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WHITE WALLS SURROUND ME. White floors hold my body flat. The pocket watch is draped around my neck, ticking violently as my vision returns and the images become clear in my head. It doesn't take but a second for me to understand I've been kidnapped. Of course I reject the idea immediately; perhaps I'm dreaming-maybe I'm in a hospital room without any of the furniture. But even hospital rooms have windows. They have a bathroom. And, sometimes, another patient.

Snarling to my right makes me jump out of my skin, my heart leaping into my throat and blocking the passage for my scream. My eyes land on a man with pale-ish dark skin and scars covering his bald head as I crab-walk away, only to feel the cold abrasive wall against the skin covering my occipital bone. I heave air in and out of my mouth, unable to beg for my life as my fear tangles into my matted mind.

He tugs at his limbs, trying to surge forward, but is unable to. My darting eyes find the reason behind his agonizing stillness: silver chains, glistening in the fluorescent lighting of the room. They're strapped to his wrists, his ankles, his neck, and around his waist. They dig into his thin skin, thick black-red blood dripping to the pristine floor. The fact that he was tied up would have calmed me down more than it had if it wasn't starting to come out of the walls with each tug of his limbs.

My heart pulses just behind my tongue as I try to tear my eyes from the man. I'm not strapped down so I can run-if only there was somewhere to run.

One glance around the room and my eyes snap back to the wall adjacent from where I cower. A silver door is pressed into the wall, reflecting dully the room I'm held in. I could run to see if it's unlocked, but what if he gets free before then? Whatever it is he wants, I'm sure he wants it from me.

But I'm almost too terrified to move.

One of his ankles is almost free.

It's either die fighting or don't try at all.

My breath hitches one last time as my self-preservation kicks into my bloodstream. I sprint to the door, slamming into it and growling at the metal for being so hard. The man shifts his stance, reaching out for me still. I grip the door handle and tug, moving my hand left and right and feeling the deluge of dread take over my system. I'm locked in.

Metal hits the ground behind me.

God be with me.

The man has his right ankle free, the chain dragging behind him as he yanks at the rest, his eyes red and rabid as his dry lips curl up into a sinister smile. I'm done-for.

I slam my weak fists against the hefty door, screaming for help and rubbing my dry throat raw. Tears can't even find my eyes, I'm so scared out of my wits. No, scared isn't the word. It's something much, much more terrifying than that.

One arm and both legs free, he lunges toward me. His other wrist breaks free, the white wall looking like a small explosion was set off inside its drywall. A final scream shakes my bones and shatters my acceptance of death as his body collides with mine. All my suspicions are confirmed as he opens hi mouth and his canine teeth elongate and curve wickedly like a snake's. Vampire.

The Blood Room | Alternate Endings 1, 2, & 3 Where stories live. Discover now