Flight or Fight

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I had no dreams this time around. There laid nothing but a dead weight on my limbs. My body didn't feel rested or recovered, nor did I want to wake up to the full extent. I wanted to huddle into a ball and stay there until the pain dissipated, but three body-shaking rumbles snapped through the ground and denied me my rest. Out of instinct my eyes popped open and I scurried back against the wall. From the roof, a layer of dust cascaded onto my head. My mind wasn't fully awake, but a part of me realised, something was amiss. The world wasn't supposed to shake this much. Nor could it be my shaking body or the grumble off my empty stomach.

Another shockwave rippled through the ground and the wall at my back. My hands braced themselves. Wait, my hands are unbound! It was a small victory but one I couldn't celebrate. Another vibration jolted my bones. An earthquake? My knowledge of them weren't infinite yet I knew they didn't happen this often. Weren't earthquakes less frequent, with a few aftershocks and one main wave?

The door to my prison snapped open before I found an answer to my reasoning and Elihandra dashed into the room, shutting it behind her. She rested her head against the door, her back to me. Today, she bore knee-length boots and a pair of paints that appeared to be laced together at the side of her legs, exposing her alabaster skin beneath. From her back, a flimsy piece of black fabric with lace wrapped around her back and sides, exposed more of her flesh.

She twisted around. I faltered backwards. The glint in her eyes sparkled silver, her eyes widened, wild with excitement. A broad, delirious smile spread her glazed lips into thin lines. Her body quivered like a kid who ate too much candy and couldn't contain the sugar rush. Wildly and manic, rushed through my head.

She clapped her hands together and my spine jolted straight. I took another step back.

"Can you believe it? They found my hideout."

I wasn't sure who she referred to but with my hands freed, I felt more secure, I felt ready to hit, kick and bite if possible. Maybe I could escape while her focus wasn't on me? I glanced at the ground, spotting a loose rock I could grab. If Elihandra noticed my train of thought, she didn't say anything, instead she leaned back against the door, her gaze turning thoughtful.

"It's been centuries since I last saw him. With you close, it shouldn't be too hard to goad him into a trap. He's smart through, and oh so slippery. When I cursed him-" Elihandra grew silent, her back straightening while a muscle jumped in her jaw. "What does it matter? He never felt anything for me. Our cat and mouse game has gone on long enough, it's time I put it to bed."

I couldn't be sure of what Elihandra babbled on about. I couldn't even be sure she could trust her own train of thoughts and the words she spoke. All I saw was crazy, but as I listened to her, the bitterness she spoke about this man made me believe he scorned her heart in one way or another. Perhaps a one-sided love? I found it hard to see a love being reciprocated with her. Whoever she fell for probably didn't share her love and the poor sod received nothing but revenge ever since. To be at the hands of her fury made my soul quake and I only had a small taste of said fury.

Another tremble rattled the space, and a few stones in the walls cracked. A brief silence followed, before a mind-numbing static invaded the area and my ears began searching for sound, anything to break the dead void. Elihandra turned back to the door, her body and feet creating no resonance.

This is my chance!

With her back to me, I dropped to my knees and grabbed the sharp-edge rock I eyed. I bolted upright and took up my previous position.

In the span it took me to gather my weapon, Elihandra reversed closer to me, both her feet slightly angled to the side. Her knees faced the same direction of her feet. Her arms were raised, her body coiled with the same slight angle. At the base of her shoes a puddle of liquid red glinted in the rays of moonlight coming from the window. I frowned. Is that blood?

Whispered KissTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang