Chapter 28

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A/N: This marks the begining of the time line for Age of Ultron. Spoilers for the movie will follow through the rest of the story. This chapter is a bit short, but it will pick back up. Votes/comments are appreciated!!! Thanks everyone!

"Stark, can you get that tower?" Steve spoke into his earpiece as he maneuvered his motorcycle over the rough terrain. The team was currently in Sokovia, the location of their last HYDRA base, and it was taking all they had to reach it.

"On it." A blur of red and gold swooped in from above and fired energy shots at the base of the watch tower. It came crumbling down, and Steve veered to the left to avoid being hit.

Flying back up into the air, Tony made his way to the actual base, the multi level building resembling an old world castle. It was built into the mountainside, and most of the foundation and floor levels sat beneath the ground. Aiming to fly straight to it, Tony groaned as he bounced off an invisible shield.

"Shit! That hurt!"

"Language." Steve said sternly. "Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?"

"This base is far more advanced than any of the other HYDRA bases we have taken. It's shield is controlled by a main computer hub, in the lower South wing."

Thor spoke into his com as he took out several HYDRA goons. "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount a defense like this without it. At long last."

"At long last is taking a little long boys," Natasha tossed a grenade over her shoulder and took out a jeep.

"Yeah," Clint agreed as he shot an explosive arrow into a bunker. "I'd say we've definitely lost the element of surprise."

"Wait a minute," Tony circled the base, scanning for weak points. "Is no one going to talk about how Cap just said "language?"

"I know," Steve thumbed the acceleration as he sped towards another jeep full of HYDRA men. Flipping forwards he threw the motorcycle straight at them, and it crashed into the jeep. "It just slipped out."


"Cora, the team is on their way back. Barton has been injured and Dr. Cho is on her way in from Sol to tend to him. When the team arrives, we will be handling their physicals." Michon came over to where Cora sat filling out paperwork.

Cora nodded. "All right. What's their ETA?"

"They're about half an hour out. Dr. Cho should be here any minute now."

Cora nodded and put her paperwork away. Going over to her station, she prepped everything she would need for the team's arrival.


"Thor, a report on the Hulk?" Natasha called out to her teammate while she sat speaking with Bruce.

"The gates of Hel are filled with the screams of his victims."

Steve's eyebrows shot up into his hairline and he hooked his thumbs into the front of his belt.

When Thor saw the look Natasha gave him, he continued. "But not the screams of the dead. No, no. Anguish, misery, a great deal of complaining. Tales of strange deltoids and uh...gout."

"Hey, Banner. Dr. Cho just arrived at the tower from Sol. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?" Tony asked from the cockpit.

"Yeah, she knows her way around." Bruce went back to talking quietly with Natasha.

Once Tony he relayed the message, Jarvis took over flying the jet, and he joined Steve and Thor in the back.

As the three of them looked over the scepter, Tony spoke. "It feels nice, doesn't it? Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties but..."

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