Chapter 11

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Cora sighed and turned of the TV. She was so bored she figured she might as well go to bed.

Getting up she set the remote control down on the coffee table and turned off the living room light. As she made her way out into the entry way, Cora peeked through the lace curtains. It was snowing, and the large white flakes fell in twisting tendrils, blown about by a cold north wind. There was already a light dusting on the ground. She would have to go to the store tomorrow and stock up on groceries before the snow really hit. Maybe she could talk Steve into going with her...

"Steve," Cora placed her hand on the cold glass and sighed. Ever since the night they had shared together, Steve had been getting more and more distant with her. Sam and Bucky had both reassured her that Steve just had a lot on his mind, but Cora felt like it went deeper than that. It was strange too. One moment he was fine, acting as though everything were all right with them, and the next, seemingly out of the blue, he became distant, even cold at times. He was never mean, nor had he ever yelled at her or become angry with her. But Cora knew that there was something going on. Even if Steve denied it when she asked.

It had been several weeks since she and Steve had shared movie night in her bed, and although nothing had happened , Cora couldn't help but shake the feeling that perhaps she had pushed Steve too far. Made him do something he hadn't wanted to. The morning after that night Cora had come awake to the sweet sensation of Steve's arms around her, holding her against his chest.

He had still been asleep, and Cora had spent a good twenty minutes just admiring the way he had looked and running her fingers through his hair. Steve's cheeks had been dusted by light stubble, his eyelids fluttered as he dreamt, and the rise and fall of his breathing had been hypnotic. Steve had look so young, it nearly broke Cora's heart. He had only been about twenty-seven when he had gone down with the plane, but years of having to be a stern, war hardened man had given him over to looking older than he was when he was awake. When asleep the stern lines and harsh eyes were gone, replaced by what Cora could only call vulnerability. Steve looked so much like the twenty-three year old man he had once been, before the serum. Cora had seen photographs when she and Sam had spent a few hours at the Smithsonian several weeks before Sam met Steve.

Steve had looked so peaceful that morning, a small smile pulling at his lips as he had come awake. Two shining blue orbs had slowly blinked up at her, full of laughter as he had pulled her down for a kiss. After, when they had gotten up and gone their separate ways, it was as though an invisible wall had been erected between the two.

It was hard for Cora to sort out in her head. Steve still treated her well, and he told her that he loved her, but Cora couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with him. She had tried to talk to him, but honestly she had no idea how to approach the matter.

Cora turned and made her way up the stairs, and once she reached her door, she paused, listening.

Shift, thump. Shift, thump, shift.

Frowning Cora followed the strange noise to Steve's room. Leaning against the door she listened.

Shift, thump, shift, thump.

Upon hearing what sounded like a strangled cry, Cora knocked. "Steve?" No reply. Knocking again, Cora said louder "Steve?"

Still no answer. The noise continued, and she heard what sounded like Steve gasping in pain.

Taking a deep breath Cora opened the door and hoped she wasn't walking in on something embarrassing. "Steve?"

The light from the hall fell across his bed, and Cora watched as Steve tossed and turned, kicking as though fighting off invisible enemies.

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