Chapter 27

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A/n: Sorry this update took so long, I've been having issues with my phone. Which still have not been resolved despite the fact I contacted my carrier.
Anywho, this chapter contains medical things that are loosely based on my own personal experiences but should not be used as medical advice. Also, I don't own the 1997 movie the Titanic. Comments=love! Thanks everyone!

"Well the good news is that we are now positive that this will only be temporary." Bruce pulled his glasses off and rubbed his eyes, tiredly. "Your blood is showing signs of the serum beginning to re-stabilize. Once that happens, it'll only be a matter of time until it's able to take effect."

"That's a relief," Steve finished pulling his black, long sleeve shirt down.  He bad just got done having another physical exam and more blood work.

"Tony found that the bullet they shot you with was filled with a new type of nanotechnology. It was completely random the kind of effect it would have, as each individual would react differently."

"Nanotechnology?" Cora spoke up from where she stood next to the bed Steve sat on. "HYDRA now has nanotechnology?"

"What's nanotechnology?" Steve's brows were furrowed.

"In a nutshell it's microscopic machines that are programmed to interact with a person's body on a cellular level. However, even HYDRA doesn't have the know how to make it permanent. Which is why it's wearing off. We found the files in the base.  They are so behind on development with this technology that it's almost ludicrous."

Steve frowned once more, going from confusion to concern. "I want to be sure that this tech, no matter how out dated or behind, doesn't fall into the wrong hands."

"Already on it," Everyone turned to where Tony had just entered through the curtain. "I've also developed my own little mix of anti-nanotech cocktails, to be administered to each member of the team. That way, we can avoid this fiasco in the future."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Steve eyed Tony cautiously. "I don't want another episode like when you gave Barton your own homemade flu shot." That had been a terrible week. Instead of preventing the flu, it had actually given Clint the flu. The archer had been sick and miserable, and had made everyone else on the team miserable as well.

"Of course I'm sure. I've already had Jarvis check over it, multiple times and I've all ready given myself my own dose." Tony pulled a baggie out of his pocket and held it out. "Blueberry?"

Steve shook his head. "I don't know, Tony. It seems rather risky."

"No?" Tony turned to Cora, offered her a blueberry, which she took, and then gave some to Bruce. "Does it really seem more risky than one of us getting shot with it again? We were lucky this time because you were back here before it took effect. But what if it hits one of us in the middle of a mission. My little cocktail will, in a sense, be like a vaccine. It'll prevent the nanotech from taking hold. In other words, it will give our bodies a line of defense against it. The formula will work with our bodies to stop the nanotech and to help our bodies purge it."

After a few moments of silence Steve took as deep a breath as he could and said "Well, when you put it that to the rest of the team. I want to make sure this 'cocktail' of yours is safe before giving it to everyone."

Tony clasped a hand over his heart. "Why, Capsicle! I'm hurt! You don't trust me!" After receiving a glare from Bruce, Tony lamented. "Alright. I'll run through everything again. Make sure it's ready for when you change back. We don't want to give it to you beforehand or else it might interfere with the serum."

Steve nodded. "Anything else?"

Bruce shook his head, "I have everything I need. If my estimations are correct, I'd say you should be back to normal by the end of the week. The nanotech could wear off anytime before then, so don't stray too far, and I also wouldn't leave the tower. The last thing we need is for the media to get hold of this."

"Awe come on, it could be fun." Tony popped another blueberry into his mouth. Seeing the disapproving looks the other three were giving him he said "What? It's like Capsicle is fun-sized now."

"Fun sized?" Steve crossed his arms. "I don't get it."

"You know, on Halloween. Kids go trick or treating and people pass out fun sized candy bars. They're like little versions of the big candy bars. Although," Tony munched on another mouthful of blueberries. "You're not really fun sized. You're more like a mini. Like a scrumptious little mouthful of a candy bar, but not really. Just a tease more like."

Steve blinked dumbfounded and still not sure what Tony was saying.

Cora tried her hardest not to laugh, but she couldn't hide the giggle that snuck past her lips. Soon she was laughing while heartedly.

"Really, Doll?" Steve shook his head.

Wiping her eyes, Cora said "What? It's funny."

Tony flashed a smile and offered her another blueberry, which she took. "See? Even your girlfriend thinks you're a cute mini version of yourself."

