

Personality: She’s the ‘In your face’ kind of person. She’ll speak her mind in a heartbeat, and won’t regret telling someone when they’re wrong.

Layken Fayth Tanner- Age: 23

Chyanne’s sister/ one of her best friends/ confidant

Height: 5’6”

Body type is petite, but is a few sizes bigger than Chyanne (but because she had Ryleigh) before Ryleigh, she was the exact same as Chyanne. She has blonde hair, but with blue eyes, like Chyanne.

Personality: Big sister type/ best friend.

Ryleigh Lynn Sanders-Age: 3

Chyanne’s niece. Cutest kid ever, lol.

Looks like most 3 year olds. Has her daddy’s eye color (Hazel) and his big dimples. But her blonde hair came from her Mommy. He personality is all over the place, but being raised around a bunch of rock stars will do that to a kid. And she’s surprisingly well behaved, ahaha.

She calls Chyanne ‘La-la’, and no one knows why. She just called her that one day, and it stuck. Lol

Aaaaand, The gorgeous guys of Avenged Sevenfold. (: Y’all should know who they are, but if not, Google them. Lol

I do not own Avenged Sevenfold, this story is completely made up out of my head…lol. (:

--Promise Me You'll Never Feel Afraid--(Synyster Gates)Where stories live. Discover now