Chapter 17- Surprise Visit.

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Chapter 17- Surprise visit.

“Babe! Will you make me a sandwich?!” Brian yelled from the living room. I was currently standing in the kitchen looking out the window above the sink. These past couple of days have been pretty mellow. Although, I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad is gonna happen.

“Umm, yeah Baby. Just give me a minute.” I yelled back to him. “Thanks babe, Love you!” He replied. No doubt not looking away from the game that Matt talked him into playing. “I love you too, Brian.” I said.

“La-la?” Ryleigh said, walking into the kitchen with me. “Yes beautiful, what is it?” I asked, while grabbing all the stuff I needed to make Bri’s sandwich.

“Can I has a pudding’?” She asked. I looked over at her, and she looked soooo adorable. Her hands were behind her back, and she had her head cocked to the side. Sooo cute. “Sure thang Ryleigh Roo! Uncle Brian can wait on his sandwich.” I said, smiling at my sweet niece.

“Chocolate Pleeease!” She squealed. “Comin’ right up.” I winked at her.

She sat there and ate her pudding. Making a mess of course…but I’ll make Pookie clean her up. She is his daughter after all.

“BABE!” Brian yelled. “What!?” I yelled back. “Where’s my sandwich!”


“Don’t rush me woman!” I yelled back. Ryleigh giggled. “Hey now! You know good and well that I’m not a woman.” He yelled back defensively. “Haha, yeahh! Cause you have hairs on your face! Girls don’t have hair on their faces!” Ryleigh yelled, jumping into our conversation.

Daaaamn. Get it Ryleigh.

“Touché Ryleigh, Touché.” He replied, laughing. I might as well make his sandwich now…

About halfway through making the sandwich, the doorbell rang. I ignored it, I mean…there’s a house full of people that can answer it.

“Matthew! Get the door!!” I heard Layken yell from somewhere in the house. I don’t think anyone knows how to speak at a normal voice level in this house. “La-la I’m done with my puddin’ now!” Ryleigh said. Loudly. I looked over at her, and she held this huge, chocolatey, grin. Ahaha,

“Ok, go tell daddy your done” I smirked. “Ok!” she said, and scurried off.

Dang it’s taking me forever to make this damn sandwich. “Chyanne? What’s taking so long babe?” Brian asked, walking up behind me. “Sorry Bri, I had to take care of Ryleigh first.” I said. “Ahh.” Was all he said, before he leaned down and kissed my neck. He started nipping at my spot, causing me to moan a bit. But we were interrupted by a yell from the other room.

“Daddy!?” Layken yelled. Daddy? My daddy? My head snapped up and I pushed Bri off of me. “What? Babe? Are you not gonna finish my sandwich?” He asked.

“Finish it yourself, Brian.” I said. I rushed to the door, and as soon as I turned the corner, I saw Layken hugging my daddy.

“DADDY!!!” I screamed, and ran at them. “Aw, my girls! I’ve missed y’all so much.” He said, wrapping a strong arm around both of us. “Oh daddy! I’ve missed you soo much!” I said, squeezing him a little harder.

“What’s going on?” Brian said, as he walked in with a mouth full of food. “Their dad is here.” Matt replied. Brian didn’t say anything, and I would kill to be able to see his face right now. But I’m too busy hugging my daddy. (: Pookie has Brian scared about our daddy…it’s hilarious.

After a few more minutes, we pulled away, and I wiped my eyes. Evidently I was crying and I didn’t realize it. “What are you doing here? Where’s mom?” Layken asked him. “Well, I just wanted to come see my girls!” He said. But something seems off.

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