God they were so lovey it was gross sometimes.

"Don't give me that look." Sam said, looking back at me and I threw my hands up. 

"Whatever dude." I finished my makeup and stood up, grabbing the heels and strapped them on. 

Then there was a knock on the door. 

"Can you get that?" I heard Sam yell and I sighed. 

"Cause I'm your butler." I whispered, grabbing the door.

"Oh, hey." 

Danny said and for a second, I froze, before letting him in. 

"Hey." I said back. It was a silence as he walked in. 

For a few minutes we just stood awkwardly in the living room before I was going to finally do something about it. 

"Okay we need to get over this, because obviously we are going to be in the same room a lot being friends with those two." He stared at me for a second, before nodding.

"Yeah you're right." He said and I started to laugh. 

"I mean, come on, we don't even remember." I was laughing, but he was not. 

"Well..." He stopped and I was not laughing anymore. 

"Wait, do you remember? Did you lie to me?" I asked, taking a step closer. I was going to be pissed if he lied to me that morning about not remembering. 

"Not at first I didn't, I wasn't lying. But after a few days I would remember snippets of it. So that's been happening." I sighed, hating that he remembered. 

"Well that's great." I threw up my arms, turning away. 

"I don't remember everything, but just like parts of it, if that helps." He said, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Nice, that's real nice."

Silence, again.

"If it helps, you were pretty good from what I remember." I snapped back around and he was just smiling.

"You're not helping." I said and he started to laugh. 

"Okay, sorry, sorry." He said, turning his head away and I sighed again, leaning against the couch. 

"You better not tell anyone about it though." I said, pointing at him and he nodded. 


As he said this, Sam walked out, along with Julian. Sam pulled down her dress slightly and fixed her slightly messed up hair. 

"They just did it, didn't they?" I whispered to Danny and he just nodded. 

"Yeah, they do that." He said and Julian shot him look, making Danny shut up and Sam just looked over at me, smirking. 

Julian pointed to my ensemble smiling.

"Hey babe, remember that night you wore that ensemble." He said turning to Sam, pulling her in. 

"I do and I especially remember how fast you tore it off of me and -"  

"Okay can we just go before I throw up!" I yelled, not wanting to hear the end of whatever the hell Sam was saying and walked for the door. I could hear them both laughing as we made our way to the Uber waiting on the street.


"You ready to get your dance on?" Sam asked, grabbing my hand and already starting to move her body. She was such an amazing dancer and always commanded the dance floor when she was on it, had every guys attention as always, but she pulled me on it. 

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