Beginning And Ending In Hell

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Felicia's P.O.V

I was nervous to say the least. The Boot camp's bus was arriving at its destination, which as my sorella, Lovina, liked to call it, Hell. Straight, blistering, Hell. Why were we even in this situation, sure I could mask my disagreement about it, but Lovi straightforwardly ranted about it. Even now, on the bus packed to the brim with boys and girls that would continue to spend their summer with us.

"I just don't get it! I mean, I wasn't attacked, and neither were you! Why did we have to go away and risk our summer?" Lovi angrily chanted in Italian, gaining confused glances from the other passengers. The only information I've acquired from them is that they're all from different countries, with a similar understanding of English. And unfortunately, Lovi was aware of that by now.

The bus swiveled into a direct right turn, successfully flinging us all out of our seats, and thankfully, shutting Lovi up. The delighted Prussian driving the bus could only mutter happily as Lovi's shrieking finally diminished, while her Spanish friend proceeded to glare at the Albino. For some reason, I can't help but feel suspicious of the Spanish brunette, who at the moment was whispering furiously at the Prussian. We were all directed to toss our bags into the luggage compartment but the moment she looked at Lovi, she grabbed her luggage for her, insisting that she didn't need to carry them by herself.

If I didn't know any better, I'm pretty sure someone has an attraction towards my sorella, cheeky bitch. Looking at the deflated pile of an Italian woman besides me, I sigh teasingly.

"You are way too loud! Well so am I but that's not the case, just try to be nice to everyone, they might end up on your opposite side of a ring. And stop complaining, look at it as a way to lose weight, we eat too much pizza and pasta, we're practically chubby, its not like you would've had a hot summer body in time for the season, ve?" I reprimand in Italian, ignoring the curious, and almost frightened, looks of the nearby soon-to-be cadets.

Almost sensing her voice, the Spanish woman looks back at us, directing her strong gaze onto Lovi. "Yea, Yea, I know. I'm just so an- wait, did you call me fat," she sat up, glaring slight while I shook my head in denial, "good, because I've got curves, not fat! And I can't help if I'm a fucking bitch, nobody but you and nonna get my good side."

I noticed a sly smirk on the stalking Spaniard's face when Lovi claimed she was curvy and I could see their future now. But more pressing matters have claimed my attention. The bus has come to shrieking halt, bashing everyone into the object in front of them. I might kill that stupid Prussian!

"Just promise me?" I ask sweetly in our native language one last time before having to convert to English.

"Fine," she replies quietly, following me as we climb out of the bus and head towards the luggage compartments beneath the seating area. As we standing away from the crowd, someone kicks Lovi in the shin, knocking her down before running away. Now, I would've lended her my hand without a second's hesitation but someone picked her up, setting her on her feet before I could even think to react.

Twas the Spanish bitch, who keeps giving my sorella googly eyes.

"Sorry about Julchen, she woke up like a little puta because Francesca made her wear appropriate clothing to the airport. You'll learn to wear nothing but a bra and some pants when it comes to training in the mid day heat. Plus, your ranting seemed to think you're a bitch so she decides she would treat you like one. Don't worry, I'll report her bad behavior to Monika, she'll take care of it. Oh! I haven't introduced myself, I'm Isabella Carriedo, nice to meet you..."

"Loviana Vargas, and this here is my sorella, Feliciana Vargas. Thank you but we have to go get our fucking stuff now, so bye!" I was mildly shocked how quick Lovi was to leave Isabella despite how genuine she was but I didn't protest and trailed behind her, grabbing my luggage with Italian landmarks decorating the surface. Lovi hadn't taken a step before Isabella hoisted her luggage onto her shoulder, grinning down at my pissed off sister.

I decided they'd like some alone time so I wandered off, running after the crowd of disappearing cadets. We walked through the wide, wooden, entrance that connected to the rest of the gate that bordered the camp. It may have been a nice, polished, wood for the entry but the gate was a metallic material and stood high off of the ground.

Sighing halfheartedly, I realize that now that I'm in, there's no way out. I really wish I could go home and enjoy my summer like any normal person would but instead, I'm stuck in Hell. There was a list nailed to a news board, everyone had moved along except for a small, frail, Japanese girl with short bark brown hair.

My eyes scanned over the rows of names until they landed on my own hidden in the made yet plain in sight. I was listed under Monika Beilschmidt. I can't help the disbelieving mutter that escapes my lips, "Oh, that's just splendid."

"I don't mean to pry, but what is?" The lone girl questioned brokenly. There's no way she could've agreed to come to here, probably drafted like everyone else. The difference between her and I, was that she was like a doll. Poor thing would have to experience this horror just like I would.

"It seems I'm drafted for Monika. That'll be a pain in the ass, I'm Feliciana Vargas but you can call me Feli, and you are?" I introduce politely, giving her one of my best smiles.

"I'm Honda Sakura, it is a pleasure to meet you Feli, it seems we are both doomed this summer, no?" I glanced back at the list, her name was right beneath my own. Seems she'll be my first friend yet.

"Yes, yes it does, would you like to walk with me to our cabin?" I lend my hand out to the frail flower.

"Oh, yes please, arigato, Feli-chan," her hand was tiny, much like a doll's and somehow, we managed to locate the ghastly cabin all on our own. Who knows what'll be behind this door. My hand wraps around the doorknob before twisting it and pushing it open.

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