Chapter 26

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Telling her that idea was probably one of the most emabarrasing moments in my life. But, the thing is. Around her I am always messing up. She just get's to my head. No one has done that in a while. Ever since O was born.

Having that thought about Octavia I think hard to remember what she said she was doing tonight. Feeling the overprotective feeling coming over me I quickly send a text. "O? What are you up to tonight?"

She replies right away with "Nothing. Just hanging out with Jasper and Monty. Why?"

Feeling that she will get mad if I tell her I was checking up on her I try not to blow it. "No reason was just wondering if you wanted to hang out with Clarke and I?" Sometimes I feel as if that I took Clarke away from Octavia because I know she has trouble making good friends. But, I have too. Who has the say in saying that both of us cannot be friends with Clarke? More time with O and Clarke.

"Nah I'm good big bro. You hang with your girl tonight." She replies with a stupid emoji at the end of her message with it's tongue sticking out of it's mouth. Ugh, I hate those and never use them. But, my mind flashes back to a couple days ago. Clarke and I had a conversation full of emoji's. Well. That's fine because they were for emphasis. She always get's to me when she calls Clarke "My girl."

She is her own person and sure stand up for herself. But, when it comes to somethings I guess I kind of am like "The boyfriend". She doesn't seemed bothered by it and knowing her she would have said something if it did bother her so I'm good. 

I throw my phone onto Clarke's bed and I sit back down on the beanbag chair and just relax. A few minutes later she comes in with a smile on her face trying to be quiet. Looking down at me for the first time she continues to smile and her cheeks grow rosy in color. "Hey sorry about that. My mom was just talking to me about her being gone for a little while." 

"You're good." I reply, whilst playing with my necklace I've had since I was little that my mom gave me. It was from the last time I saw her and it was the last thing she gave me before she died. It is just a simple small silver necklace and on the end has a small anchor with an engraving in it that reads "Bellamy, you are my rock and I am your anchor to reality. With love, Mom" It is possibly my most valued possession I own. And when I find who I value most in life, I'm giving it to them so then my most valued things in life will always be together. And, right now that person is Octavia but I don't know for sure anymore.

She sits down and we get back to filming our video forgetting about our almost kiss but it still lingers in the back of my mind but I let it go for a little bit. We finish filming our last bits and editing it is so much fun. Well, for one that is what I like to do and second Clarke and i make it so funny and add in extra fun parts to it. I can't wait to watch it finished and post it and see if anyone else will approve of our fun.

That's it for now leaving tomorrow for back home so I am packing right now to fly tomorrow! Will try to write some at the airport tomorrow so yeah. Above is bell's necklace. Who do you think he will give it to?! Octavia or someone else!? Continue reading to find out!

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