Chapter 10

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Cora finished up the last of her paperwork and closed the three ring binder. "Alright, Stacey! I'm off, I'll see you in a couple of days." She waved goodbye to her coworkers and pulled on her coat.

Cora shivered in the cold night as she made her way across the parking lot. Fall had come in a rush, and while it was Cora's favorite time of the year, the trees had quickly been stripped bare and the mildly cool weather had turned bitter.

Cora smiled when she looked up and saw Steve leaning against the passenger door of her car. Ever since her work shifts had been running later and later, Steve had taken to dropping her off and picking her up. He said he didn't like the idea of Cora being out so late on her own, and Cora was grateful for the kindness, especially after a long, hard day.

"Hey you," Cora went up on her tip toes and pressed her lips to his. She could feel Steve smiling into their kiss and when they pulled apart he said "How was work?"

She shrugged as Steve held open the car door for her. "It was alright. Spent most of the night cleaning up other workers' messes, but what else is new?"

Once Steve got into the driver seat he started the car and said, "I don't see why you stay at that job when they treat you so poorly."

Cora shrugged. It had been something she had been asking herself a lot lately. "I don't know. I guess I'll stay until something better comes along. Did Natasha get everything moved in okay?" Bucky had asked Cora a few weeks ago if Natasha could move in, and Cora was more than happy to have another woman in the house. It had taken a few weeks for Natasha to get everything lined up, but she had arrived this morning before Cora had left for work.

"Oh yeah, she didn't have a lot. That and with Bucky's help it didn't take long. He's really happy she's here. It was really great of you to let her move in."

"Awe, it's alright. She's really great to have around. I hope everything works out for them, they're really great together."

Steve nodded. "Yeah I can't believe they've been together for three months already."

Cora laughed. "Well, so have we."

Steve took her hand in his and kissed the back of her knuckles. "Did you still want to watch a movie tonight? We can take a rain check if you're too tired."

Cora shook her head. "What? No way! I've been looking forward to movie night all week." Movie night had become a weekly tradition for the two of them. Usually they would make popcorn and have snacks, and Steve would pick a movie from Cora's vast collection. It helped both of them unwind, and it helped Steve catch up on movies he had missed out on. The night usually ended with Cora falling asleep long before the movie was over and Steve carrying her to bed.

She glanced out the window at the dark street passing by. They had reached the edge of town and were now headed out to the country. Her house was about a mile outside of the town limits.

Cora yawned, stifling it behind her free hand.

"I think someone is ready for bed." Steve flashed her a wide, teasing grin.

"No way. Tonight is movie night, we haven't had time for just us in a while."

"Aren't you tired though? Your shift ran over, you need your rest, Doll."

"So do you. You haven't been sleeping well lately."

Steve sighed. "Buck told you?"

Cora shook her head. "No. He didn't have to. I can tell." And it was true. Lately Steve had been sporting light bruises under his eyes and he had been rather testy with Bucky and Sam. Irritable even. Cora had noticed that Steve seemed to go through cycles with his sleeping habits. While he never slept for long periods of time, there were times when he would sleep an average of three to four hours, and other times when he couldn't sleep at all.

"I feel like you know me better than I know myself."

Cora pulled his hand to hers and placed a kiss on his open palm. "Why don't we do movie night in my room?"

Steve glanced at her as he pulled into the long, gravel driveway the led up to the house. "Are you sure?"

"I mean, I know it's not traditional, and it's not something we've done before, but I think it'd be nice. Then you wouldn't have to carry me up the stairs when I fall asleep." She winked at him as she undid her seat belt.

Steve thought for a moment. "I just wouldn't want to...hurt your reputation." He winced, hoping that those were the right words.

Cora laughed. "Steve, it's alright. We are both adults. We've been dating for several months now, I'm really not worried about my reputation."

Leaning over she pulled his face to hers and kissed him passionately.

Steve put a hand at the back of her neck and pulled her in tighter. When he felt her tongue gently caress his bottom lip, he opened his mouth and allowed her access. They stayed like that for several long moments, each drinking in as much of the other as they could.

Breathless, they broke apart and Cora said "Steve. I could never regret anything that I do with you."

***time lapse***

Cora finished towel drying her hair and pulled on her pajamas. A pair of shorts and a white tank top.

Stepping out of her bathroom, she found Steve sitting on the edge of her bed, perusing a selection of movies. "Can't decide?"

Steve shook his head. "No. I pulled these," he indicated the movies in front of him. "because I remembered you said you liked this guy....Tim Burton?"

Cora sat next to him and gave him a kiss. "That's really sweet of you, but I don't think you'd like Sweeney Todd. It's basically about them cutting different people up and putting them into pies."

"They make movies about cannibalism?"

Laughing Cora ruffled his hair. "They make movies about anything." Picking through the pile of movies Cora pulled out the Diamond Edition of Beauty and the Beast. "How about this one? It was one of my favorites when I was growing up."

Steve took the movie and got the player set up while Cora turned down the blankets on the bed. It had taken Steve a few tries to get the hang of working the television and DVD player, but Cora was impressed at what a quick learner he was.

After Steve had gotten the movie going, Cora climbed into the bed and held the blankets back for him.

"You sure about this, Doll?" He hesitated, shuffling from foot to foot.

"We don't have to if you don't want to."

Steve shook his head. "It's not that I don't want's just different. And I do want to, I just..." He rubbed the back of his neck, nervous.

Cora crawled across the bed and pulled Steve down for a deep kiss. When they broke apart, Steve's cheeks were burning bright red and a smile stretched across his face. "Come on Steve. It's Just me. You haven't got anything to worry about."

Steve climbed into the bed, and Cora tucked herself into his side. As the movie played, she absent-mindedly drew circles with her fingers over his white t-shirt.

About halfway through the movie Steve felt Cora's head drop against his chest. Looking down, he smiled when he saw that she had once again fallen asleep. Laughing to himself, he turned off the TV, and snuggled down beside her, pulling her against his chest.

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