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It beckoned, knocking on Bladen's soul. A sinister, not-quite-right feeling. His body launched a thousand red flags, bleepers in his subconscious telling him to fight the intrusion but he struggled to move. A heavyweight laid on his chest, almost choking him and forcing his limbs and his mental barriers into submissiveness. He suffered every time the call of the spirit reached for him and the more the feeling increased, the closer Arel was to breaching the gates and enter into the land of the living.

He peered over at Vivian, who sat next to him, one leg draped over the other, her back straight, her eyes latched onto something in the distance. Dressed in black slacks and a v-chest vest with a bright green silk-collar shirt she classified herself as the go-to secretary. Poised and well mannered, not to mention patient, especially with him. Yet, she was silent for most of the ride, a true testimony to the emotions simmering inside of her. No doubt she also tried to figure out his strange behaviour. Vivian might be composed, but she also strived to be in-the-know and he couldn't blame her. The more he thought about it, the more he frowned. Arel did the same to him. He had a choice. He didn't know how he would tell her, it felt right to do it now before Arel showed up and before they entered Damania.

The moment they stepped into Damania to go after Ave, he would open a Pandora's box of grave percussions and who knew when he would get another, semi-peaceful opportunity to break the news. Vivian will be caught in the chaos regardless, and he didn't want a metaphorical stick pushing them apart.

The knocking turned up another notch, and with a deep inhale, Bladen turned to Vivian.

"I know you sense it." He stated, keeping his tone even and firm.

Vivian nodded, her reflection playing amongst the trees the car sped past. Her hands balled in her lap. "Of course, I do, even a human would be able to sense it."

Bladen reached for one of Vivian's balled fists, tucking it until she turned to face him.

"Do you know where it's coming from?" Bladen asked.

He dreaded her answer but held his mask of indifference. Once he entered Damania he didn't want to hide it anymore. He wanted Vivian to know, for when they brought Ave back, he could explain it out in the open without any trouble. Plus, Bladen needed Arel to come through. He couldn't reach the spirit before, which meant, Arel was off doing something. Bladen wanted to know what and if his contractor had information on Ave. As far as Bladen knew, Arel remained tethered to him through their contract, yet according to Arel, they could both be released. Again, the details and knowledge Bladen craved for weren't given to him. He knew the Arel he saw, wasn't the true being. His theory was Arel somehow tethered between life and death and the contract kept him anchored. Bladen assumed, Arel wanted Ave to break whatever made him linger in the in-between. He also assumed, once Ave could do such a thing, Arel would be visible to everyone.

Thus, Bladen preferred to warn Vivian now, instead of later. He felt a pang of regret and remorse. He feared what backlash his secrets would have on their relationship.

Vivian raised a manicured brow, her hand shook in his, anticipation of bad news written across her features. She tried hard to hide it by shielding her emotions but her jaw clenched and her eyes widening in the slightest. "What's going on?" There was a pinch in her voice, a hiccup showing her worry and her angst.

Bladen held the silence in his hand, savouring a moment of a perfect world. Long gone were the years of Vivian's toddler years, her flamboyant teens, and outrages tantrums as she grew up. Before him sat a woman, one he would risk his life for. Vivian was his stability. A necklace he wore with pride and could touch without unwanted memories. Vivian was the epitome of happy memories. Of laughter he thought forgotten. With no mother, she took the lead. She was strong, her life still young. A part of him admired and longed to have the same vibrancy she emanated. If he lost her during the upcoming months, he would lose his link to joy. To a view of a different life. There was little that could bring him back from the brink. Bladen couldn't put his faith in Ave, not yet. It made Vivian his only solidity. No matter how selfish it made him, he clung to it.

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