Chapter 19- Finale

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Chapter 19- Finale.

Brian’s P.O.V

“I think she’ll love it son.” My dad said, clapping me on the shoulder. “Yeah? I hope so.” I said back, looking at the ring in my hand.

“So…when are you proposing?” McKenna asked me. I chuckled a bit. “It’s not an engagement ring, Kenna. It’s a promise ring.” I said, explaining to my sister. “A promise for what?” She asked me. Persistent little shit. “It’s a promise, that I will always be there for her through thick, and thin. That one day we will get married. That one day I will turn this ring into an engagement ring, and start my life with her.” I explained. Suzy and McKenna ‘awww-ed’ at that.

“You’re such a puss, Brian.” Brent retorted. I shot him a death glare. “You need to shut the fuck up, Brent.” I growled lowly at my brother. “Oh Brent, leave your brother alone! Can’t you see that he’s in love! Can’t you just be happy for him?” Suzy said. “I am happy for him! I just like to give him a hard time.” Brent defended himself. “Well you need to knock that shit off.” I snapped at him. He can pick on me about anything else. Anything but Chyanne.

“Well, I for one, am happy for you.” My dad said, smiling at me. “Thanks, now I just need to figure out when to give it to her.” I sighed. I looked down at my phone. 10 PM…shit. I know Chyanne has called me, but I was afraid I’d blow the surprise if I answered. I read the last text she sent me, and smiled.

“I’m sorry about earlier, Bri. I love you, baby. <3”

I closed my phone. She’s probably asleep now anyway.

I’d do anything for her.

I love her.

*Taylor’s P.O.V*

This bitch has over stepped her boundaries one too many times.

I’ve warned her, and warned her, and she WON’T BACK DOWN!

Brian is MINE! And if I can’t have him, the she certainly won’t. As soon as I saw him in that jewelry store, I knew I needed to strike…I needed to get her AWAY FROM HIM!!

The abandoned house on Carol St. is perfect. It’s on the out skirts of town. Not many people live around there…

No one will hear her scream

*Chyanne’s P.O.V*

I think I’ve broken about 20 different traffic laws. I’ve ran 2 red lights, and 8 stops signs. It’s a miracle I haven’t been pulled over! Not that I’m complaining…The sooner I get to Brian, the better.

I didn’t know it took fucking 20 minutes to get to this place. I looked at the clock on my phone. 10 PM.

I pulled up to the house, not 5 minutes later. I got out, and started heading towards the front door, when it swung open, and Taylor comes flying out. “Chyanne! You gotta hurry! He’s getting worse!” She screamed at me. My hearts started beating out of my chest.

All I could think about was the man that I love, laying on a floor, hurt.

But how did he get hurt? Taylor…

“What did you do to him!?” I screamed at her. “I-I didn’t!” was all she said, as we entered the house.

“Brian!” I called as I ran into the house. “BRIAN!!!” By now I knew there were tears streaming down my face. “Through here.” She said, pointing to a room up ahead that had a light on. “Brian, baby I’m coming!” I screamed again, as we ran into the room.

--Promise Me You'll Never Feel Afraid--(Synyster Gates)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat