Chapter 7

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A/N: Credit to the wonderful artist who made this image. I found it on google and couldn't find the artist. End A/N

The four of them had been living together for several weeks, and already it was nearing the end of June.

Cora was currently working on some much needed dusting in the living room while Sam and Steve went to the grocery. They had tried to talk Bucky into going as well, but he refused saying he didn't want to deal with a busy store.

He watched as Cora rearranged things on the shelves to each side of the fireplace while he watched TV. Occasionally he would help her reach something higher up, but she was otherwise content to do the work herself.

On the shelves to the left of the fireplace were photographs of Cora with her parents and brother through various stages of childhood.

The ones to the right, where Cora was currently working, had old photographs and a flag folded in a triangular box. Some of the photographs showed a young woman, others a young man wearing a WWII Army uniform. There was also a photo of the same man and woman standing in front of a small wedding chapel.

Tired of watching TV, Bucky shut it off and went over to Cora. Looking at the photos, he stopped when he saw the wedding photo. Picking it up he said "This chapel. It looks really familiar."

Cora nodded. "That's probably because they got married in Brooklyn. They're my grandparents. My grandfather was actually from New York. He lived in Brooklyn at the time. They met before my grandfather left for war, stayed in touch as best as possible. And when he came back, she went to New York to meet up with him. They got married that very day. Afterwards they moved here. My grandmother inherited this land and house from her father. It's been in our family for generations."

"Talk about relationship goals." Bucky set the picture frame back down. "Brooklyn? Really?"

"Small world huh?"

"You ever been?"

"To Brooklyn? No. I've actually never been to a big city. I've always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty though."

"We'll have to go sometime," Cora and Bucky turned to see Steve standing in the doorway. His arms were crossed and he leaned his hips against the door frame.

"Damn, Punk. Took you two long enough at the store. What'd you do? Get lost?" Bucky cuffed Steve on the arm.

Cora went over to them and patted Steve on the arm. "Leave him alone Bucky. You know it was Sam who drove. How did it go?"

Steve shrugged. "Alright. Until Sam tried to teach me to use the credit card. I froze the system twice."

"Well you'd know all about freezing wouldn't you?" Bucky laughed.

"You know what Barnes-"

"Alright boys. That's enough." Cora laughed and stepped between them. "I'm going to go help Sam with dinner."

Steve watched her go, not realizing that he actually leaned through the door a bit to keep her in his sight a bit longer. After she went through the kitchen door and out of sight, Steve turned and took a seat on the couch.

Following him, Bucky asked "When are you going to make a move?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you've got a thing for Cora. When are you going to do something about it."

"I don't know what your talking about."

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