A Seeker's Power

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Bladen's skin buzzed with a chaotic energy that raged inside the confines of his body, begging to be released. It didn't matter how hard he pushed his limbs forward by pacing the confines of his living room, he couldn't rid himself of it.

He tried to lead his mind in different directions, but in his current mood, his mind snaked to darker corners. Today, one memory stood above the rest. In the darkness of his consciousness the eyes of his father found him, filled with their ever-condescending judgment and displeasure. The scorn of his father would always haunt him. He could hear his father's belittling chide for the idiotic ideals and mistakes Bladen has made thus far.

"Fuck!" He screamed into the nothingness of his flat, trying with all his might to bury his mistakes and his father with it. What did it matter anyway? His father was long dead, and he rose above the brutality. He couldn't allow the hurt of a younger him, drive his emotions forward now. Especially not with everything else going on.

Instead, he ripped both his hands through his hair before he grabbed his phone from his pocket and glanced at the time. Late. Again. He rolled his shoulders and forced his legs to stay still. Is this simply a repeat of earlier today? He inhaled, and watched the door, hoping, waiting for Ave to step through it. The original plan had been for the driver to meet them at another destination but Bladen changed it incase problems arose. He spoke to the driver not long ago and by his calculations, including traffic, the man should have arrived.

The energy rallying underneath his skin increased tenfold, and his muscles coiled into tight knots. Did he have a reason to be paranoid?

While he pondered the question, an atmospheric pinch of heat jolted through his being and everything within him stilled. What he experienced meant a shift of power happened in the mortal world. Whether the shift held relations to Ave, he couldn't be sure but he had an obligation to investigate. However, if The Bleeding Scries found their way into the mortal world last time, it meant they could do it again. Which meant Ave wasn't safe, unless she was with him. He took a breath. His investigation would tell him what he needed to know.

Bladen closed his eyelids, drenching himself in shadow. In his mind's eye, he reached forward, seeking out a single white vibrant dot. A key of sorts for all the Seekers who inherited the same power as he did. He took hold of the light and cradled it in his palms. The silver of power on its own didn't have enough strength but by drawing it closer to his heart, the orb became a magnate and drew his power towards it. The light started to intensify and in this current stage, sound began flooding his system, a fail-safe to put the wrong people of their course. However, he had been trained to go through the motions and instead listened to the tick-tick of a branch against his window, the drip-drip of the tap in the kitchen, and the purr of the neighbourhood's cat. Before long, the sounds became indistinguishable, merging together and forming one booming echo. The sound was enough to make one's ears bleed.

Silence. He whispered the word within his mind and closed the gates to all sound. The action seemed simple but it took him years to learn the right precision to block the noise with a single word.

In the time it took him to kill-off the noise, the orb of light hummed with enough power to be used. Bladen flicker the light forward and his black canvas of a mind transformed into an uplifting array of colours. Inside the colorful painting his sense of temperature awakened to a higher degree. Another failsafe, but one he despised the most.

The overall heat of the room wrapped its greedy hands around each of his cells and held them in a sweltering prison. He wanted to squirm away and retract his search as the heat began slithering into his veins, drying his throat and setting his skin alight. Bladen grinded his teeth together. Seekers often prepared themselves ahead of time or used something cold to oppose the heat, but Bladen hated being cold and unlike his fellow Seekers, he didn't do continuous Seeking. He had other more complicated responsibilities and being in the mortal world for long soften him. Within the mortal world he didn't need to use his powers on a daily basis, it was easy to forget his upbringing, his world and create a different ideal for his life.

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