Chapter 34

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Steve made his way down the hall of the new Avengers Facility in upstate New York. People greeted him as he passed by and he would give a friendly nod in return. Turning the corner, he saw Tony and Thor waiting for him.

"Hey, Capsicle." Tony greeted. "About time you got here. We almost died of old age from waiting on you."

"Sorry, I uh, got distracted...lost track of time." It wasn't a lie. Since they began living at the facility, Steve and Cora had been living seperately. Fury had agreed to let her stay on as a nurse, but would not allow them shared quarters. And so, they had taken to meeting secretly. It just so happens that Steve had just left one of their afternoon interludes.

"Uh-huh." Tony gave him a knowing glance.

As the three of them started walking, Tony said "So this mind gem. Are we sure it's safe with Vision?"

"He can lift the hammer and so he can keep it. It is safe." Thor reassured him.

"Yeah, but he's an A. I. A nice guy, but artificial." Tony put his hands in his pockets.

Steve agreed. "Yeah, different rules for us."

Thor smiled. "He is worthy of Mjolnir and so he is worthy of the gem."

"But what if you put the hammer in an elevator?" Steve asked.

"Would still go up," Tony concluded.

"Elevator's not worthy." Steve shook his head.

As they stepped outside and out onto the lawn, Thor said "I am going to miss these little talks."

"You sure you don't want to hang around for awhile?" Steve asked.

"I am needed in Asgard. Someone has been playing tricks and I need to see what I can find out." With that he pointed Mjolnir upward, and a great beam of light surrounded him. When the light was gone, so was Thor.

Looking down at the burned and smoking grass, Tony shook his head. "That man has no regard for lawn maintenance." The two of them began walking towards the gravel drive.

As his orange car pulled up, Tony said, "Maybe I should take a leaf out of Barton's book. Build Pepper a farm. Hope no one blows it up."

"The simple life." Steve hooked his thumbs on his utility belt.

"You'll get there one day."

Steve took a deep breath and glanced around, taking in their surroundings. He could hear the sound of soldiers doing their rounds from where they stood. "I don't know. Family. Stability. The guy who could've had all that went down in the ice seventy years ago. I think someone else came out. I'm not even sure I'd be able to settle down...leave the war..." He trailed off, not looking at Tony.

Tony took in his friend's appearance. "What about Cora?"

"What about her?" Steve turned to look at him.

"Well, haven't you thought about, you know, tying the knot? Don't you want to have a life with her?"

"Of course I want to. I just don't know if I can."

"Sure you can. You deserve to have a win too." Tony quoted what Steve had told Bruce, knowing it would hit home.

Steve nodded slowly. "Perhaps you're right."

After Tony left, Steve turned and went back inside to find Natasha. It was time to round out the new team.


"Okay, Michon," Cora waved to her friend and boss as she left the medical wing of the facility. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Now that her shift was over, Cora was meeting Steve and Natasha in the training room where they were going to introduce her to the new team. While she wasn't allowed to use the equipment, and Fury had her under so many restrictions she was barely able to walk down the halls without being stopped, it was still nice that Steve and Natasha wanted to include her. So she would go and watch them train. It was better than sitting in her room alone.

When she reached the large gymnasium like room, she pushed open one of the double doors and stepped quietly inside. She saw Steve working with a woman around her age. She had long wavy brown hair and wore a red leather jacket.

Sam was sparring with Vision, who Cora had already met in the hallway that morning. Natasha was talking with Rhodey who was wearing his War Machine suit and Bucky.

Not wanting to interrupt, Cora leaned against the wall and watched everyone.

"Fancy seeing you here."

Turning, Cora came face to face with none other than Sharon Carter. She stood several inches taller than Cora and had her arms crossed over her chest. "Well my boyfriend did invite me to watch the new team train."

"Right, because you can't actually train yourself. You're too weak. The only reason Director Fury keeps you around is because you are dating Captain America."

Cora fought the urge to roll her eyes. "He has a name, you know."

"Yes. But what I don't know or understand is why he stays with you. I mean, what could he possibly see in you?" Sharon gave a condescending glance up and down Cora's body.

By this time Bucky had noticed Sharon talking to Cora. He went over to Steve and got his attention. The whole team stopped what they were doing and watched.

"Agent Carter," Steve climbed the stairs to where the two women stood, but Cora placed a hand on his bicep.

"It's all right, Steve. We were just talking."

Sharon shook her head. "Why are you with her? What has she got that I don't? You deserve better Steve. She's worthless."

Steve's face flushed red, but before he could respond, Cora interjected.

"How dare you?" She took a step closer to Sharon.

Sharon grinned. Not acknowledging Cora, she continued to speak to Steve. "You know you would be happier with me. Someone who can understand you. Someone who has been through similar things. Shared life experiences." She stepped forward and made a move to put her hand on Steve's chest.

A loud resounding smack echoed through the room.

"You bitch!" Cora stood in front of Steve, where she had stepped forward and slapped Sharon across the face. "Let's get a few things straight. First of all, keep your filthy hands off of Steve! I may not be a violent person and I may not be a trained agent like you, but I will finish what you have started. Second, how dare you presume to know Steve? You don't know him, and you never will. You will never know the kind of man he is and you will never be with him. You don't deserve him. He's too good for the likes of you."

Sharon gaped at Cora. "How dare me? How dare you? I knew him first!"

"You lied to him first, maybe. But you didn't know him. You never have. Peggy would be ashamed of you. Kissing a man when you know full well he is in a committed relationship? Coming on to him in a room full of people, including his girlfriend? What is wrong with you?" Cora felt Steve place a hand on the small of her back. Turning to look at him, Cora watched as Steve addressed Sharon.

"I suggest you leave. Any more problems and I will personally fill out a request for transfer and have you back working for the C.I.A."

Sharon turned on her heal and huffed. She left the gym, swinging her arms angrily.

"Damn," Cora shook out the hand she had slapped Sharon with. It still hurt.

Steve took her hand in both of his and kissed her palm. "That was incredible, Doll." His eyes shone with pride.

Cora huffed. "I should've punched her on the helicarrier."

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