Zickie cleared his throat, my eyes moved to his form.

"I didn't mean to jump in the conversation. But I if you feel like people say you fight too much. Tell them that you fighting for what you believe is right to you. Not everyone will have the same battles for therefore you have the right to fight if you feel like a battle is always ready to come."

I felt shivers run up my back when I heard his voice. Zickie voice was low almost as his he was whispering but loud enough where everyone can hear him. His voice wasn't deep but it made you think 'damn how does he sound in the bed room'. He had one of those bed room voices where he asks you what you want and you just melt.

I shook my head trying to force my thoughts to stay on the right track.

Z'ekka gave him an impressed nod, "OK you sound all smart. But when does the phrase 'all battles aren't meant for you to fight' "

I just realized I was still standing. I walked over to Zickie and sat down beside him. I didn't have anywhere else to sit and I didn't want to be this close him. However Z'ekka's mom had to get a love seat. I felt his knee tapping mines as he stayed in his out stretched position.

I sighed and just told myself I'm over reacting around some hotass boy. I am not some love structed puppy who needs attention from everything I find attractive.

"I agree when does that phrase come into play?" I turned to look at him and get more comfortable.

I took my sandals off and pulled my feet to my chest on the couch. Zickie raised his eyebrow and smirked lightly.

"That phrase doesn’t have to come into play if you don't want to. If you feel like every battle is important. Then you wouldn't give a fuck if it's not meant to be fought."

Zickie was starting to have a point.

But I wouldn't to fight everyday all day, for the rest of my life. I would be stressed out for no reason.

"So then stop Tiya." Z'ekka said to me as she stood up.

My eyes got wide when I realized I said that thought out loud. Damn what the fuck is wrong with my mouth and brain. What it can't tell the difference between not talking or talking? I need to get checked out by a doctor.

Z'ekka stood up and started making her way to her kitchen, "I'm hungry. Do you two want anything?"

I shook my head. Zickie nodded his head, "A sandwich nothing on it but some cheese and mustard."

Z'ekka nodded her head and went into the kitchen. I stood up fixing the blouse, "Z'ekka may I use your phone?"

"Sure gurl go ahead." She yelled form the kitchen.

I wlake over to the cordless phone and dialed Trinton's cell phone number. I mean really I need my stuff and Trinton is that type of guy that will be smart and make me come and get it myself. So when I go back over there he can force me to stay so we can talk.


I frowned and felt the tears sting my eyes when I heard that sexy, loving voice I was so use to. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.


"Tiya... I'm.."

"I ain't call for us to talk... I called to inform you that I need my shit by tomorrow at school. Just leave it my locker. I know you know the combination..."

"I don't so tell me when I get there." I could hear the smirk within Trinton's voice. I wanted to laugh too but I wasn't going to let him know I feel that way.

"No its 13-23-10... Trinton I want to work on myself and maybe when I'm settled with that then I'll come back.... Maybe I won't. I don't want to deal with anything with your family right now."

I jumped when I felt a warm breathe on my ear.

"Z'ekka wants us in the kitchen real quick. She told me to come get you." Zickie voice sent goose bumps up and down my arms.

"Who was that! That sound like...'

"I have to go bye Trinton." I pressed 'end' on the phone before he could finish the sentence. I didn't feel like talking any longer to him.

I turned around to head to the kitchen but froze when I realized how close Zickie was. He smelled pretty good like that new axe. The one that make angels fall from the sky Hahaha. I cleared my throat and Zickie backed up with a slight smirk on his face.

I giggled to myself, this guy seem pretty cool. I mean he's my type for a guy but something about him reminds me about someone else.

I just can't put my finger on it.

Z'ekka turned to look at us as she started fixing fried chicken.

"I don't feel like making a sandwich so you will both eat some chicken, rice and corn. I don't want to hear you guys groan and moan about not being hungry. I know Zickie you staying the night and Tiya since you need me I know you staying the night. So as the motherly type I am. I'll make sure my kids eat."

Zickie chuckled softly and I was laughing.

"Yes mam. We won't waste food mommy." I laughed when Z'ekka gave me a look that said 'girl you already know'.

As she was fixing dinner for us. Zickie and I went back into the living room watching America Next Top Model.

I wanted to watch it and Zickie went along with it. He had a nice hoodie jacket on and he stood to take it off. I was lying on the couch as he was sitting in the single sofa chair.

I watched as he slowly untied is shoes and took his shoes off. I giggled at the bright lime green socks he had on with the sick smiley faces on them.

"Really" Zickie looked at me and smirked.

Zickie chuckled softly, "Fuck yeah! I like my green sick socks."

I giggled, "Well I like them truth be told but... really."

I made a face and Zickie burst out laughing. I smiled softly. We focused back on watching TV.

The lights were out but I could see some of Zickie biceps and triceps move in the dark. I raised an eyebrow knowing that if he got some good arms then he must have got a nice stomach. I licked my lips in thought.

LOOK AT ME!! I was sounding like a boy who was horny. I softly sighed, maybe because Trinton and I never got to finish what we started. I wasn't pressed about it but I just needed to stop acting like I was horny. I closed my eyes but open them quickly when I saw a flash of Trinton's face.

My heart fell completely to my feet. This was not what I had in mind. I wanted to rest and am at peace but it could never come.

However I did enjoy sitting here in this dark living room watching America Next Top Model as my best friend who still sees me as a best friend even after I move, cooking dinner for us. I felt like I was at my true home in some many years.

For once I felt like I was safe and that I didn't have to fight to feel protected.

I smiled to myself as I finished watching TV.




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