Chapter 35

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"Hey, Capsicle." Tony greeted Steve when they met in the hallway. "Did Fury call you in too?"

Steve nodded. "Yeah. Any idea what this is about?"

"Not a clue, but I'm willing to bet it's not gonna be good."

Steve sighed. "With Fury, is it ever good news?"

He pushed the door to Fury's office open and followed Tony inside.

"Gentlemen." Fury stood from behind his desk and made his way around it. His office was large, with a wall of windows and an oak desk. In front of the desk were two large, black leather high back chairs.

Steve and Tony stood across from him, both eyeing him suspiciously.

"Why are we here?" Steve cut straight to the point.

"Yeah, not that it isn't great to be back and all, but...I have stuff I'd rather be doing." Tony placed his hand into his pockets.

Fury sighed. "I've just finished with a meeting with the World Security Council."

"And?" Steve crossed his arms.

"They want to arrest Barnes and put him on trial for his crimes."

"Absolutely not." Steve's face flushed red. "They granted him amnesty."

"Temporary amnesty. The only reason they've waited this long was because they were waiting for the Avengers to finish with HYDRA. Then the incident with Ultron happened. Now that things have settled, they are putting him on trial for war crimes, murder and about a dozen or two other offenses." Fury leaned back against his desk and crossed his arms. "They haven't issued a warrant- yet."

"He was forced into it!" Steve's temper got away from him. "He was held prisoner and brainwashed. Bucky was tortured for seventy years! He didn't know who he was!"

"Cap, I don't think any of that is going to matter." Tony spoke up. "If they want Barnes to go to trial, he's going to have to."

"He's been through enough," Steve gritted his teeth with enough force it was a wonder they didn't turn to powder.

"With a good lawyer, he can probably plead his case." Tony shrugged.

"And if he loses? If he is found guilty?" Steve moved his hands to his hips.

"There is a high security prison, in a location I am not inclined to disclose. He would serve out his sentence there." Fury eyed Steve.

"Absolutely not." Steve glared at Fury. "You can tell the Council that if they come after Bucky, they are going to have to go through me first."

"That's the second thing they mentioned. If you help him, you will stand trial for treason and harboring a fugitive. They will come after you."

Steve turned and left, saying over his shoulder, "Let them come."


Cora opened the door to her room to find Steve waiting for her. "I got your message. Steve, what's going on?"

"I'm taking Bucky and we are leaving. I don't have much time, but I didn't want to leave without seeing you first." Steve pulled her into an urgent embrace.

"Leaving? What's going on?"

"They want to put Bucky on trial."

"Who does?"

"I can't tell you. Cora, Doll, I have to go." Steve pulled her in for a kiss, but she stopped him by placing her fingers over his lips.

"I'm coming with you."

"Cora- "

"No, Steve. My place is at your side. I'm coming with you." Moving past him Cora began pulling off her scrubs. After dressing in jeans and a white beater she had commandeered from Steve, Cora pulled on Steve's brown leather jacket which she had taken to wearing. After tying her black and pink running shoes, she stepped up to Steve and kissed him. "Let's go."

Steve swallowed. "You sure about this?"

"The only thing I have ever been more sure of, is my love for you." She pressed her lips to his.

When they broke apart, Steve was smiling despite the current situation. "Let's go."

They met Bucky in the underground garage. Sam was staying behind with the rest of the team to keep an eye on things.

Steve got onto his black Harley Davidson and helped Cora to balance while she slung her leg over behind him.

Bucky sat on his own motorcycle and brought it over to where Steve and Cora were. They started the engines at the same time and the noise was deafening inside of the garage.

Without a word they took off. Since there had been no actual warrant issued, no one tried to stop them. While Fury had advised them all not to leave, he couldn't stop them.

***Tony and Fury***

Tony turned to watch Steve storm out of the office. Looking back at Fury he said "Why am I here? I really don't see what I have to do with Capsicle and Tin Man, anyway."

Fury gave a short, harsh humorless laugh. "When the time comes, you will be the one to issue the warrant and make the arrest."

Tony froze. Glancing at Fury from over the top of his colored sun glasses he said, "Excuse me? You want to me to arrest Captain Fucking America's best friend? The friend he was willing to die for to get back?"

"You are the only one who might be able to talk the good Captain from doing something drastic."

"Uh, hello? Do you hear yourself? You do realize who you are talking to, right? Cap and I barely get along on a good day."

"But you are Howard Stark's son. Captain Rogers hasn't forgotten that. It gives you a unique pull over the Captain, even if you don't want to admit it. When the time comes, you will put together a team and you will arrest Barnes. After all, don't you want the man who murdered your parents to be put on trial? Besides that, the Council is more than willing to open a case against you over the Ultron and Sokovia incident. And you wouldn't want that, now would you?"

Tony sighed. Pepper was going to be pissed. "Fine." As he was leaving, Fury called out to him.

"I'll be in touch."

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