Percabeth's Child: Children of Olympus Book #1

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This book will be occurring a few years after the end of the HoO series after all fights between the Greeks and the Romans have been resolved. For the purposes of this book, the seven demigods from the Heroes of Olympus series, along with the Gods, helped to create a whole new camp, Camp Demigod, where both Romans and Greeks will live side by side. In addition to the cabins for all the Gods and Goddesses, there are training facilities, and a whole city, similar to New Rome, where demigods can live their lives and start families after completing their training.

WARNING TO THOSE STILL STARTING THIS BOOK: I began this book before House of Hades was published and finished it before Blood of Olympus. Therefore, some of the things in this book might not at first correspond with the ending of the series. I really did not want to rewrite the whole book, so if something seems off just bear with it. It will all be resolved by the end of this book, or, if nothing else, the sequel. However, since the book is taking place after the war is over, there shouldn't be too many problems except for a few relationship things. Also, as I wasn't sure what was up with Reyna and Grover/Juniper, I didn't include them in this book. They'll be featured in the sequel, which is currently being written.

This book will cover Annabeth, Percy, Hazel, Leo, Calypso, Thalia, Frank, Jason, Piper, Nico and Rachel, but the main emphasis will be on Percabeth and Leo.

Enjoy, comment, and tell em what you think!

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