39. You're an ass

Start from the beginning


We're an hour into the movie and as expected, Camz has tears in her eyes and I was close to finishing the popcorn. I've noticed that every romance movie that I've watched (which I was forced to watch by Mani, Ally or Camz) has the same plot to it. I mean the guy always goes to war, the girl is involved in art in some way. She either paints it or admires it.

"Who's on the verge of crying now?" I tease

"Shutup, this is the sad part"

"Allie moves away. You know what's going to happen already. They're going to make up and end up back together" I say bored

"You're an ass you know that?"

I chuckle, "Well my ass is going somewhere else. Come find me when you're done."

I'm wandering around my house and then I get an idea to go annoy my siblings. I make my way back upstairs and go to Chris' room first. I press my ear to his door but hear nothing. I open it and and his room is messy but empty. I close his door and head towards Taylor's room. When I get outside of it, I start to hear a whole lot of giggles coming from the inside. Not recalling her having friends over, I decide to barge in to kill her moment.

"Hey baby sis" I say

She quickly locks her phone and hides it under her blankets, "Laur? What are you doing in my room?"


"You never visit"

"You got me, I just wanted to annoy you. I'm bored"

"How? Camila is over." Her phone vibrates

"Well she's watching that Noah dude again. I'm starting to think she likes him more than me"

She chuckles, "I wouldn't blame her"

I punch her, "Shutup" Her phone vibrates again

"Well I'm going to go join her" she says before shoving me away but also taking her phone with her. After it vibrates for the third time

"Wanna tell me why you have a death grip on your phone? And why it keeps vibrating?" I ask with an eyebrow raised

"I don't have it under a death grip. It's Alexa, she's checking up on me" she says uneasily

"Oh really?"


"Let me talk to her" I say starting to reach over to her phone

"No!" She yells and I raise both my eyebrows, "I mean she was going to go to sleep. She probably said her goodbyes"

"Tay, it's four in the afternoon"

"She had a long day?" she questions more than states

"Cut the crap Taylor, who are you really talking to?"

"No one"

"Give me your phone"


We Are A Secret (Camren) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now