Chapter 11

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After that I left James's suite I didn't say a word, I didn't know how to react after our long time sex scene. I went into the lobby I sat on the couch didn't say anything either. My eyes noticed a man walking in he had dark curly hair, sunglasses and a leather coat, he was also hispanic. "Its nighttime why the hell does he have sunglasses on?" I thought "Nice to see you again on this halloween" Liz said to him as if she known this man for a long time. The man turns around looking at me, our eyes met I kept myself neutral but tilted my head slightly at him he continues talking to Liz. "Who is he?" I asked curiously "and why is he here just for halloween?" I continued "unless he's here to go to James's killer party" I narrowed my eyes at him I followed him down the hall he didn't notice me. "Looking for someone?" He asked "No, just trying to get to my room" I said with my transatlantic accent booming away proudly. "Do I know you?" he continued "You should darling" I told him laughing a little. "He looks down the hall then says "I must go" as he walks down the hall I knew he was up to no good. I went into my room to get ready for this killer party putting on a nice white satin dress which wrapped lossely over the chest(like the picture), my hair in the most perfect finger waves. Nails coated red with a little jewelry to define the beauty of this dress. As I was walking out my room I heard a terrorizing scream coming from the other hall. I walk to see what was going on "HELP THERE'S A KILLER CHASING AFTER ME!" the woman screamed and cried. The same man I was talking to earlier was chasing after her, James stood ahead of her and said "And theirs a killer before you " he said grimly he grabbed the woman taking a good look at her face "Their's a killer walking past you too." I said

 I could hear James smile and laugh a little , I wanted to stop them from killing that women but this seems to be James's favorite night and if I ruin it for him he won't be too happy with me. So I decided to go to the bar where I found John, he didn't notice me until Liz asked what did I want to drink? "Sherry, Please" I told Liz, Liz smiled and said "Old drinking, is your style" I laughed at the remark. John looked over at me, before he could say anything suddenly a rowdy woman comes in ready for the young night Liz began talking to her. I listened to the conversation "I know you" John admitted just as he continued to talk Liz gave me my drink I looked over at the woman. She wasn't all that pretty, her clothes made her looks even more manly like as if she just came from the countryside without a stop of refreshing herself. When I got a good look at her I knew exactly who she was, a serial killer who's name is Aileen Wuornous I saw her on the Television in my room it was a movie called monster. Her eyes caught me, I looked away as the two continue this conversation John drank so much that him and Aileen started really getting into each other. I know how Aileen does her kills she either gets them drunk or they really want her for the night, she takes them to a bedroom thinking their getting lucky but she kills them instead. She's a black widow I thought, so the two of them try to go upstairs but Liz stops john and says "John, do you really see her looks?" questioning his safety. "I'm too drunk to see" He admits bluntly, the funny part about this was john really thought she had a costume on until she got closer to his face saying "Look at me john, does this still look like a costume to you?" I watched them rush off, I turned to Liz "He has no idea what he just got himself into especially living in the Cortez" Liz sighed and went back to working. " I wanna sing" I thought I got up and walked over to this little set up that was still left of the fashion show. 

I grabbed the mic and started singing ride by lana del rey live

A lot of people gathered around to hear at the end everyone applaud but it felt like the hotel awoke from a dream that hasn't been alive in a long time. I looked at my side james  and  was standing in the hallway. 

It's time for his party... 

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