Chapter 13-Run in with an Umpa Lumpa...

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Chapter 13- Run in with an Umpa Lumpa…

“Oh yeah, baby! Right there, don’t stop!! Oh God Brian, that feels soooo good!” I moaned out.

 “You like that babe, don’t you?” He said back cockily.

“Mmhmm, harder, Bri. Harder!” I breathlessly said. “Right there! Don’t stop! Don’t Stop!” I screamed.

Brian just laughed, “I got it baby, I’m not gonna stop until you want me to.” He whispered in my ear, and then bit my ear lobe.

“Awwe, keep doin’ that! You’ve never done that before, I love it!” I sighed. “I know, baby. I’m trying a new technique.” He said.

“What the Hell are you two doing in here? It sounds like you’re two are knockin’ boots! Good thing Ryleigh is at Matt’s parents…” Layken exclaimed, walking in.

“FREE PORN!” Jimmy and Zack screamed, and ran into the living room where we were.

“Brian’s giving me a backrub.” I chuckled, answering Layken’s question.

“Ah Maaaan!” Jimmy whined. He sounded so disappointed. Brian laughed at him.

She laughed, “Be careful with those backrubs. That’s all I wanted, and I ended up with baby number two.” She said as she rubbed her tummy where her tiny bump was starting to show.

“Bullshit! You know you wanted more than a backrub!” Matt yelled from the game room. Brian and I busted out laughing.

“Ehh, true.” She shrugged. “Are you and Lu, going shopping with Alexa and I?” Lay asked me.

“Yeah, we’ll go. I need a new pair of shoes anyway.”  I shrugged, as I pushed myself up off of the couch. “Holy hell, Babe! You have a bazillion pairs of shoes already!” Bri looked at me flabbergasted.

“Brian, don’t ever tell a girl she has too many shoes.” Lucy told him, with the most serious face she could muster. He just shut his mouth and looked defeated. “Yeah, That’s what we thought.” I chuckled at him.


“I feel like we’ve been shopping for days!” Alexa groaned. “Oh hush, it’s only been 3 hours. It’s not that bad.” Lucy said back to her. Lexa stuck her tongue out at her.

“Chyanne, the best little sister ever. The Best little sister in the whole wide world?!” Layken said in a sickley sweet voice. I rolled my head towards her, and gave her the most bored look I could muster up.

“What?” I simply said. “Will you buy me some dippin’ dots?” She gave me the puppy dog face. She knows I can’t resist it. “Oh fine!” I gave in. “Sweeeet!! We’ll be right here.” She said, and they sat at a table in the food court.

I was walking down to where the ice cream stand was when I was grabbed from behind, and pushed down a corridor. It was dark, and I couldn’t see very well. The person shoved me forward, and I stumbled a bit, having to lean against the wall so I didn’t fall to the ground.

“What the fuck!?” I screamed, “Who the fuck are you!?”

“Listen, I’ll be doing the speaking, you skank!” They spat at me.

Wait…I’ve heard this voice before…

Oh dear baby Jesus… Taylor…

“What the hell do you want, you Umpa Lumpa?” I said, my voice laced with venom.

“I’d watch the way you speak to me, Chyanne.” She said Matter-or-factly. “Now listen you twit, I’m only going to warn you once. Leave Brian. I’m sure he’s only dating you out of pity anyway. I mean, look at you…you aren’t even pretty. And Brian and I are only on a break anyway, he’ll realize that he’s wasting his time with you, and come crawling back to me. So, I’d just leave before he can break your pathetic little heart.” Her voice is like nails on a chalk board, I swear.

“Ok, now It’s my turn to speak. You’re not gonna get to me, I’m not afraid of you. Nor should I be… I know your game and you’re not gonna win. It’s been how long since Brian DUMPED YOU? Yes, dumped you. It’s time to move on you psychotic melon brain.” I was fuming by this point. This bitch will not ruin my relationship.

She just smirked at me. “Well, just know that I DID warn you. You refused to back down. Game on, Bitch. Game on.” She was walking backward and out of the corridor as she said this.

“Oh whatever, Taylor.” I rolled my eyes.

“Hmm, don’t say I didn’t warn you, Chyanne. I know where you’re staying, I’d sleep with one eye open if I were you.”

“Well, Good thing you aren’t me.” I stated. And with that, she was gone. Fake blonde hair and all.

I stormed out of the corridor, and back towards the girls. Not without stopping for Layken’s ice cream first though.  I decided not to say anything to them about my run in with the Umpa Lumpa right now. I’m sure her threats were empty anyway.

But one statement from her stood out more than the others, and it kept ringing in my head.

‘Game on, Bitch. Game on.’

It most certainly is, Taylor.

Uggghhh!! I know it’s shit. I have horrible writers block…for real. ):

But I would still love some feedback.

Votes and Comments please!?!


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