Chapter 31

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A/N: This one is a bit short, but the chapters should pick back up soon enough. Comments and votes are appreciated! Thanks everyone!

Steve blinked open his eyes and glanced at the clock. Five-thirty in the morning. Looking down, he saw Cora sleeping soundly at his side. Pushing a tangled mass of curls back from her face, he pressed a kiss against her forehead. Then he gently untangled himself from her embrace and climbed out of the bed. Turning back, he pulled up his side of the blankets and made his side of the bed.

After a quick shower, Steve dressed in the pants to his suit and his Under Armor shirt that he wore under it. After putting on his boots, he kissed Cora on the cheek and left the apartment to find Sam and Bucky.

***Cora's POV***
Cora blinked her eyes open as the morning sun shone through the bedroom window. Sitting up, she looked around the room. Steve was gone, his side of the bed made up. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was seven-thirty.

Cora's heart sank. She had been hoping Steve would be with her when she woke.

"Jarvis? Do you know where Steve is?"

Cora waited a moment, and when no reply came, she remembered that Jarvis had been taken down by Ultron. Sighing, Cora climbed out of bed and pulled the blankets up.

After bathing, Cora towel dried her hair and stood in front of the closet, debating what to wear. She smiled, pulling one of Steve's shirts from the closet, and held the neck of it to her nose. Even after being washed, his clothes carried his scent. Steve didn't wear cologne, and he didn't need to. He had a scent that was all his own. Like a breath of fresh air mixed with sandalwood.

Hanging his shirt back up, Cora pulled out a white eyelet dress with a sky blue under tone. The dress came to just above her knees, and she donned a pair of wedge heels with white straps.

After pulling her hair into a loose topknot, Cora left the apartment, pulling the door closed behind her.

Taking the elevator up to the floor the party was on, Cora made her way past the mess from the night before. Climbing the stairs at the end of the room, she followed the sound of voices.

"Just keep her safe for me. I need to know that she's all right. And it isn't safe here. Not right now." She heard Steve say.

Turning around the corner, Cora found Steve standing with Bucky and Sam.

Steve immediately put an arm around her and said "We need to talk." Not waiting for a reply, he led her back down the stairs and to the elevator.

As it descended to the floor the apartment was on, Cora looked up at Steve. "You wanna fill me in on what's happening, hun?"

Steve sighed. "I need you to go back home. I can't do my job if I'm worried about you. The tower isn't safe. This city isn't safe."

Steve led Cora back to the apartment and held the door open for her. Once they were inside, he led her to the bedroom and pulled out a small duffle bag. "Pack light. You'll travel faster and easier."

"Steve, you do realize that if Ultron wants to come after me, he will find me no matter where I am?" Cora went over to him and placed her hands on his arms, making him stop what he was doing to look at her.

"I need you to do this, Cora. Please. I know you're not helpless, and you are no damsel in distress. But I need this. I need to know you are out of the city...if there is another attack..." Steve swallowed hard and blinked his eyes. After clearing his throat he went on. "I need you to do this. For me."

Cora pulled him down for a kiss and when they broke apart, she said, "I will go. But don't think for a moment that you're going to be able to go all 'Edward Cullen' on me and disappear into the night, thinking it will keep me safe. It wont."

Steve looked away. He got the reference, having seen the movie with Cora months ago. "It's my fault you're in danger. If I hadn't been so naïve as to think that I could keep the fighting and my personal life separated..."

"Don't. You. Dare." Cora took his face in her hands and made him look at her. "Don't you dare pull that shit with me, Steve. You know damn well that I knew the risks long before we ever became official. So don't you dare stand there and blame yourself for this. This is not your fault. And if you think for one cotton picking minute that I will let you walk away from me 'to protect me', you've got a whole other thing coming." She stood with her hands on her hips and glared at him.

Throwing his hands up in defeat, Steve lamented. "Alright. I get what you're saying. But please, at least try to understand where I'm coming from."

Cora dropped her hands from her hips and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I do, baby. I do." Laying her head against his chest, she sighed as he wrapped his arms around her. She could hear his heart beating and the sound relaxed her. "But I will be damned if I let anyone, or anything take you away from me, Steve."

Steve smiled despite himself and kissed the top of her head. "Come on, you should pack. Sam and Bucky will be going with you. You'll be taking a train and a couple of buses. Pay cash. Don't use your phone or credit cards. I gave Sam and Bucky both enough cash to cover any expenses and then some. Stay offline and off the grid."

Cora nodded, throwing her essentials into the bag. When she was finished, Steve lifted her bag easily and went to set it down by the front door.

"Oh! I forgot my jacket." Cora made to go back to the bedroom, but Steve laid a hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

"Take mine." He grabbed his brown leather jacket from where he had laid it on the entryway table the night before. Steve opened the jacket up and held it out for Cora to put on.

"You sure?"

"I won't need it. Besides, it's warmer and water proof. It's supposed to rain."

After she had the jacket on, Steve led her by the hand to the elevator. Taking it all the way down to the ground floor, Cora felt nauseous. She didn't want to leave. To be stuck in Ohio, back home, without Steve. Not knowing if he and the team were safe. What if something happened? Would she even know?

When they reached the ground level, Steve led her to where Bucky and Sam were waiting. Steve handed Bucky the bag and he took it outside.

"The cab is here." Sam said, nodding to Steve before going outside to wait.

Cora looked through the door to the waiting cab, and took a deep breath. Her hands were shaking, and she tugged at the sleeves of Steve's jacket which hung low over her hands.

"It'll be alright, Doll. I'll send for you when this is all settled." Steve pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her passionately.

Cora lost herself in the kiss and all too soon, Steve was pulling away. "I love you, Doll."

"I love you too, Steve." Cora blinked away the tears, determined not to cry.

Steve walked her out to the cab, and held open the door for her. Once she was in, Bucky spoke quietly with Steve, then slid in next to her. Steve shut the door, and the cab pulled away.

Turning around in her seat, Cora waved to Steve through the back window until she could no longer see him.

Turning back around, Cora sank into her seat, squished slightly between Bucky and Sam. Burying her face into the collar of the jacket, Cora inhaled deeply, Steve's scent mixed with the leather of the jacket calmed her nerves. If only a little.

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