One on One

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Blood, it edged across the contours of my body and my vision until the crimson colour claimed all control. Time ceased and in my bubble of plasma, I swam on a high. As if ingesting a potent drug, the problems of my old life fell away, and I became purged of all the doubts within me. I had come home, and I revelled in the feeling. The red sunk beneath my skin with the joyous chorus of a thousand clapping hands and soaked my soul. My blocked vision cleared and instead of the red leaving my sight, it stayed. I lifted my chin to the surrounding field of wildflowers and untamed grass. Each flower, each piece of grass, all vibrated with a tinge of red, but as if peering through a looking glass, the crimson appeared to magnify what I saw and how I perceived it. I placed one foot in front of the other, but my feet felt wrapped in an air pocket, causing me to fumble backwards, surprised. Intrigued, I glanced down. I didn't touch the ground itself but rather floated above it.

With a bit of balancing and a few stumbles, I managed to move forward toward the blades of grass and flowers drawing my attention. The red layer in front of my sight appeared to alter what I perceived. I crouched down and touched the blade. The subtle touch of my finger brought the entire length of the grass alive. I gasped and leaned in closer, inspecting the peculiar fluorescent colours moving inside the grass. Alive and rushing to the tip of my finger, the workings of the blade became a cellular movement of cells appearing as elongated Pac-man smiley faces.

With the release of my finger, the cells descended and scattered to their designated areas. I wasn't mathematically or scientifically powered, but I could discern some structural formation from my almost-failed biology teaching during high-school. The memories of Amoebas, blood veins, and other biology sketches were hazy at best, but the grass blade bore similar areas of water and sugar conducting points with a layer defending it against elements. The remaining cells scattered about, working to further the protection, consumption and growth of the grass. Once more, I touched the tip of the leaf, and once again the cells all swam upwards towards the tip, eagerly leaving behind their duties.

I righted myself and moved away from the peculiar sight. The blade of grass swayed until it stilled and returned to a normal light green.

"Is this another dream?" I questioned, out-loud.

A wind swept over the field creating the illusion of being tossed into a dark room and showed the Milky Way. The field turned into a fluorescent disco ball. Each flower petal, grass blade, and insect became see-through, with their inner workings on full display. At the centre of the field, the shape of a female body rose, but the outer side of her wasn't discernible, instead the sight I held, made me stagger backwards, a hand over my mouth, as my stomach pinched together. Blood never bothered me, a little was fine, a lot wasn't pleasant. The colouring of it, however, drew my attention, but the way blood worked didn't. The female's entire circulatory system floated before me. There were no bones and the organs were only discernible through the veins filled with blood as it swam through her on a continuous wheel.

"Take a breath." The female's lips moved, but I didn't see the form of her lips but the workings of it. I knew the tone. The calming and reassuring lilt could belonged to Amelia. Without contemplating or allowing myself to fall back into denial, I acted on her command.

"Good. Sit down and unwind. The powers within your veins are moving too fast for your body to maintain. Blood is our life source, thus, what you are seeing is the life within. Once you are awake and accustomed to your power, you shall have the ability to exchange the inner workings of life, for the outer workings."

I nodded unsure of the unfamiliar territory I found myself in. A part of me wanted to lash out, scream, be afraid and quiver away from the world but another part, the part capturing me in an emotional high, overrode all negatives and forced me to be calm. Instead of pushing against the demand, I embraced it and concentrated on the sky, until, little by little the world returned to normal. Amelia smiled, moving forward and taking a seat opposite me.

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