Chapter 15- Don't Drive While Upset.

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Chapter 15- Don’t drive while upset.

[Brian’s P.O.V.]

I stood there in my driveway watching Chyanne’s truck drive off. Why did I have to get so pissed?

Why couldn’t I have kept my cool, instead of screaming at her?

Because, like she said, I’m an asshole.

 It just got me worked up that Taylor is at it. AGAIN. I seriously loathe that bitch.

And now my lady is pissed at me, because I got pissed at her.

How the hell am I going to fix this? I love her so much, I’ve never felt like this about someone before. I sound so sappy…but it’s the truth. I’ll take Taylor down before she can do anymore harm to this relationship.

But I need to find Chyanne, and apologize to her for being such a fucking dick. I can’t stand the feeling knowing that she’s upset with me. I have to fix this. Somehow…

[Chyanne’s P.O.V]

Driving off after getting in a huge argument with your boyfriend, is never a good idea. Every little thing just pisses me off, and my road rage is about 10 times worse than it normally is.

My cell phone keeps going off, and I’m to the point to where I want to throw it out of the fucking window. I stopped at a red light, and checked my phone.

6 Texts from Layken, 0 from Brian. I should have known. He was super pissed at me because I didn’t tell him about Taylor’s threat. Just the thought of the look on his face made me start crying again. I hate the feeling knowing that he’s upset with me.

I need to pull over before I get in a wreck, and I definitely need to calm down before I go home. I don’t need Lay on my case about why I’m upset. When I’m upset, I like to be alone. Or I end up taking it out on other people who don’t deserve it. And my pregnant sister isn’t the person who needs to take the brunt of my anger.

I stopped at the park. Maybe a walk by the pond will help clear my head, and calm me down.

I walked around for about half an hour, and finally stopped by the pond and sat down. I watched the ducks play in the water. They were so cute, and carefree. No wonder Ryleigh and Jimmy like ducks so much.

I think they may have been ducks in a past life. I chuckled to myself at my ridiculous thought.

I waited about another 20 minutes before deciding to head home. No doubt Layken was probably freaking out, and I’m sure that she’s called Brian…who probably told her I left…

Oh damn.

I got back in the truck, and just as I thought, I had 12 missed calls from my sister. And 1 from that strange number that called me the day I babysat Ryleigh…

I just decided to head home without calling her back. I mean, I’m already gonna get an ear full from her, may as well put it off as long as possible.

Before I knew it, I was parked in the driveway. But what do you know…so is Brian. I contemplated just leaving again...but I didn’t…because I’m almost out of gas.

I tried to be as quiet as possible going into the house. Maybe I can make it into the kitchen without anyone knowing I’m home. Then I can just take the stairs in there, and go to my room.

I went to tip-toe around the corner, when I tripped over one of Ryleigh’s shoes, and dropped my keys on the tile floor.

I froze where I was, and tried to remain as quiet as possible.

“Chyanne?! Chyanne is that you?” Layken’s panicked voice rang through the corridor. Well rats! “Umm, y-yeah, it’s me.” I said, walking into the living room. “Where the hell were you?! Brian’s been worried sick over you!” She reprimanded me.

I looked over at him, but he wouldn’t meet my eyes. “Was he now?” I said, but it came out like a whisper. He finally looked up at me, and the look on his face made me want to break down crying again.

“Chyanne. Baby, can we talk? Please?” He practically begged me, as he stood up and walked over to where I was.

“Chyanne, Brian told us about Taylor.” Matt piped up from the couch. “Why didn’t you say anything? You know we would have done something.” He continued on.

“I-I know, it’s just that I didn’t want anyone to worry about it.” I stuttered. “I personally think this is something that the two of you need to talk about before anyone else gets involved.” Layken reasoned.

“I think so too. Chyanne, can we go to your room a talk about this? Please baby?” Brian said. I turned at looked at him. “Yeah, come on.” I said quietly, and walked off. I didn’t even wait for him, to follow. I knew that he was.

I opened my door, and let him in first. I shut it behind us, and turned the light on. I was putting my stuff away when he spoke up.

“Baby, you shouldn’t leave your window open. Bugs can get in here, and shit like that.” He said, and shut my window.

I never opened my window…

“Brian…I never opened my window. And I doubt very seriously anyone else did.” I said. I’m not gonna lie, I was slightly worried. “You didn’t?” He asked, worry laced in his voice.

“No…Brian, that freaks me out.” I said. I got this overwhelming feeling, and started breathing heavily.

“Baby, calm down. It’s ok, here, sit down.” He walked me over to the bed, and we sat down. He wrapped his arms around me, and I snuggled into his chest. I can’t stay mad at matter how wrong he may have been. We sat there for a few more minutes, just holding each other.

“I’m really sorry about earlier, Chyanne. I know I over reacted, and that I was a fucking douche.” He said, and placed a sweet kiss on my forehead. “It’s ok, Bri. I just didn’t want you to worry about it.” I looked up into his deep brown eyes.

“I love you, baby. I love you so much. And just the thought that Taylor is trying to weasel her way back in, pissed me off. I’m so sorry, please forgive me.” He pleaded. “It’s alright babe. I understand” I said, and leaned forward. His lips met mine, and the lit bit of anger I had left, vanished. He pulled away, much to my dismay, and pulled me into his chest again.

“Babe, what’s this?” He asked, reaching around me, and grabbing something off the bed. He read it, and his face changed to a look that I couldn’t describe.

“Am I allowed to worry now?” He asked me, showing me the little note in his hand.

I read it, and as I did my heartbeat quickened. I was freaked out, not only about the fact that there was a note on my bed, but by the fact that someone, that doesn’t live her, was in my room…

How the simplest thing written on a note, can scare the living daylights out of me is puzzling.

The note read.

“Aww, Trouble in Paradise? Ahahaha”

Ahh, so…what’d you think!?

Votes and comments please!! I want to know if y’all are likin’ this! Lol.


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