Chapter 2- As a girl, we must dress to impress. ;)

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**Pic of Lucy on the side**

Chapter 2- As a girl, we must dress to impress. ;)

4 hours, and 6 suitcases of various sizes, I’m finally done packing. By now I think I have my entire closet packed and ready to go to ‘Californa’. I love the way Ryleigh says California, that kid cracks me up.

Some may say that I’ve over packed.

But that’s impossible.

You never know what you’ll need.

And as a girl, we must dress to impress. ;)

3 suitcases are dedicated to just clothes, 1 of which is dedicated to just my dressy clothes. 2 suitcases are shoes only, and one smaller suitcase is my traveling jewelry box.

I don’t think my room has ever been this clean. Ever. My parents should be proud of me.

As I stand here and look at the now ‘Leaning Tower of Suitcases’, I hear my stomach growl. Haha, my body is trying to tell me I need something other than coco puffs to satisfy me.

By now I’m sure daddy has left for work, I mean it is 2 in the afternoon. So I decide to call my ‘Lesbian Lover’ as Matt calls her. NO we are not gay together, I’m strictly dickly my friends. Ahahaha. We’re just ALWAYS together. She’s like a second sister to me.

As I hold my cell phone to my ear, I hear her ringback tone. “She’s a dwelling place for demons, she’s a gi-“ it stopped mid song and I was greeted with, “Jack’s mule barn, head ass speaking!” As soon as Lucy said that, I was snorting with laughter. This girl knows how to brighten my day.

When I was finally able to control my laughter, I said “Lucy goosey, what are you doin’?!” I could pretty much see her roll her eyes. She hates it when I call her that.

“Sittin’ here, bein’ all bored. Which is pretty much what I’m gonna be doin’ beings you’re LEAVING ME!” She screamed in my ear. I had to hold it away from my head or I would have for sure had a busted ear drum.

“Lu, how many times do I have to tell you, Layken and Matt both said that you’re more than welcome to come with me!” I said. I feel like I’ve repeated myself a bazillion times to her.

“I know!” She whined, “But I want to be able to have money when I go there, and the only way to do be able to have that is to work for another few weeks.” I know she’s bummed about not being able to come, but she will eventually, and when she does, it’s gonna be one hell of a party.

“I know, I just wish you could go with me now is all…Anyway, do you wanna go get lunch, I’m starved and I don’t feel like cooking” I laughed out.

“Pick me up in 15. We’ll go to Roadhouse or somethin’” she said back. I smiled, “Alright, I’ll be there.” She laughed, “Later bitch!”.

I freakin’ love her.

**2 hours later**

We’re walking around the mall just wasting time. Trying to spend as much time together before I leave tomorrow morning.

At lunch Lucy made the whole, “I hate you because you’re leaving me here” speech. We laughed, we cried, we hugged, and we shared cake and ice cream. This is the first time since we’ve met that we’re going to be away from each other for more than 2 weeks.

“Wanna go into ‘Hot Topic’?” I asked Lucy. “Sure, why not? I effin’ love this store anyway.” She got all excited and ran into the store. I followed in after her, and noticed a giant poster of Avenged on the wall.

“Look Lu!! It’s Pookie and String bean!!” I laugh and get all excited, pointing to the poster.

“Chy, Matt is practically your brother-in-law, how do you still get excited when you see his band stuff, EVERYWHERE!?” She asked me disbelievingly with a slight smirk on her face.

“Easy Lucille, they were one of my favorite bands before Layken started boning Matt. Sometimes I even get star truck when he comes to family gatherings, and he kind just looks at me like I’m mentally challenged.”

She couldn’t help it, she started cracking up. I have no idea why, it really wasn’t that funny. I don’t know why I hang out with this lunatic.

The rest of our afternoon went pretty uneventfully, and soon I was back at the house after dropping Lu off at her apartment. We did the whole, ‘Call me when you get there’ and ‘Tell me if Zacky is as cute in person as he is in pictures’ speech things. Lol

I walked in, and was immediately bombarded with the smell of an amazingly cooked dinner courtesy of my amazing mother.

Ahh, the goodbye dinner. Classic.

She did it for Teagan when he moved, as well as for Layken.

But I’m not moving. Yet.

**a few hours later**

Dinner went on without a hitch. Momma gushed over how much she was gonna miss me, and how I need to call and email her every day. Daddy had his ‘Boys can’t be trusted’ speech, and asked me if I still had the pepper spray he gave me. You know, the usual…note the sarcasm.

And as I lay here in bed, I can’t seem to fall asleep. I know I have a long ass drive ahead of me tomorrow morning, but I can’t seem to stop thinking about what this summer could hold for me.

Would I come back at the end of it all, and everything be the same?

Or would this summer cause my life to change completely?

Would I change?

I guess we’ll find out sooner or later, huh?



-Ahh, Ok, So i'm kinda excited that i've gotten 2 chapters out on this story so far. I know it's kinda sucky, but i'm really trying. (: Feedback is greatly appreciated!!

-Thanks, Krystin Chyanne.

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