Steve had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. He was about to open his mouth to retort, but stopped short when he felt Cora's hand against his arm. Instead he turned to Bruce and said "Well if that's all you need, we'll be going."

They said their goodbyes and Steve led Cora down the hallway toward the elevator. Cora held his right hand in her left, hugging his arm close.

"You know, there is something good that has come from all of this. Even if you don't want to admit it." She rested her head against his shoulder as they rode the elevator to Steve's apartment.


After they had finished loading the dishwasher, Cora and Steve sat in the living room. Steve sat in the arm chair, his sketchbook balanced on his lap and a graphite pencil tucked behind his bad ear.  Cora was reclining on the couch across from him, flipping through the channels on the television.

"Ugh," Cora groaned and switched the tv off. "There's nothing on." She leaned back on the couch and flung her head over the edge, looking at Steve upside down. "Stevie, I'm bored!" She whined.

Steve gave a small laugh. "Me too. I've got no inspiration for what to sketch."

Cora thought for a moment, then, as an idea struck her, she hopped off the couch and said "Be right back!"

A few moments later Cora came back out from the bedroom. She wore a silk robe with flowers and butterflies, and her hair had been taken down from her clip and fanned across her shoulders. Slowly approaching Steve, she laid a dime on his sketchbook. Leaning down, she kissed him.

Pulling away to let him catch his breath, Cora said "I want you to draw me like one of your French girls." Giving him another kiss, she trailed her tongue across Steve's bottom lip before standing up and taking a few steps back.

Steve gulped. He recognized the line from the movie Titanic, which he and Cora had watched a few nights ago. But when that line had been said on the movie, Rose was asking Jack to draw her completely nude. Surely Cora wasn't asking him to-

Steve felt his face catch fire as slowly and sensually let her robe fall open to the floor. Taking a deep breath and forcing down his surprise, Steve couldn't help but look over her.  The light dusting of freckled that he knew were across her nose, picked back up lightly across her chest.  Her breasts were pale and perfect, not overly large but just the right size for his hands. Her nipples reminded him of light pink rose buds and his mouth began to water at the memory of their taste on his tongue.

Cora cleared her throat, drawing his attention back to her face. "I am a paying customer, and as such, I expect to get what I want."

Steve's blush darkened and he pointed to the couch. "Lay down," he spoke barely above a whisper, watching as Cora sat then proceeded to lay back, propped up on a pillow. She fanned her hair out behind her, mimicking the pose from the movie.

As Steve began to lay the outline, he chewed his bottom lip concentration. Glancing up, he saw that Cora was grinning widely back at him, trying to fight a fit of giggles. "Relax."

Cora took a deep breath and tried her best not to laugh. "Sorry. I was just thinking of what Tony said earlier."

"What about it?" Steve asked as he pulled the graphite tip across the page.

"Just that you're cute. I mean, have you seen yourself blush before? Adorable. It's nice to know that it's something you had before the serum, that stuck with you. The way you blush from your hair all the way down your chest. I bet if I tried I could make it go lower..." She trailed suggestively.

Steve scoffed. "Adorable? More like an unfortunate trait from my Irish heritage." He felt his face grow hotter at her suggestion. "And I'm willing to bet it's pretty low now."

Cora bit her lip, feeling a fluttering in her stomach at each glance that Steve gave her. They sat in comfortable silence, the space around them filled with warm light and the subtle scratch of the graphite across the paper.

Time seemed to slow and stop the longer they sat. Cora could feel her eyelids drooping, and Steve smiled at her. "Almost finished, Doll."

Cora smiled, doing her best to fight the yawn that wanted to stretch across her mouth. Finally, after a little while longer, Steve took a long, hard look over the drawing, and smiled. "All done."

Standing, Steve set his sketchbook and pencils on the small, round table by the arm chair where he sat, and stretched. After wiping the graphite from his hands, he went over to where Cora lay, and gently pinned her arms over her head as she was trying to get up. "And where do you think you're off to?"

Cora giggled as Steve leaned down and placed a knee between her legs. Heat seared across her lower belly as his knee gently came into contact with her center. Pressing back into the pillows she moaned.

"Mmm, like that?" Steve rubbed against her again, watching as she bit her lip and nearly cried out.  Leaning in, Steve kissed her deeply. "Now, now. None of that. I want to hear you, Doll." He pressed open mouthed kisses along her jaw and to her right ear lobe, drawing it between his teeth.

