And older man greeted her. "Hello," he said. He was definitely British. "Can I help you?"

"Uh," she stuttered. "I'm Logan Parker. I-"

"Yes," he smiled warmly. "Welcome to Wayne Manor, Miss Parker."

"Thank you." She said awkwardly. Had she been expected?

"This way," he held his arm out in a certain direction, to which she followed. He led her to a staircase.

Coming down was a young teenage boy around her age. He wore a school uniform and had sunglasses atop his head. He stopped when he saw her.

"Master Grayson, this is Miss Parker." The butler introduced.

"Hi." She waved.

"Hey." He smiled, taking off the sunglasses and tousling his hair. He held out his hand. "Dick Grayson."

"Logan Parker." She shook it.

"I hear that it's just 'Parker', though." He continued. She nodded, a bit confused as to how he knew. "As I understand it, we have some things to discuss."

"As far as I know." She threw her hands up in a 'whatever' motion.

The butler jumped in. "Master Wayne gave express orders to fill her in on everything."

"Of course." Dick happily agreed.

"Everything, Master Grayson." He emphasized.

The boy nodded again. "Thank you, Alfred." His smile faded in annoyance. The butler took that as his cue to leave.

"Alfred is great at what he does," Dick admitted. "But he is persistent."

"Fine by me." She clasped her hands together in front of her.

"Come on, then. I'll fill you in." He started walking. "What exactly did Bruce tell you?"

"I'm not exactly at liberty to say." She remembered her contract.

"Did he mention the Justice League?" He asked smugly.

She pursed her lips. "Yes, he may have."

"But you don't know what you're doing?" He wanted clarification.


"It's simply, really. He wants you to build a mainframe that can't be broken."

"For the Justice League?"

"Yes, actually." He confirmed.

In a living room Dick walked over to a bust of Shakespeare. He fiddled with it until a door opened from the cabinets beside it. He went into the elevator. He motioned for her to join. She did.

"Where does this thing go?" She questioned.

"Down." He remarked.

The ride wasn't long. When the door opened again, they no longer were in the manor. The were in

"The Bat Cave." Dick spread his arms out in a welcoming gesture.

Ingenious >>>(Young Justice/Dick Grayson)<<<Where stories live. Discover now