I was in my room at my own house again but most of the furniture was removed, leaving just my bed and one nightstand. All the pictures and decorations I had in my room were gone. This was strange. I was sitting on my bed but I was unable to move from it. No matter how hard I tried to stand up, it was impossible. That's when an eerie voice echoed the room.

         "Kelly." The voice whispered, sending chills up my spine.

            The lights in my room flickered on and that's when I saw the person standing in the corner of my room. He hadn't been there a few moments ago. My heart started to face and my hands started to tremble. Kyle Olive stood before me, a sinister smirk on his face as he noticed my pale face and tear-filled eyes.

         "Nice to finally see you again, Kelly. This year has been long not being able to see you. The thought of seeing you again got me through the long and dreadful days in prison." He spoke.

            I was speechless, even if I wanted to say anything, my mouth couldn't move to form the words. There was a lump in the back of y throat that made swallowing hard to do. I stood up from my bed, getting ready to bolt if needed.

       "Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled.

           He started to talk a few small steps towards me which made me instantly back away from him. He was standing between me and the door so escaping seemed impossible. Was anyone here, could I call for help? Before I knew it, my back hit the wall and I was out of places to go. Kyle pinned me against the wall, his body pressed up against mine. I could feel his breath on my neck and smell his cheap cologne that made me want to crinkle my nose in disgust. This was Kyle for sure. His look, his voice, his smell, his personality. It was all Kyle. I was hoping that I was mistaken and that this wasn't really Kyle but it really is him.

          "I told you we would be together forever." He whispered in my ear, followed by several small kisses down my neck causing my body to tense.

           Then just like that my dream ended, leaving Kyle as a figment of my imagination. Sure, it may not seem so scary but to me, it was terrifying. After that, the two of us talked for about another hour, some about Kyle and some about life in general. I felt a lot better being able to get all this off my chest with her. Sure, I could tell Maddie or Ethan but I didn't want them to worry. We exchanged goodbyes and told her I'd make another appointment if things got worse but I actually felt a lot better. Hopefully, I wouldn't need to come back so soon. When I got home, Ethan was waiting upstairs in my room for me.

           "Hello, beautiful." He greeted with a smile as he gave me a peck on the lips.

         "This is a surprise." I grinned, glad that he came over.

          "Well, I knew today may be hard for you, I came to cheer you." He said.

         "I'm doing a lot better. I just got done with a session with Dr. Klein. But what did you have in mind?" I asked.

         "Well, I had a few things in mind." He grinned as he grabbed me by the hand pulled me close to him.

           My heart started to beat faster and faster as he leaned in to kiss me our noses almost touching. His lips touched mine softly, almost as if our lips weren't touching at all. He grabbed his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer than I already was. I circled my arms around his neck, deepening our kiss. Before I knew it, Ethan backed us up until I fell onto my bed. We broke the kiss for a moment as I laughed.

        "My aunt and uncle are downstairs, what if they come up here?" I asked, paranoid that they may see our make-out session.

         "You know they never come up here." He replied, a huge smile on his face.

         He ran his thumb down my cheek affectionately as we both gazed into each other's eyes, breathless to say the least. My heart was racing a mile a minute but in a good way. This was nothing compared to the terror I felt with Kyle. I knew Ethan would never hurt me. I trusted him with my life.

          Ethan rested his elbows next to my head as he leaned over me, his hair long enough to cover part of his face. Screw this, I didn't care if my aunt and uncle came up here. All I wanted to do was kiss my amazingly attractive boyfriend who I cared most about in the world.

          I yanked him by the front of his shirt and our lips connect again, this time with passion and desperation to have his lips against mine. I loved this; these moments where the world around me didn't exist. This was the escape I needed for today and every day for that matter. We continued the kiss until we both had to pull away to breathe.

          "You've definitely distracted me from today." I chuckled as softly touched his cheek.

           "That was the plan after all." He said giving me a goofy grin.

              Ethan decided to hang out with me for a few more hours until I decided I had to visit my parents' graves sooner or later. He offered to go with me but I had to do this alone. I walked him outside and gave him a small peck goodbye before he left. Ethan Samson was probably one of the best things that has happened to me since the kidnappings. Without him by my side, who knows if I would have made it this far. I'd probably gone crazy by now. I went back up to my room and tried to mentally prepare myself for visiting my parents. 

This chapter is edited, let me know if you see any mistakes!! Hope you all enjoy book 2!!!  :D

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