Cora gasped as she felt the index finger of his right hand press into her folds, teasing her and not yet entering her. "Mmm, Steve." Her voice was raspy. "Please." She rose up, pressing against his hand.

Giving a shirt laugh, Steve withdrew his hand. "Not yet, sweetheart." Biting down gently on her ear, he then said in a deep voice, rough with need, "I want to taste you first." He pulled back just enough so that he could bring his fingers to his mouth, and teasingly licked his right index finger. Closing his eyes and humming in content, Steve savored her taste. "The sweetest of creams." He moved lower over her body, kissing and nipping along the way. When he reached her center, he kissed the insides of her thighs, and massaged the arches of her feet.

Spreading her legs, Steve used his thumbs to open her folds, and pressed his mouth over her opening.

"Oh!" Cora's head fell back against the pillow and she fought the urge to buck her hips. Glancing down, Cora watched as Steve came up for air, kissing her just below her navel. As he did so, he pressed a finger into her, then quickly followed it with a second.

"Mmm, Steve, what's...mmm...gotten into you?" Cora bit her lip as he pressed his thumb into her clit.

Coming back up for more air, Steve flashed her a grin. "Well I did just spend over and hour looking at my best girl, laying naked and beautiful on my couch." He ran his tongue across her slit again. "You have no idea what just seeing you does to me."

Cora opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off as her orgasm ripped through her. Steve continued to work his fingers and his tongue as she came, lapping up the moisture that pooled over his hand.

Cora panted, vaguely aware of the fact that Steve was undressing. He stood at the edge of the couch, and when his last article of clothing fell to the floor, he knelt on the cushions between her legs.

Leaning over her, Steve pulled her into a kiss as he pressed himself into her wet center. "Mmm, Doll." He groaned at the sensation of being buried deep in her moist heat.  Her walls were still clenching in the aftershock of her orgasm, and he pressed his forehead against hers, reveling in the sensations.

"Mm, Steve." Cora panted, pressing her lips to his. "I love you."

"I love you too, Cora." Steve began to slowly thrust, pulling almost all the way out and then shoving into her.

They moaned in unison, Cora bringing her hips up to match each of Steve's thrusts. Bringing his hands up to hers, Steve laced his fingers with hers and looked down into her eyes as they made love.

"You feel so good, Doll." Steve panted as he continued to press into her, watching as she slowly came undone once more, beneath him.

"Mmm, Steve you-ah!" Cora cried out as she came, her words lost as she saw white. Steve gritted his teeth, his orgasm shooting through him as he felt her walls clenching around him.

Panting and shaking, Steve collapsed on top of Cora, laying his head just above her breasts.

Pressing a kiss to his sweat slicked hair, Cora wrapped her arms around him. "You gonna be okay?"

Still panting, Steve nodded his head. "Y-yeah. I'll be okay."

Cora rubbed his back, feeling her own heart pounding in her chest. Gently pressing her fingers against his spine, Cora ran her hand down, feeling the curve of his spine along the way. Pulling him closer, Cora felt him shiver. "Cold?"

"A bit." Steve nuzzled into her neck, pressing a kiss against her collarbone.

"Let's go to bed, we can pick up in the morning." Cora waited while Steve got shakily to his feet, then led him to their room.

Climbing in, Cora held the blankets up for Steve, who crawled in behind her. Noticing that he was still struggling to gain his breath, she reached into his night stand and pulled out his inhaler. Handing it to him, she said "Go on."

Steve gritting his teeth but did as she asked. First one puff, then two. After a third he finally felt his lungs opening up and was able to take a deeper breath. "Thanks." After placing the inhaler down on the nightstand, he snuggled into the blankets, allowing Cora to pull him close.

Closing his eyes, Steve allowed himself to be lulled by the sound of Cora's heartbeat, and soon they were both asleep.  Steve with his head resting on Cora's chest,
and her arms wrapped around him soothingly.


Steve's eyes snapped open. He immediately knew that something was wrong. His heart was pounding sharply and he was covered in a cold sweat.

Sitting up, he held his hands in front of his face. His vision was fuzzy and fading in and out. Steve groaned, pressing a hand into his stomach as a sharp pain laced across his abdomen. "Gah!"

