Stipulations and Concern

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“Either way Warner is correct,” Trevor said calmly. Looking at River he said, “Would you be alright with work being the acception?”

“As a …”

“Dad, I don’t mind,” River interceded.“Most girls don’t work so it isn’t an issue. Tori works in retail there’s no way she can avoid men entirely and making her quit won’t help me.”

“Help you what?” Michael inquired.

River surprised everyone when he looked at Warner. “I may have claim on your daughter but I’m fully aware she’s not in love with me. Tori has been more than honest about not wanting to end up engaged. I don’t want to do something that’s going to cause a rift.” He looked at his father and said, “Mom and you weren’t in love in the beginning but you grew to love each other.”

Lord Gregory internally groaned. He didn’t like the idea of his future daughter in law working where he didn’t have constant access to her. He felt the only way a woman should work was if it was within a family business. “Fine but she leaves that job after you two wed.”

“Tori is not going to want to go shopping and have lunch at the country club ever day,” Jake commented. Everyone looked at him. “You can’t tell me Tori doesn’t enjoy working,” He commented looking at the girl’s father.

“Whether or not she works will be up to River once they are married,” Trevor reminded both enforcers.

“If she does it will be with a family business.” The Lords words were firm. Even a glance at River was final in appearance. Even if River wouldn’t object he would.

“She is to restrain from wearing any provocative clothing unless River is with her and he approves,” Lord Gregory said moving on.

River fell into an almost sleep like state as his father and Michael made small demands of each other. It seemed to go on forever which is why the light haired brunette had zoned out. It wasn’t until the word intimacy was said he quickly came out of his daze.

“I think at least once every two weeks is more than accommodating,” Lord Gregory said.

“No.” Everyone looked at River. “You can’t put that in there.”

“Of course I can. It...”

“I told Tori I wouldn’t force it.” Lord Gregory shut his mouth and stared at his son. Silence engulfed the room.

“Why?” The Lord of the Region finally asked breaking the silence.

“Look I know it’s odd but I didn’t feel right about making her give up her virginity before we are married.”

“Tori’s not a virgin,” Michael replied.

River actually smiled. “Yes, she is.” It took effort when he noticed a look of uncertainty on the face of his future father in law.

“Why do you…”

“I asked Trevor. After I accidentally scared her,” He replied looking at his brother. “Trust me as shocking as it is, the girl’s a good girl.”

“Ah hell.” Everyone looked at Warner. “That’s why Karen said I overreacted.” Before anyone could ask a phone beeped. River pulled out his cell and looked at it.A text from Drew was there asking to meet.

“I’ll be back.” River said and stood up. “I’m not saying I won’t sleep with Tori before we get married; I’m just not going to force it so, there’s no reason to put it in the contract,” He told his father.

“You can’t fool around with anyone else River.”

River gave a sigh before saying, “I know and I’m not saying it’ll be easy but I don’t want it in the contract.”

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