"And not just for dinner, for all the times you've done it, all the help you've been at the station, and that you're keeping grades high." Dad ambled over to me, engulfing me into a hug. "I didn't ask you to take over all that your mom did," He referred to how i'd clean, make dinner and do the laundry. "But you're doing an amazing job at becoming the lady she'd imagined for you."

"Thanks, Dad." I squeezed him back, resting my head on his chest. I never got a lot of time with him anymore, ever since mom passed her threw himself into work. Dad and I used to be bestfriends, but not for the past 8 years.

"No, thank you, kiddo." Dad pulled away and ruffled my hair, grinning in attempt to hide the fact he'd gotten choked up. He pointed behind himself, "I'm planning on turning in, so goodnight."

"See you in the morning." I exchanged a small wave with Dad before his quick disapearance upstairs. In attempt to walk into the hallway, a plaid shirted body nearly collided with me.

"Woah, sorry, Ads!" Stiles backed up, "Scott just called and he needs me over. Any chance you're okay with Derek taking you to school tomorrow?"

"Uh, I guess." I furrowed my eyebrows, "What the hell are you guys doing, anyways?"

"It's non-"

"Non sister business, yeah yeah." I swatted him off, "Go on- wait!"

Stiles jerked to a stop, his eyes wide off his adderall. "Whattt?" He whined, shuffling in his hurried mode.

"You're not going to attempt to kidnap Mathis, are you?" I questioned, recalling his remark from earlier.

"Uhh," Stiles' words fumbled out, "Well, we were planning on following him around a bit to see if it's worth-"


"Oh come on, Ads! You know he's giving off a bad vibe!" Stiles tried, pleading.

"Are you sure it isn't just because he's all over Lydia?" I countered, crossing my arms over my All Time Low top.

Stiles pursed his lips, unable to come up with something witty.

I rolled my eyes, a plan already bewing in my head. "Go."

A smile spread across my brother's face, "Seriously?" He quickly kissed my forehead, "I'll see you at school."

"Be careful!" I shouted after him, the fromt door promptly opening and shutting.

I jogged up to my room, my hunting boots on since I picked up Stiles and a knife already stached. I checked that dad's light was already off before rummaging through my closet for a maroon zip up hoodie and my leather jacket.

My head shot up as I slithered into the leather, a subtle click occuring that I hadn't caused. The presence of someone else was clear and my bedroom window was half open.

Feeling the aura to the left of me, I quickly spun around. Fisting the fabric of the stranger's jacket, I pinned them against my wall, my knife against their throat.

"Uh...Hi." Derek collected himself from the surprise, a bulb of blood dripping from the stuble under his chin.

"Jesus, Derek." I dropped my grip on him and tucked my knife away.

"Jesus me? Addison you're the one who just pinned me to a wall with a knife." Derek recoiled.

"That's your fault." I tied up my waves into a ponytail, "Don't sneak up on me."

"How did you do that, though? I'm a werewolf." He asked, referring to the fact a teenage girl nearly killed him.

I lifted an eyebrow, "And i'm a hunter. The point is to be better." I tugged a wooden box from under my bed, Derek still going after an arguement that i'd won.

"The point of being a supernatural creature is to be better than man." Derek attempted.

"And i'm a woman, congradulations." I unlatched the sides of the box and picked up my switchblade and a stray bullet. "Who clearly could've killed you."

"Yeah, right." He scoffed.

I absently pointed my 45 and fired, only a click coming off, "Twice."

"Addison! H-" Derek lept back in shock.

"Shush, my Dad is sleeping." I placed the empty gun on my bed and carved at the head of the bullet.

"What are you doing?" Derek angled his head to get a better view on my carving. "Is that the devil's snare thing?"

I continued my symbol. "Devil's trap. Devil's snare if from Harry Potter." I grinned internally, not seeing him as the person to watch a Harry Potter movie. I loaded the bullet and carved at another. "Close enough, though."

Derek sat down on the edge of my bed, "What's it do?"

"It's effective against demons. Remember how Thomas' started leaking black smoke from his mouth? He was trying to leave, the black smoke is what demons look like when they aren't in their vessels. They use it as an escape route as if the exorcise themselves from the meat suit their in. This carving on the bullet keeps them from moving like a regular one but it also keeps them from smoking out." I clicked the canister into place, "Unless you've got this on a bullet or the colt, guns are relativly useless against demons."

"The colt?" Derek asked, standing up.

"Magical gun." I tucked the 45 into the back of my dark jeans. "Another story for another time."

Dere shook off a confused look. "So where are you taking the magic bullets?"

"Again with the me thing," I shoved the box away before stuffing pillows under my covers incase Dad got curious. "When you show up it becomes a we thing. Now let's go."

"Okay..." Derek follwed my in the hallway and down the stairs, "Where are we going?"

"We are going to save Scott and Stiles' asses."

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