Steve felt Cora sit up next to him, and her hands on his shoulders. "Steve, Sweetie? What's wrong?"

Through gritted teeth he replied "Don't know." Clamping a hand over his mouth, Steve shot from the bed and stumbled his way into the bathroom. He just managed to reach the toilet before a hot, searing pain coursed through him and he began to retch. His vision faded, and he couldn't breath as he continued to get sick.

Steve felt a set of small, warm hands against his cold sweaty skin, and he attempted to push Cora away. "Go. Don't...want see..." Steve gritted his teeth, trying to fight the heaves.

"Oh, Steve. Really? I'm a nurse. I've literally had my fingers inside of your body to dig out a bullet. I'm sure I can handle a little vomit." She rubbed his back soothingly. "Just breath. In through your nose. Out through your mouth."

Steve sat back on his heals, reaching up and flushing the toilet. Cora handed him a cold wet cloth to wipe his face, and he felt her place another on the back of his neck. "Thanks, Doll."

"Sure thing," Cora kissed his cheek. "Want me to grab you something to sleep in? Might as well put on some clothes while we're up."

Steve nodded, feeling another waive of nausea hit him.  When he retched again, nothing came up.

Cora knelt back down beside him, laying his clothes on the side of the sink. She had retrieved her robe and pulled it around herself.  "Stevie?"

"I'm ok-" Steve's words were cut off as his body seized up and he went ramrod stiff.

Realizing he was about to have another seizure, Cora pulled him away from the toilet. She knew it wasn't something she was supposed to do, but she wasn't about to let him crack his head on the porcelain. Pulling Steve until he lay in the middle of the bathroom floor, Cora had just enough time to place a folded towel under his head before he began thrashing.

"Jarvis, track the time!" Cora stood back, watching as Steve's limbs failed out around him. At least she'd had enough time to get him away from the tub and other things that could hurt him.

The seizure seemed to go on and on, with no sign of letting up. Steve thrashed from side to side, his back bowed and his limbs flew.

"Captain Rogers's seizure has reached the four minute mark."

Cora ran to Steve's nightstand and yanked the drawer open. Reaching in, she pulled out the diastat and ran back to the bathroom. "Time?"

"Five minutes, thirty seconds."

"Shit!" Cora fell to her knees next to Steve who continued to thrash about completely unaware of her. 

Pulling Steve onto his side facing her, Cora held him against her as she opened the diastat and plunged it in. Holding it in place as best she could, Cora held Steve against her. He continued to buck and thrash, and she was nearly thrown off of him. After the diastat had been in for the required time, she pulled the plunger away and kept her hand in place to keep the medicine from running.

Slowly, the medicine began to work, and Steve went limp against her. Bringing her free hand around to his face, Cora pushed his hair back. "Shh, shh," She shakily soothed him, holding him close as his sore muscles spasmed. "It's alright. It's alright, I'm right here. Shh."

When he had finally calmed, Cora pulled her hands away, and helped him to sit up. She kept her arms around him, and held him close, gently rocking his small frame to and fro, helping him to calm down.

"S-sorry," Steve spoke, barely above a whisper, his frame shaking and covered in a cold sweat.

Cora pulled him tighter. "It's okay, Sweetie. Shh, just breath. Just breath."

After several long moments, Steve swallowed and sat up. "I think...I'm okay now." He shivered again.

"How about a run you a bath? You can get warmed up."

Steve nodded, wincing as Cora pulled away from him and the cold air fully hit his skin.

Going to the tub, Cora ran the water and plugged the drain. She added a few drops of her lavender oil, knowing it would feel good to his sore muscles. Once the tub was a little more than halfway full, Cora helped Steve to his feet and into the tub. While he soaked, Cora cleaned up their clothes in the living room, straightened the blankets on the bed, and dressed in a sheer night gown that matched her robe.

Pulling her robe back on, Cora returned to the bathroom and sat on the edge of the large tub. "How you feeling?"

"Weak, shaky. On edge." Steve frowned. "I feel...weird."

Cora looked over him, running her fingers through his wet and freshly washed hair. "Do you want me to have Jarvis call Michon?"

Steve shook his head, wincing as his sore neck turned too far. "No, I'll be alright." He pulled the drain, and allowed Cora to help him to his feet and out of the tub.

Just as he was stepping out of the tub, the sharp pain in his abdomen returned and he sank to his knees.  Putting his hands out to catch his fall, Steve cried out as another spasm racked through his body. He could feel his entire frame shaking with the pain and tremors.

"Steve?" Cora knelt beside him and he tried to look up at her, but his vision flashed white as a sharp pain seared through his skull. Shoving the palm of his hand against his head, Steve moaned.

"Jarvis, get the doctor!" Cora ran a hand down Steve's bare back, feeling his spine bugle and contract beneath her palm.

Moments later, Michon, followed by Bruce, Bucky and Tony all entered the bathroom.

"Get back! Give him space," Bucky pulled Cora to her feet as Steve went into another seizure.

They all watched, unable to help as Steve cried out in pain and thrashed from side to side. His muscles bulged and the tendons stood out in his neck. With each rapid beat of his heart, his veins pulsed visibly beneath his skin.

Cora clung to Bucky, caught between not wanting to watch and unable to look away. Steve's body began to shift and change.  His muscles grew larger, too large it seemed for his tiny frame, and when it seemed that he would burst from his own skin, Steve's bones began to stretch and grow more dense. After several long minutes, his body went still and Captain America was left unmoving and unconscious.

Not waiting for the doctors to check him first, Cora fought against Bucky's hold and rushed to Steve's side. Kneeling by his broad shoulders, Cora leaned over him. "Steve?" She pressed her fingers into his neck, checking his pulse. Her heart stopped when she couldn't find one. "Steve!"

Unaware of Michon and Bruce kneeling on either side of Steve, she was momentarily startled when she saw four extra hands checking his other pulse points.  They couldn't find a pulse.

"Come on, Steve, don't do this! What's the point of changing back if you're just going to leave me?!" Cora smacked him as hard as she could in the chest.

Steve jolted awake, sucking in a deep breath as he did. Panting, he looked around, then down at himself, then back up. "What happened?"

"You scared the shit out of me, that's what!" Cora threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly.

"Uhm...sorry?" He tentatively wrapped his arms around her.

Sitting back on her heals, Cora gave the others room to check over Steve and make sure he was alright. "You'd better be sorry. Die on me again and I will beat the snot out of you."  Cora crossed her arms over her chest and feigned anger, trying to hide her trembling.

"I died?" Steve asked as Tony handed Bruce a large syringe with an even larger needle. Bruce pressed it deep into Steve's right bicep, and Steve winced.

"Your heart stopped," Michon stood back up. "But you must really fear the wrath of Cora, the minute she smacked you, you snapped out of it. Your vitals are all normal."

Bruce nodded and stood.  "I'd say the serum finally won out against the nanotech.  That shot I gave you has Tony's cocktail in it. We gave you a super sized dose, just to be sure your metabolism doesn't fight it."

Tony nodded. "Get some rest, Cap. We'll see you tomorrow."

Everyone except Bucky left, saying their goodbyes as they went.

"I'll get you some clothes that fit." Cora stepped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

Once she was out of earshot, Bucky held a hand out to Steve and pulled him to his feet. "Gave us one hell of a scare, Punk."

"Sorry about that." Steve winced, stretching his shoulders. "The second time around was a bit rougher than the first. I'm actually sore from it."

"You mean to tell me, it was like that the first time too?"

Steve shrugged. "More or less. Only I was inside a huge machine that filled with light. Thought it was gonna melt my skin clean off."

Bucky winced. "Thought I told you not to do anything stupid."

"You said stupid. You didn't say painful."

Just then Cora came back into the bathroom and handed Steve his clothes. Kissing him on the cheek, she said "Can I get you anything?"

"I'm actually pretty hungry."

Cora laughed. "A midnight snack, coming right up." Turning to Bucky she asked "How about you? Hungry?"

"It's a bit late for a midnight snack. More like a 3 a.m prelude to breakfast. But sure, what the hell?"

Cora laughed. "3 a.m prelude to breakfast coming right up."

Steve watched after her as she left, admiring the way her robe hugged her curves.

"Damn, Punk." Bucky shook his head.


"You gonna cover that up? Or hang an America flag from it?"

"Huh?" Steve frowned, confused until Bucky gave a pointed nod downward.

"Your flagpole is at attention."

"Oh, geeze, Buck!" Steve shoved Bucky from the bathroom and shut the door to get dressed.

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